HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-27-1926 SS ,,- ~~-- .. -'. ' , . . e lfIlW'fJ;S OJ' A 9:1CI ATJ laETIJI'G 07 TD CI TY COmWIL m.D ,UJUL 27th. 1'26. '., Callea t. ,order 1Jy ltres1tent or the C.W1011. l'. H. llaguire. with the tell.wine answer1n~ rell-oall: ~. J:. :lwinC. C. J. :rarBer, J. J. K1rklan.. A..ent---C. E. :P.unds. ) Yr. Ytlcar ..iins.n &"earetl iefere this aeetinc rer tlle pUTJtGl B. e t Beourine o.ntrae t rer silewalk woTk. After full cli Botts m.n, C.uneil vetet te telay any actien .n a1aewalka until the street C.aa1 tt.ee she1lll. aeeure .~re,er ric;htas-ef-way, ant make den1l- et re,ert at a..e re~ular .eetinc~ ~lufGlri ~ve. was es,eoial- l~ aent1.net &e neeiine ..re richt-.r-way fer aiiewalke. Keasrs. &uh11nc ani Gill were present, ani suwm1ttei a rep.rt .t est1aateB as t. yaraa~e nne oost te .ake till ar.una starke La.ke on the pr.perties of lle:esrs. 'Wash.urn, )tens an. llin.r. le,.rt tile'. " J twas ieoitea. t. drOIt the q,ue.ti.n .f .ak1ne ai.ve fill for fifteen days. in ereer te see it irei~e centraot.r ..~. make any, ietter ,r'eress after eerta1n al terati.ns in hi s .aohinery. It he iit s.. these ,arties weuli a'De1ter .ak1~ fill with this arei~e. Otherwise., they will turn t. s.me ether ..urce ter this work. I , --- I t was .."e4, and oarri etl that werk .t exe&vat1en f.r' sai. Lake Sh.re Drive. begln at the east end af this reat. ani cGm~ . tewara the Town. It, he.ever, was ICree. that thiB werk could net start until <<rades were eeta.liShei. I', Clerk instruct.€'cl. t....'? wri t.e 'Th€l .T. :1. MoCrary Co.. askin: the~"11 to h~ve their re:preaentati're .t1tP-et \lfi th C~l1ncil Mond.ay lU:h t a. t 8 e'olook. )lay 3rd, t0r the purpose Dr d.iso\lss1n: pavin~ mater- ial rm r Ija.ke Shore Dr! Te. Al ~ to have :rade Qn .."noTe Dr1 VI esta.lia.l1.ed. Alse tG haTe Ae15es_ent :aell o.a;leteel. UBI tG P over a.retully 3treet~ +'0 he llf't'7f~d, .1'.}:'lC. ha're a 1Ietter under..., etandinl: as te the eli~1nati.n et oertain WlIrk en K18sil....ee Ave. ~ \ \ ir ., There iein~ ne further Dusiness) this meetin:, adjourned. Jlre-s1dEmt. Attest: ,