HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-1924 r 1- . 1 e ..e., MINUTES OF !LHEE MEETING CDF"THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOm OF OCOEE HELD JULY 7TH, 1924. Meeting was called to order by ~resident of Counoil B. A. Miner The following Councilmen were present: B. A. Minor, C. J. Farmer E. L. Griffin and J. M.Argo. The minutes of the Meeting held June 2nd and June 16th, 1924 were read ani approved. Mayor A. M. Clarke being away on his vaoation, President of Counoil B. A. Minor automatioally becomes acting Mayor and heretofore provifed in ordinanoe. Motion was made, seoonded and carried thst C. J. Farmer aot and President .Pro-tern b~ the Counoi1 until the return of Mr. Clarke. ./ -- .. made, Mr. J. J. Robertson waS present and suppitted to the Ctunoil a proposition for the opening of a certain street running by his plaoe. Moti~n was made by J. M. ArlO and seconded by EL.Griffin and carried that the matter be ref'rBed tonthe Street Committee and report at the next regular meeting. Thw following ordinanoe was passed by the aouncil: Aldermen vottig for: B.A.Minor, C. J. Farmer, J. M. Argo and E. L. Griffin, V ot ing Against: Non e. Ordinanoe No. 17. Ordinanoe Regulating the running at large of Live stook and Providing for Impounding with oharges. The following bills we ordered paid up6n a motion duly seoonded and oarried: Buroh Printing Co $1.25 for Printing Registration oertificates N. T.'?Yarborough 5.50 for hauling1'trash P. D. Drew 4.50 for filling up washout Bluford ave Lx,,.:a il....l,#J~ lI.J~~IXYXXXX'"f)" e~I l"wx~Il~UllfS^t&'.ti~Y .' The Clerk WaI given until July 16th to get the assessment roll completed. Thu fo110vdng notice was ordered posted in regular places for posting suoh notioes: "TO TAX PAYERS Oi!' THE'TOWN OF OCOEE: This is to advise you that the Town Council pf the Town of Oooee will call a Special IDeeting of the Council for the purpose of hearing any oomplaints and receive testimony as to the value of any >>roperty, real or personal, as fixed by the assessor of taxes, on Thursday Night July 24th, 1924, at 8:00 P.M. o'clock. D. F. wurst, Clerk." ~ There being no further or other businees the meeting ajourned. &j.?~ ~-..,..~ ~ Atte*t: ~~ . ~