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lit., 1926.
Keet1ftC oall.. t. .r.er .y Y. H. ~~U1re, Pres1eent ef the C.ano1~
wi th the f.ll'w1!1~ an8wer1nc ,resent: lI. X. ~C:t.T. J. X1rklana,
C. ~. yaraer-------A.8ent: C. H. Penn...
. '
Kin1ltel reae an. ap,r'Te..
C.-unicati.n. reu. 3tate ~.ar..f. :Real th letter in recar' te
water analYlis. Oceee water I.p,lj' \'f&8 ,ren.unce. ClOOD an. ea-
tirely 8atlsfactery t. the Kealth Auther1t1el. '
rt was .eo141ei BY Ceuncil te ,lace a ..x 1n trent .f Oceee ][ari.w&P!t
CI. .n April 3r.. 1926, lnte which. c1tizens et Oceee atlht 'place
taeir T.t.. ter .r ac&1!18t a tax leT)" ter ,u.lie1 ty. Thi 8 ..tU.
De a C-l'e f.r tlle C.uncll In a&kbJ~ the leTY. )T.tlee. were
'1I1y ,..tea explaininc this aatter an. the aethe. .1' Te tine.
c. .T. Yanaer reperte. that Jlrs. 1(. Y. lI&<<uire hai crante. eit,uCh~
lana .n east 81.. et ~luter. ATe. t. aake the r1Cht .f way i4 teet
."e.ite her ,r"erty. C.unel1 was Ter;p .ea1,.el:t8 .f aakinC this
a sixty te.t .treet, Dut after .1eoussien. Tete. t. aocept this
I1cht .t way .s Orlan.. 3tTeet reaaina unlettle..
.ayer ll1n.r rep.rte4 the eapl.yinC .f Clit. DaTil a. K.t.r Cycle
~.lice at a lalary .f tiO. per .enta. U,.n .etieR, .uly ~aBse.,
o."e11 ,.,.t,. te raise Ai. Ialary te .7i. per ..ntk .e~1nn1nc
Alril 1st, 1926. lle t. flilrniall hie ,WIt aach1ne an. take care
et all expenses e.nnecte. therewith. The Tewn t. .e 11..1e in
lie respect.
C.unc11 instructe. the UarBhal t. aake a surTey ef the Tewn ani
e'et exact alli eerrect aata as t. wh. 1s uBin<< water, etc.
Yater Ceuadttee was instructe. t. ascertain 8eBt ~r1ce8 rer re-
.ain1n~ water cennedt1.nB anti t. haTe sa.l'le aue, 1n .rier that
il:eyle PeWl4lB ~ght haTe the 8li pi})e taken liP.
The t.llc>winr; bill ~ WP.TfI! .r.erei paid:
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t:;.N-; 'C9~~ (. "f~ l:!::r e. a ,~fJ4-""
~"t:l'...r~ alP'U'ft7ntU f t$. .
J. irU. I!u-~'- "'rr-r/~ 4-...- ~ j I.'. .~~ _
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There .eing n. further iusinesB, the .eetin~ adj.urne..
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....:t Attest: ( JJf
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