HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1924 r-- e ~ e' . Udnutes of a Regular Meeting of the Tov~ Council of the Town of Ocoee held Ootober 6th, 1924. Meeting was called to order by President of Council B.A.Minor. The following councilmen were present: B. A. Minor, C. J. Farmer ~d E. L. Griffin. Mayor A. M. Ciarke was also present. Minutes of the meeting held September 1st, 1924 were read and approved. C~erk was instructed to write Mr. Pkil C. Peters of Winter Garden, Florida, to tear down old house known as the "John Williams It housecl located of the South side of the Winter Garden-O~oee road. as it obstructed the beauty along the highway. f The following ordinance was-passed by the Council: those voting or: C~ J. Farmer, E. L. Griifin,B. A. Minor; voting against: Mone: ffOrdinance No.20. An Ordinance Regulating the Construction and repair of Buildings in the Town of Ocoee.1I . The following ordina~e was amended: those voti~4 for. the amendemnt: C. J. Farmer, E..L. Grlffin and B. A. Minor; votl~g aglnst: none. ~Ordinance No. 18 was amended by adding another section to Article No.1 of the Ordinance, this section being Section ~, and Beading as follows: nThe no privy shall not be .rected neare( than forty (40) feet to any residenoe unless permission is otherwise granted by the Sanitary Commiteee." Clerk hefhouse haa. been order to was instructed to udvise Mrs. Maggie L.' Griffin that on the West side of Bluford Avenue of the Town of Ocoee condemned, and that she was given thirty daws time in remove it. The Registration Books were canvassed, fifteen names were erased on account of tbe parties having diBd or removed from t~e town. There being no further business the meeting ajourned. AtteST: . ...J 'L . ~ f t . ..... lid. OLARXB, PHIlO.. 0.. OOdOIL ~ I . I - . TOWN OF OOOEE · n. F. WURST. OLBlRK B."". MINOR o.J.rA.ll.M. R. r. WHIT.AXBR ,. o. H. rx..WBLLlNG OCOEE. FLORIDA. ". : : : :: BOTICE ::::: , ,'. List of persons who have diel or removed from ~own of Oooee, or who are otherwise disqualified to vote in Town eleotions in Town of Oooee, said name. having been erased from registration book of Town of Oooee by. order of Counoil Ootober 6th, 1924. /C. H. Anderson , c. C. Robertson ./ Mrs. Lura Anderson J. c. Rutherford ie ;' G. L. Britt Mrs. H. Shaffer 'jt /' E. C. Blair . Miss Constanoe Shaffer /,Mrs. G. L. Britt /H. F. Snow f ,. ~ 1JM'f/'~~ f~'~----- ~ Miss Florenoe Shaffer /' .J; W. Brown) Ill:,:'" ~ \. .- ~ J. F. Gardner Harry Shaffer. '" M. cr. Gardner Any person whose name has been_ improperly. erased , may have it rest ored upon making the faot appear to the satisfaotion of the Counoil at anytime not less than five d~s before the eleotion. l ~- "..- "\'. . 'e - 'e 'v State of Florida County of Orange. ~; ~e .. I, R.A, RewiS do solemnly swear that I will protect, support and defend the Cons~itution and Government mf the United S~ates and of the S,ate of F:1. or ida agains t all enemies and all egiance to" the same, add that 1 am entitled to hold office under the Constitution; that I will faithfully perform all duties of the office of the Marshall of TOV'lIl of Ocoee on which I am about to enter e ~ ..~ , . -"' ~\ pworn to-~nd subscribed :.' _~. p.efor e me ,t;h is 9th day ! : ~:~ o~ Oll:ti>be r ~.ll,.)r4 / -. ~ -/~- Mayor,~own of Ocoee. /::' ..... "- - ......... /" ,.. ----...~ e --- 1- k -. PROCLAMATION OF MAYOR OF TOWN OF OCCEE Announoing Regular E1eotion for the purpose of eleoting Mayor. Clerk, Marshall, and three Aldermen. - Ie Said election to be held on Tuesday November 11th. 1924 at the Direotors Room of the Bank of Oooee building, from 8 o'olook A. M. until sundown. Registration book wU1 open on Ootober llth. 1924 and remain open until ten d~s prior to the eleotion. Only those persons who are registered are entitled to vote in this eleotion. .., I hereby appoint 4.1l.Pounds, G. A. Washburn and J. J. Robertson as 3udgee and R. C. Bigelow, olerk of this eleotion. ~f~ Mayor. loo