HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-10-1926 SS
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JD:mm:8 07 i. 87:101 At' -n:ITI1Hi OY' To CI TY 'COUNCIL, Jl:ILD', l(AY
10th, l'a6~
Calle.tl Irtier ay :Pres. .1' Clunc1li w1 th thl rlll.wiJ!1! an.wer-
ine r.ll-oaJ.l: :1.:1. ]l;winl, C. K. P.un.., C. J. ,l'anler anal
J. J. Kirk! an'.
a'UDell airee. that all street. wh1~lt are 1B the ~aTi.Re ,r'lra
shluli .. aaTe" s1aewalk. Clnstrllotea .n .ach 81.1 .1" strftot,
wlth the exce,tiln It Orlan.. St. an. IJaJce SAlre Dr1',e. Jl'rank-
11n ~t. wall t.,.e inolutieGi in this s1..walk ,r.~r_. This Teal-
luti.n was ae,enaent, ....Ter. .n the ,r.,er ,etit1.n. .eiac
.~cn~d iy t~ thira. Ir the Ir.perty .wnera ,n 8a1t Ex .treet..
It wa"'Tea ana ~&.se' tkat C.unc1l request the Xacuire Xetate
t. exeoute a lease alverine the lana In which 'ra1male well in
Starke Lake 1s l..ate.. ea1. lease t. "be t.r a ,eri.t .1" tiae
o''Yerinc the life an. ..efullness .1 the well.
Yr. 'Y. X. pe.w.rth, with .ereey Kt~. C.., was ,resent, anti
aea.n.trat.a t. C.uncil his water .eter. Prle..t ...e was
.13.21 'eliTerea. C.une1l ,lacea .raer f.r 10 Ir th.se aeters
fir i_eiiate lIhip.ent, wi th the ,rl T11e<<e .1" ,rieriJ\C like
>>..unts at any tiae at .a.e prie.. Alse aske' Ur. Pe.werth te
haTe ah1p,ei tr.. Gritf'1ft l'eunary C.. 10 aeter a.xe..
Hayer was lastruate' t. c.nfer wit. Hr. G1ll in reCar. t.
Ster. S.wer. fer Yi.ral St. tr.. Cua.erlant t. Ki..i..ee. ani
if ~nl1neer th.ucht .est, haTe UoCrary Ce. ,.ut th.. in. Other-
w1a., leave taea .ut.
Clerk lnstructea t. hurry Hr. Wheeler u,. .n &e..lut1.n anti AS-
aessaent ..11 f.r City PaTine.
.1cht .t way .n Orlana. ,St. discuBse'. )1. ..etini te act1.. yet.
There .e1llt; n. further aua1neas. Me,et1nc ....j.urned..
\. Jl Wv-:..../
Atte.t: ~ ,l'~//
Afj;1\ /~
~ )rlert.
, I rl/t