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,....... ~ ~ i , lIIWT~S OJA' udla nmim 0:; TO CITY aO.L, Ita, J.'26. . ' . ~ i . ' OLD AP_IL .~ In tae ...enoe .t Y. B. Kacu1re, ~ree1.ent .f the C.uncll. ~. ~. W1BC."t..k .,tlle'clta1r, ami calle. t.e ..etlnc t. .r.er. Th.ae ,re.- est .ere: ' C.' X. hUlf..,., C.' J. ' Yar.er, 'J. J., lt1rklu.. . :..' "~,' ~ .' .' 1 H1Jllll1te. reu an. appATe.. : f '-fl'\ . ". ~I I I Mr.. L. J. M111e ap,eare. with petltl'n In .ehalt .<< tke .at trees .n llcXey !t. '1'lle pet! t1.nera reque.tea the C.uncll t. trJ an. ark .ut ...e .etA.. .t pa.,lnc .. that tree. .1cht reaa1n .n tae .ull1ne.. .treet. lire. lUlls was aS8ure. that tlle C.unell wul. ..e,eTery eff.rt t. saTe tAe tree. ,r,viie. the paTine c.ul. ie Jut In 1ft . .atl.tact.ry .anner wi tA tAea left .tan..lnl. TAe Street C.a. wa. 1netrllcte. te c.nf,er wi th the Xnclneer an.. tlte Y.reaan en t.e J.i an.. .ee 1t a ,1an c.ul. .e ....rke. .ut t. .a"e tke tree. an.. et1ll ..ke a sat1.tact.ry paT1n, j... Sai. C..~ t. repert at neat .eetine. lira. I. Y.unC was preeent. ask1nc tae C.UDell what aot1'R .at ieen taken 1n reeaT' t. the Le. Griff1ft ..uae. Hay.r .a. requ..t- e. t. .ee Atty. Kacaire at .noe In reterenoe t. this que.t1.n. an. rep.rt. I Kr. ..wen appeare.. ief.re tlle C.unoll askinc that t.e ch1l.ren .t the T.wn ie ke,t fr.. ,1ay1nc 1n an. ar.un. the .1 tchea t.r water aa1n.. Ie .&1. the il tchea cave. in very .a.lly an. thi. oa.ueea a creat 4leal .f extra excaTatl.n. llarahall wa. 1nstruct- .. t. le.k after this .atter. .- Street Con. was lnstruotei t. ask c.ntract.re t. leaTe all .treet lnt~raeoti'ns. alley., 'riTe-way.. etc. .pen. an. net st.p tkea UJ iy the '18tr1sut1.n .f .ewer ,1p. an. curi1nc. . . ", \ ' -iehts-.t-way: Orlan.. St. was'i1scu8se.. All acree.'that tAi. ls tae 1,c1eal .treet t. paTe pr'T1.e. preper r1cht .f way is turn13hei 'y ..uttin, ,r.,erty .wnera. !treet C... an..~. .. ~w1ne, >>..A. .Min.r. ani a cltizen. cea.1ttee. were requeste.. t. 1nterv1ew Jlrs. H. 7. llacu1re ln recar. t. her i.natlnc halt tAe rl,;ht-.t-way en Orlan.. St., an. alee her ,.rt1.n.r r1cht .t way .n _lut'.ra ATe. C.n.eanat1.n pr.ceei1nCI wula a. ae- crease the ..n. :tun' that cenatruot1.n II1Eht .e cut all.rt. Mr. J. ~. ~~C' a,pearea ana presente' .ee. t. L.t I -Lake"le.