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OF S.RE ~10',,11 0];' OCOEE lillLD
. April 7th, 1924.
I.Teeting c~llee ord.er by ~residont, B. A. IJinor.
rEhe follwoing aldermen were ]jresent: B. i. Hiner
C. J, :B'axmer, C, H. JPlewelling anl.J.\, 1.1, ularke, Hayor.
Minutes of the foJ.Joi7ing meetings Vlere read and
approved: March 3rd, l:arch 4th, I.Iarch 11th, Uarch 29th.-1924.
It was Dgre eel. among the coullcimcn present that
C, J. Farmer .and C, H. Fle'welling s.e:eev 011 street Committee .
anl L. .L, Griffin and TI. ]'. Whital:er sorve on Sanitary Comf:1ittee,:
lIre L. 1J, ,.)aine, a l'elJresonativo of the J.D. 1,Ic0ral'Y
EnGinel'ring C ol'pol'ation of .A tlahta, Ga., ViaJj pl' esent an (1
presented the Council rveith the planu, _-specifications and
estimated of a'water system of the tO~TI.
Clerk Vl[fj instl'ucteC to post not ices 3:b out over
tovlLl asking the citizens 0::' the tovm be ])1:osent ata
meeting to be hel<1 .Jipril 11th, 1924 at the ;:;c11001 _'i.uclitOl'irun
at eight 0 I olock Ert n11i ch l.i:c. :::Jain e Dgreed to be pr es ent
and. present the plans, estimates ane ::::peciiioatiol1s o:t' a
water sYGtem, so tho 1)80ple could d.ecide in an intellicent
I:UlLYlm' ':.'hethor or not it ',-,ould be i,ish t'01' the '.2o'.-.n to
own the vm.ter system. by ta.1{ing a vote.
S.lhero being no fm"tther businoss the meot:ing ajourned.