HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-1926
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ll!ltUT:l5 OJ' A !mULa lBJ.'TnlG o:r TKIl CI T'( COWCIL, DrrJD .MAY 3ra t
l' 26 .
Callri tc erder .Y Pres1aent .f the (~ouncl1 t I w1 th the t.llow1nc
an8werlnc preeent: ~.~. ~'~in~, C. I. ~.unaBt C. 1. :rar.er,
A.sent: 1.'J. ~irklani.
J.llnutes read and a.:PIJr()~r~~.
J. Y. ArC' a"earei .efer,-C'Moil t req'l1estin~ the a.l?~roval of
!'lr4t ot 3r' Uti. t. Lake..1.". 8..81 was illly appr'Te.., ana
.lenea .Y Ka,.r an. Clerk.
Mr. Sa1ne was present ~nt (Ual!l\lllsed wi th Couhoil th.., l'a'11!l1'
_.ter1&! ter !Jake.here Dr1.,.. C.1Ulo11 askea Ur. Saine te hrn1ah
the. wi th e8til:lw.te cd' c~ gt en above ir1 Te o.nstruotea .1' re-
lnforaei e.norete.
Ye8srs. ~uhlln: ani ~1l1, Jn~1neers. were ~aG ,reseRt.
~r. Xilar ..\1ns.n was ,resent 't.r the p'llJ1t.ee .t ascertain1!!,.
1t C.unellwas r~u.y t. awari o.ntr:aot t.r side'N.:j.lks on South
:llui'ord A-re. Aft:tW full i1aous81ten, C.uncll .eeiie.. t. a.n-
.ti t the Charter t. tin' .nt jUlt what was the ~r..,eT l'r~oe,ea~lrtJ
tln tf.l.e 131dlt'lfalk' :t\1estl.n. Th1. was reterrei t. the )lay.r t.
1....t1cate and re,.rt. It was the .,inl~n of the Counoil '
t!H..t ehcH"t t~rr!1 bond!! ';vonln h::...,.e t"o be lS8uei t. take care .f
the e.st .f e1.ewalk..
!lr. 8a1ne. .r. lIoCaary CCl}lJ.pa.ny, wa.s re'lnes te~. tQ j;u~ke U? est1J1late
.f o..t t.r the ,aTilllC .t Tall_lab. 8t. fr.. .lut'orfl t. Lake
8h.re Dr1.,.e, taen.. ar,u!l. Starke Lake te Cl.t~ L1.1 tl, ani t.
lla.,.. tb1. street 1:llelta.e. 1n tn.,., Assee_ent ..llllJ'li the f'ermal
.esallltl.a t. .e ltu.l1sh.... It 8. .raerei tl\at the !'a.,.1BC
.n lC1sI1J1Ree A:Tfe. Be elindna;tF!d. Kc(~rftr~t C~. ~no:reed t,@ d'il ljl.!.e
t'n:;inee'Jr'in.:' work on L3d:e Sh<)J'e Drl"\re, 1n TiI.ew .t their ltaT1!lC
..ntrao't t. o.netraot 1&11.. Thla refers t. the lU"e.1iJ'J.in:!U"'y work.
CC'lHncil o..<lere~l th~ :r':l,d~ ~n Oa.Jd:~Yld. Avp;. bOi~"een lClse1_ee !In.
C..erlana A.,e.. l.were'. Detail..t tlUs ..rk wa. llmderat..tl
\y }(r. ~1l1.
~uest1on, Gf ~~in~ C11fr.r. -..,1. full tlae while .e was .rr
iuty .n &00' utlt .f an aoo1tlent lustune. While =e11'\: t. Orl~l(lo
..,.,as duly '7tlted on. Tbte l.st t. .e ae.uote.1 fr.. h1. P8JI elleok.
~.tll tile )(arahaJ. and. the TraffiC) Jl'611~1!I :.tore reque:otec1, tQ t...ke out
so:~~e :r~r.;l of ~,~(ild'ent. :i.ni'\1:tr...:nce. The t.e .e1nc una.le at ,resent
to st,and tl~e erpe:1se .t f'ul ,ay .r .e'1eal attentien 1n case .t
aoo1ient .r sl.k~es..
The r.llwWiB'" 1dl15 'W~re tu-aere.! ~..J.4. 1.... <-;::--
C. A. JOQt.li"';'-:"1.au11al" trash, .~.60&o4':la.rtlett :'Iro:3. JJ/-t!~~2..~
Oo.ee Xiw. C.. t..le and ~11'e, 63.'. ,./.':rl&. :Pu. Ser C.. ii;(fO v,
c. J. :raraer 11 !tetera 3O.8~v.na. ?. Ser C.. 45.'21',
, /jj :i ~tfl /u, t-tMt- ~C v ~V,~G ,&~ .
(jAQAL.:.-.7 y-CI) - ;l..;..} ~'f!!!i f:-,Y.' ,
. :President. r~~ '