HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-1926 SS
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BPICI AT, JOftIllG OJ' TO CITY OOlT.fCIL, J[ILD l'D.....~ ~, lta6.
K..ti.~ oall.. t. .r.er \y Y. I. Kaca1r., Pr... .t .tA' C'..011,
wi. tA tll. t.ll.un. .....r. pr...at: 3. J. !Citrkla..., 'I. :I. :tWin:,
C. J. Yar..r. C. I. P..... a....t.
P.r,... .t tll1. ..etla, was t. r.o.1T' \1.. .n .23,100. w.rtll .t
PaTl... ..... (Marl.. Park) a. It.r ...,.rtl....Rt ap,.annc 111 tll.
Orlan" lI.rainc S.nti.al.
Tll. .1... ".re .p.n.", as reaal.....:
~r...ien & Ce..9i .~a,3~i. & Acora.. rat.
.uk .f 0.... .'6-01/a taa,IS'7'7.IO. ·
.1.. at Pr......lIl & C.. 'R&S rflJ f1ctei <'In _Jttl.. .t J. J. !t1rkla:U.
..a...... .Y C. J. Jara.r an.. oarrl.... -aak.t 0.... ..1., Ai,a
.1...r was r.q...t.. t. ..1. their .1. ')tla utl1 C.ltnol1 1"1)1t
olnlJlier thl!' 1.,:\ t tel" f1;!rth.flJr. :J ~k qT". t. .. tlU..
".re .e1RI .. rartAer ...1ft..., ta. .e.tlsc aiS.ur.... '~'Jeot
t. oAll !!I:"" I'resiient ot the Cliauncll.
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Itre.l".nt. U
~:liJI,~ IlI:ITIN!P OJ' Tn CrT? COUlTCIL (ADJOtI.IDD DOl( J'.D. itlt,
1'26) ~D YII. IOta, 1,a6.
Call... t. .r.er ....1 Y. :I. )(acu1re, with t}'l.~ i\.11wlJ1, )re.'lIt:
C. I. It...... J. 1. X1rkl...., C. 1. Yara.r. _. .. .w1~I.
Attttr hll, .lao..al.n -.'1 C.uneil, C. I. P-nni" ...."ei, fUtoantetl
.7 C. J. :tara.r, tllat all .1.. t.r ta. tas,'oo, artlt .t Paylae
I.... .. r.J.ot.., ana re-aiTertis... '
Tller. "..l.c .. tarther .lIl's.1nel5l5. ilteet1J1C aiJ a.rue..
Pr..1..11tlj ,
.... ,..tt..t:~ Clerk.
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'b, ctv Council ot ~. CIV ot Oooel D1Bt ln If.pecla1 ....loa
~t to .4_ notlce ud. all on tU 5th _ ot Fe'b:raar7, 1.26.
Pn..nt -lL A "dTTIT.23,E, ew/iva.
I. J. Jtirkl,&Dl,
o. I. Juo_r,
r. B. ~.
O. B. Poundl
Abnd .. .aD1
It ... aBJ'lOQDC.d by tM Pre,ide1s ot tbe OOlmDl1 that thll parpo..
ot the .e'UII8 ..... to noelve bit. on that l.ne of Twenty Thrle ThoU8A1'14 '1ft
bndn4 Dolla'rl (..500) Improvement bOJMle ot thl Olty ot OOMe.
'lhe tollow1Dg bids wen aubm1tte4.
~a fa ColIIp&qJ' .. 16 aDd. lnteN.t,
Bank ot 0Ne1 - 98 and. In_".t.
Jfo1e4 by Councllman Farmar, ..coDded b7 COU'DC11maA Pouda that
the b14 of the ~ ot 0008. 11. accqM4. Upcm. Z"011 oall the toU_lag 'f"OteA
..a. *' un 11 ~ ~ !;- W I A/~..
J. J. XSl't1aD4.
o. J. fU"llllll',
'I. H. agrdre J
c. n. Pos.
!l1r7" NOM
!he" belD6 no fV1lhez' bu1JJ8... vpoa motion, the maetiDg a4JoW'Ue4.
. .. . .. . .
~'" Cotm'l'r Oll' OBAlGl )
$1'A.Tl1 011' FLORIDA )
oeri1t7 that tit "l'ih>>Hrltw, ii&l B4r-~oy.JeWcgW optmMa. a, IInlls
ot tM C1ty council helel Oft the 6th ~ ot Ve'bJ:'UU7. 1926.
'1.'1 IV hand and oeal thl. U 4a,. of reWual7. 1'26.
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t \. lark. '~,
( seal)