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SPEC 1AL liliE1'IHG <U' ~llE TO'.n~ counc 1L
lIarch 11th, 1924
Meeting was called to order.
IJotion waS' made anI lmanimuusly carried that
C, H, Fle'welling act as Chairman of the meeting in
the absence of Pres ident B. A. Minor.
'1'he foIbwing aldermen rlere l)resent: C. H. ~ler!elling,
Ei L. G:biffin, t..:. J. ]'armer and R. J'. rlhitaker, and
Mayor A. H. Clarke.
The attached contract between the To~n of Ocoe~
and the J. B. EcQ.rary Engineering Corporation of Ltlanta,
Ga. Vas entered into upon motion made by E. L, Griffin
and seconded by H, F, Whital:er and was unanimously carl'ied.
'1'here being no other or fUl'ther bus ine 8S the
meeting ajourned.
l~res ide nt ~ro- t em
Attest: ~ _
, .-..,..
Municipal Engineering Contract
h ~MORANDUM OF AGREEMENT executed ou this___IJ~~ _______day of
_~d~~n--__----A. D., 192~bY and between the ;.-~~~ Engineer-
ing Corporation of Atlanta, Georgia, a corporation duly chartered and organized, hereinafter desig-
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nated ~~GINEERS, ~nd the ____~~~-a..:::---- -__._____,___________~_______~---------~-'
a mumclpal corporatIOn of the State oL_______ W~_____heremafter desIg-
nated CLIENTS.
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and desire to engage the servIces of ENGINEERS to design, direct and supervise said improve-
ments, this contract is executed between the parties to evidence the agreement relative thereto
as follows: !,; q_._.' _ .
3. The ENGINEERS at their expense will make all necessary surveys and investigations and
will prepare all preliminary and contract maps, plans, specifications, estimates and reports, fur-
nishing CLIENTS when completed one full set thereof; additional copies to be furnished. at actual
cost of reproduiCtion. The ENGINEERS will assist CLIENTS in securing and receiving bids, and
will upon request advise them in letting all contracts. ENGINEERS will inspect all materials
and machinery, will make monthly estimates upon which payments to Contractors are made, and
will supervise all work during construction, such inspection, monthly estimates and supervision, to
be done by the Resident Engineer provided by and maintained at the expense of ENGINEERS
for the time specified in the original contracts for construction. Sho~ld the 'con~truction be de-
l-;:y~d b~ond the time aliowed in said construction contracts, CLIENTS will pay to ENGINEERS
each month thereafter all expenses incurred for engineering supervision and inspection in addition
to the fees hereinafter provided.
4. In consideration of the faithful performance by the. ENGINEERS of the obligations as-
sumed by them hereunder, the CLIENTS a~ee to pay to the ENGINEERS the following compen-
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5. For the Prelifui~ar.~- Se~;ices comprising the furnishing of plans, repo,rt, estimates, specifi-
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cations and engiueerrng~ad.'ViC\[.Jn~it:Wrig contracts, an 'amount equal ~otwo and one-han: .(2;'/2%)
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per cent of the~ot5LI::co~'ra~ri~ of~,said improvements. For su~~rVision. ~~rvises, an~a.mount )
equal to three' and _one...r~lf t3Y2 %): PEtrceI1-t of the total contract prIce of saId ~mProvements.~
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6. It is contemplated and agreed that the compensation of the ENGINEERS is to be paid out
of funds now on hand in the CLIENTS' Treasury, or out of funds which may lawfully be derived
by the CLIENTS from taxes or ~~e~~~ng ~n~~~ ~~___
7. On delivery of the prelimin~ ~la~tes and repo1\the CLIENTS will pay the
ENGINEERS the sum of $_~~_~_________________, as a credit on the amount due them.
The remainder of the 2112 % fee for Preliminary iJervi'ces is to be paid. to. the' EN G INE'ERS on or
before the time when the contract for construction of said improvements is let. In the event
the contract is not promptly let and the delay shall make it necessary or expedient that changes
or modifications should be made in the plans, estimates and specifications to take care of changes
in cost or conditions, or improvements in the art, the ENGINEERS will without additional charge
make such revisions provided such delay does not exceed five (5) years.
8. In th event CLI
and other dat to the E
portion of the
estimated cost of
, estimates
of the
9. In the event the contract is let and lawful provision is made therefor, the CLIENTS shall
have the option of paying for Supervision Services monthly as the work progresses instead of
paying them in lump sum in advance.
10. It is understood and agreed that no verbal agreements exist outside the stipulations herein
set forth, this instrument constituting the entire agreement and undersanding between ENGI-
NEERS and CLIENTS relative to the subject matter hereinbefore expressed.
11. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their names to b~jgned and
their seals>~~ affixed by their duly authorized agents, in DUPLICATE, on this --ff~T----
day of --.7.d~------____--_and the year above written.
12. Valid when ap roved 'by the President or Treasurer of the ENGINEERS.
- ~~::_~~~/~~:~~~ -J. B. MO,e:::? :~;~G ~ORPORATION
BY_~~ _ By -r/fj~--~~--
~_Z_---~i...<~~';i:1t;.~ Approved for the, ENGINEERS this _/.__2____
.. .J ~ IfI I . f ~ day oL~4;;;.:..~92_~_
------~~~ By .-d~;~i~-y ~.{_,-_____
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RESOLVED, That the foregoing agreement betw'een the J. B. McCrary Engineering Cor-
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poratlon and the _______________________________~_____~----~---------
..-- City or Town of '
__.._______________~____~~_________________, be entere~ into, and that the
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, Mayor or other Contracting qpfcer
-----------~----------------------------- ~
Olerk or Secretary J
of this municipality sign it on behalf of said municipality.
~ ~ I
Clerk or Secreta~y
of the
City or Town
Name of Town
. keeper of the records and seal of said municipality, do certify that the foregoing is a true copy of
a resolution and contract thereto pertaining as adopted by the
Name of Official Body
II ~. ~L)
of said municipality on __________________ day of _______.___.._______________________192__~;
the foregoing being a true extract from the Minutes of said municipal body.
WiTNESS my hand and the seal of said municipal corporation this _____1--L_________ day
-- fi .- - - - ~ -..,
of _________~~___________192__~
or Secretary
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Located on___A.__rP._~________ __________R. R.
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Council Meetsj,,=t2:4d..-~
Full Initi'als and Names of Mayor, Council and Clerk.
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