HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-15-1926 -- .~ " . e JlIJJt]T7.e 07 A UGULAJt DftIITG 0:' TXJ CITY COUlTCIL, lit., 1926. Keet1ftC oall.. t. .r.er .y Y. H. ~~U1re, Pres1eent ef the C.ano1~ wi th the f.ll'w1!1~ an8wer1nc ,resent: lI. X. ~C:t.T. J. X1rklana, C. ~. yaraer-------A.8ent: C. H. Penn... .. ., .. . ' '. OLD )lAACK .- Kin1ltel reae an. ap,r'Te.. C.-unicati.n. reu. 3tate ~.ar..f. :Real th letter in recar' te water analYlis. Oceee water I.p,lj' \'f&8 ,ren.unce. ClOOD an. ea- tirely 8atlsfactery t. the Kealth Auther1t1el. ' rt was .eo141ei BY Ceuncil te ,lace a ..x 1n trent .f Oceee ][ari.w&P!t CI. .n April 3r.. 1926, lnte which. c1tizens et Oceee atlht 'place taeir T.t.. ter .r ac&1!18t a tax leT)" ter ,u.lie1 ty. Thi 8 ..tU. De a C-l'e f.r tlle C.uncll In a&kbJ~ the leTY. )T.tlee. were '1I1y ,..tea explaininc this aatter an. the aethe. .1' Te tine. c. .T. Yanaer reperte. that Jlrs. 1(. Y. lI&<<uire hai crante. eit,uCh~ lana .n east 81.. et ~luter. ATe. t. aake the r1Cht .f way i4 teet ."e.ite her ,r"erty. C.unel1 was Ter;p .ea1,.el:t8 .f aakinC this a sixty te.t .treet, Dut after .1eoussien. Tete. t. aocept this effer. I1cht .t way .s Orlan.. 3tTeet reaaina unlettle.. .ayer ll1n.r rep.rte4 the eapl.yinC .f Clit. DaTil a. K.t.r Cycle ~.lice at a lalary .f tiO. per .enta. U,.n .etieR, .uly ~aBse., o."e11 ,.,.t,. te raise Ai. Ialary te .7i. per ..ntk .e~1nn1nc Alril 1st, 1926. lle t. flilrniall hie ,WIt aach1ne an. take care et all expenses e.nnecte. therewith. The Tewn t. .e 11..1e in lie respect. , C.unc11 instructe. the UarBhal t. aake a surTey ef the Tewn ani e'et exact alli eerrect aata as t. wh. 1s uBin<< water, etc. Yater Ceuadttee was instructe. t. ascertain 8eBt ~r1ce8 rer re- .ain1n~ water cennedt1.nB anti t. haTe sa.l'le aue, 1n .rier that il:eyle PeWl4lB ~ght haTe the 8li pi})e taken liP. . The t.llc>winr; bill ~ WP.TfI! .r.erei paid: ~, CL, q~0L~';fc < t:;.N-; 'C9~~ (. "f~ l:!::r e. a ,~fJ4-"" ~"t:l'...r~ alP'U'ft7ntU f t$. . J. irU. I!u-~'- "'rr-r/~ 4-...- ~ j I.'. .~~ _ /~, (JOY" il-, rfJ j/ 'I- D. 9 .../ '7-,8' 0/ There .eing n. further iusinesB, the .eetin~ adj.urne.. <' , ,~ ....:t Attest: ( JJf . . ~~.rk' \ V\ j I Presiient. b.