HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-24-1924 SS -e . e e e SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUIWIL OF THE TOWN OF OCOEE HELD November 24th, l~ 4. .If OR T HE PURPOSE or READING OVER CHARTEBS OF DIFFERENT TWWllS IN ORDER THE GET AN OUTLINE ]10R ONE FOR THE TOWN OF OCCE E. Meeting was calJa dto oredrr by President of Counoi1 B. A. Minor. The fo1lwoing Councilmen were :r:r esm,t: B. A. Miner C. i: . Farmer, J. M. Argo and E. L. Geiffin. After reiding over Charter of thw Town of Winter Garien the meetdlng ajourned~ after oat s were t~en by all offioials. e e I .' 'e . - e STATE OF FLORrDA: COUNTY OF ORANGE: I, A. M. Clarke do sOlemenly swear that I will proteot, support and defend the Constitution and Government 0 f the United states and of the state of Florida against all eDemies and alleg~oe to the same, and that I am entitled to hold offioe unier the Constitution; that I will fatthfully perform all duties of the offioe as the Mayor of the Town of Oooo.e on whioh I am about to enter. S-? help me God. ~ /" / Swprn to and 'subscribed before ~ me~nis 24th day November, 1924. ",--. ~ ~ -~ ""\ -" .~ Pu&ior the Sl~te 0\ r I'..". ... - t.i.~ ~~i2.:11 f.w!,-~~~ljiilu.st .'4 I -~ ~- ~ '-.. - .- ST1~.TE OF ]!'ORIDA: COUNTY OF ORANBE: We, B. A. Minor, c. J. Farmer, and E. L. Griffin, respeotively, do solemnly swear that we will protect, support and . defend the Constitution and G~vernment of the United states and rnr the state of Florida against all emenies and allegiance to the same, and that we are entitled to hold office under the Constitution; ~hat we will faithfully perform all duties of the office as Alderman of the T~ of Oooee on which we are about to en~er. So help me God. .' '"'- ~~ ~w'prn to and~~bscribed before :-_~m~: .~~ -24tp_A of 7vember A. ~'I' -r)Z:~ . ~or ow 0 Gco ee. , ..... ""'.... ..... ..... - ---..... D. 1924. STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF ORANGE: I, D. F. Wurst, do solemnly swear taht I will protect, support and defend the Constitution of thE United States and of the State of Flori4a, against all emenies and allegiance to the same f- lJ.nd....,that I am enti tIed to hold 0 ffice undervlbhe cConsti tution; th~t -I-wil~faithfully perform all duties ofnthe office of Clerk o-f'the Town 'of OCOEle on whic h I am about to enter. So help me God. - '.- /"" - - -................._~-- ;--Sworn to and subscribed before - - -...,-..r --- ,-.....~ ~~rth~8~z$~ember d D~ 1924. ~ of-aooee. , /'" .... ~- ....- - ....' STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF Ol~ANGE: I, R. A. ~oteot. support and defend Rewis, do solemnly swear that I will the Constitution of the United States and ~ . I- e -e .. e - .~ /'..... - ~ I.. _ ,.....- .....____"'1(-