HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-1924 ~ e .... . e. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF TOWN OF OCOEE HELD MONDA', FEBRUARY 18th, 1924. 4 Meeting was oalled to order.Present: B.A.Minor, C.J.Farmer, . R.F.Whitaker, and C.H.Flewelling. .otion was made and oarried that B. A Minor aot as President pro tem. of Counoil. Minutes of the last meeting, viz: February 4th, l~24, were read and approved. Motion was duly made and oarried that A.M. Clarke be elected Mayor of Town of Ocoee vice F.H.Maguire, resigned; A.M.Clarke was duly declared to be elected Mayor. B.A.Minor was duly elected President of Oounoil. .. The following Ordinanoes were passed by the Counoil; aldermen voting for: B.A.Minor, C.J.Farmer, R.F.Whitaker, and C.H. Flewelling: against: None: Ordinanoe No.13. An Ordinanoe Granting a Publio Franchise. Said franchise being granted to F.H.Magui~e and T.C. Hawthorne for lighting plant and system. Ordinanoe No.14. An Ordinance Granting a Publio Franchise. Said franohise being granted to Hoyle Pounds and J.R, Pounds for water system, e- It was agreed by F.H.Maguire and T.C.Hawthorne, and Hoyle iounds and J .R.Pounds tespeotively that the Town should have the right to purohase said lighting system or water system or both if suoh right is exeroised wi thin sixty days.'c ..-" ;': Motion.was made and oarried that the Clerk be instructed to purohase 100 dog tags to oonform to ordinanoe previously passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ~~rr Pre sid. en t . Attest: Clerk. e- L ';;., \ '. ". _... .- ~ OODNOXLMIDN. F. H. MAGUIRE. MAYOR ..... M. OLA.RKlDt PRIIIB. Olr OOUNOIL ;~WN OF ocolIb B. .... MINOR O. J. II"ABM:B1R R. ... WHITAKJlIR ~ O. H. FLIIlWIIlLLING .r-"~, ~. "\ ,r-""-- I , ~~ .~\ ~~ .~",l\ "l ~ shall be null am. vold. //~~ Presidcntof Council DODEE. FLORIDA. , , February 18th, 1924. hcreb3' It is.agreod and understood between the TOlin of Ocoee and Hoyle Pounds tha. t th e Town C ouno 11 of the Tom of Oooee aerees "..,...Jb to oa11 an e1eotion :m:f:ddm to dcterm1nie if the people of the Tm~~1~'.ioOSEJ ilh1sh to take-tho water.. system w1 thin ~ days, shu1Ud the town voteto take over s.1d systems, then the framthise grrolt ell to . water Attest: ~~lerk. /1 ~ . ---- --:--- ............ ... D. F. WURST. OLERK ~ ti- '~.-, " F, H. MAGUIRE, MAYOR/" / OOONOUdO_, ~~/// ; /" e ::::::::m,PREs.oPOO.morC' .TOWN T e. OF OOOEE D, F. WURST. OLJIlRK O. J. rARMIDR ~ ; ~ R. ... WHITAKIDR o. R. rLJDWJaLL!NO OCOEE. FLORIDA. ~~ -~~'-'-- February 18th. 1924. ~ hereby It isAagreed and understood between the ~own of Ocoee and Maguir'e & Hawthorne that the 1'own Council of the Town of Ocoee agrees .~J...lb to oall an ele otion :mfJddu; to determinie if the people of the Town of Oooee whish p,~ 11t'J.r:r to take the lip;ht system wi thin iAiri$' days, ahu.ld the town voteto take over slid systems, then the framrhise granted to Maguire & Hawthornehal1 be null am voidl_ "-:7--/.___ _ /J;~ 1.y-If/KY~11'- ~ A() ~~ ~? )~wL\ President of C ouncir ~ "" -" -. .. Att~ ~rk. I l~ ~ l''- , I l