- Ai aske. the City t. accept this l.t f.r park purp.e... C1ty acree. t.ie ee. iut .truck ,ut st1p~at1.n W.. 4, c..,er1n~ r1Cht t. plao. r.u-ways 1n ani areuna .u.. l.t. C.uncll .ra.re. tlO. ter 4lrann. ieei pal, t. Atty. 3.nes. an. 'ee. t. ie re- e.rie. 1n OrlaPi.. Straw _all.t. were o.unt.. t.r ancl aca1net a leTY t.r jluille1 ty, wi. tll tae r.ll.wine reaul t: :r.r"--~~ Aca1nst----Z8. .. (O.,er) I ,$~:S,<Y<H,i~' '. ,~r...~E~~;f'-.~ ;"'C~d~ ._. . CJ'.~.li" - ,'"' ~ ',t1.-:' " ...;;. .. . . 'r: " ,,:."'. .J .' \, . '7' ..' , .. _t.. w. . 2.. . . i ..l .'-.. ' I ",-,. '-.~ I,,, "'!~. 'i ..~. \: (-.'\ ..to., J. .... ~ '1 "1 (.. 'OJ .! j " Clerk-was 1. .tructeat. ft.tif)'. AUllne .. C.,t t. put L~, tRQ.ct. r \ .n th1e .1.....t,.JIloe.....our.l. .elnC".'ca~t;....I...t"rlal:.'\U. 'I ,arrl~1nc. an.. City .e.lre. t.e el..eat 1n.peotl.n. , ,;,. " '. J' , ',,' ~ '~~~ 1 - The t.ll.wine \111. were .r.erei pa1i: ..f2Jf-.dep_e;~~,-1 ~ :e,~ ~ (.{~:: .\ ' :" i.s-: D ,0 ;',: . J1 If, };n/;!' 'J',,~'J_JS5J. .' ,-':, ':" /" (). 0,.00 · , 0_' t;X.-.AY~!;; -/i?V" .... '. ". ...... ..' ~' , ;,: '" " '.. t, ~ 11 _ _-; li./ ~ '., )J~ .::r-- -.. j> ',': J,.. , "").. , " . . ~~"', I~'~ ,v~I\tYf:.... .. : ",' D ". /1' F"" . . . ,. /, :.J- tN'; ,.-AI _." r' · ,," -. - ..~ , ,,', ' .l/l4~ t.-, .~...'" .. '0/.5;,0.0.(... '. i '~~~',. (J,"-L:" · "i~~~" , 'It'. . ~ ",,4:,~- ~' ,.1:... .... "..., 7,,' " /\ -. \, '- I I J ~ _~ '. ( I . ~ .. .~' <1~I' J,..". . ~. ;," 'VI()'~' ... ,,:M:~~~ro/J/Y ~~~~,' ~: ~,,4 '~t~ , "'l-t.. ,~I.".~ ()~~ *(J~ A ;E;:o.-O.D ~,,(}~~~~-'.1frH"10^O ~ I \ 1;00' . d $;;: .t::tA" ~'~ .~ ~". '""~:~1' ';' (). (f;~-~;~ ,I _:~'. .,' ,.: ?,,'t,JtJ-'," /Yo ':/. S;~~4-~. ~ ~ ' , ,."",,\~ nerut~~~c & ;;-t.~~.~Jl, e!e. the .eetlnc .~.1 .~~ne"., " , 'L 'IV '- ~~ ,... /.I.,.~-(;) - , - ,..~~ . ~~..'" , " -, :...\ , ,. n 1/-; . I . ,,' " . " Att..~.:~,~ &;!.~~:l ',:,: ' " . ' :,:,.=: .~.~.:~'.n~:.: ,\;y\: ,\ ',\:'. '/ '.,", " ~ ~ . I,,' "~':"" -", ~~,~ , ....\ ,'V" ,- ../. . \~ ') .;... . " a. 1 "~ - , I".! ~ ' ..... -~:. (~. -1.j.." t .. I ... ; l r - ~ ~ {-~; '* ~." .. .,-, I) "'\'" -. ,c.. . '.. ,.;~" .."'.':! ,4"... :~' , J .,' -,;.' '~l_!"", 6J . . l. 1",,:> ~ "l1r f i I " I 'J.,-,- ~ ,. ... -W' l~ t:';" ~ .' ;; ) :",,~ ~ ' a'>> ., '" ',,_~ ~ ;, . "'., ....... ...~ n .... "':.n... \ , ' . "".... " ~ .., .", '. l'. ""..~. .... ~... . I - ""- - - .. J..o .\ ~ \~ ._ _ _ "\ Co 'r :..~ . f , 1 ~ '* : .l" ,...~. '1 1 ,; -- .~