HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-1924 r --, e . e. e REGULAR MOIEL1HLY l.1EnTIlJG 0:;;\ ~'HE TOV1N COUNCIL OJ? TITi:; To~'.rN 01~ ocmE HELD 1.1arch 3rd, 1924. l.leeting ViaS called to o:cder py Presi(lcnt of U ouncil, Li. d. IJinor 1'he follo-oing councilmen vrere present: B lJ., I.1inor, R.l!'.\'lhitcl;:er, C. H. b'lewelling and LIayor 11. 1.1. Ulark e. Motion ....:as made by l{, IP. "\7hitaker, seconcled by G. H. J: lewelling aI1cl cal~ried that ~, 1. Gl'iffin be elected acmember 0:: too TovaJ. Council to fill the unexpired term of A. Mil' Clarke, The water and light quostion nas ~ain discussed with lIr. L.. w. ~ aino, a i.'Opl'es cnat i vo of the J. B. MeC:cary Enginoor ing Corpo:cation of Atlanta, Geo:tgia. Clerk was instructed to have l.Iaguire & ~Iai7thorne ancl Hoyle Founds muet with the C aunc il I.larch 4th, at 6: 4>0 P, H. 0 r cloc1:: for tlme :purpose of get ting a thirty days ext ention on c crtain agrocr:lents cnt oreo into by 2nd bet\'rccn the TOi"ill of Oc oee aru:l I.Taguire t; __aiithol'no and Hoyle Pounds on February 18th, 1924. .' ,. L:otion \vas mac e by H. 1!\ i7hitaJ:er and seconded by C. H. Fle\7e lline; and llilanimously carried that TIr, IT, N. Jensen serve as Sanitary Inspector for the TO\Vl1 ~ithout any compensation. The following ordinal~e was passe( by the Council; Alderman voting far: C. H, :B1levlelling and R. }.'. Whitaker; voting aGainst: Hene nOrdinar..ce Ho. 15. .fin Ordinance regulating traffic and parking on McKay street betvreen the litlanctic C o as it Line Rail110ad E..'1: 0. Bluford avenue.n The ~1}oYm after being inco:cpol'flt. eO. as sumcd th e respons ibility for the upkeep of the Conm:unit~l Bath House, in order to &cfl'ay ;hese eXl)enses, updm a motion by U, H. Flerrell-ine and second by R, F. Whiatker ane. cu1':cd:md, the bull d:ing was leas e to J, Ylai ts 101' aperiod of ii ve yea.rs, the considel'Cltion thcrefor being One Ihmdred Dollars (0100.00) per year payable on the 1st of J.:lay of each year lmtil t he expiration of s ai <l ii v e years. 1'he leas e being &1'8.\"111 and attehechec1 1101' ei...i th anu being a partt of the minutes of thi s mo eting. '.l.'here being no ot'"or or further busiress the meeting ajourned. Attest: . 'e: ~~ Cle . .. ~ ~ e . e. . state of Florida County of Orange, I, E. L. Griffin do solemnly swwar that 1 will protect, support and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State. of Florida aga inst a1.1 emenies and allegiame to the same, am that 1 am entitled to hold offioe under the Constitution; that I will faithfully perform all duties of the offioe as alderman of th e 1'own of 0 co ee on whi eh I an about to enter. ::)0 help me God. . Sworn to ami subsoribed - -- - before me this 3rd dB. y -'. . oJ: 'March A. D. 1924. -"- - -~'/ / ~ -~- ---,-rtic~k~ 1--.- ~ ~--- "yor, iown of caee ~ ::- -: -:"\" - ....... ..::::-- ~~ ~ -- " /"I... .. .. ............--.-----.: e L