HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-17-1926 '- ~ ~. / 1 1 i 1 \ .~~ . e llIJroT:ES OF A JU..;nlJru~~ lD:J.iTIWG OJ" TJilX CITY COUlTCIL, DLD )lAY " 1 '7 th , 1" 26 . ){eetinc calle.. tl Ir<<er BY JI'. H. Jl.aguire', Pre!lid.ent .f tht! Cauncil with the flll.wing an~w€rm, r.ll-eall: J. J~ Xirklan., C. J. 7araer, ,. ,:I :lnne. C. I. :P.lAR.. alt.ftJl1t. , , V1.utes r." an.. a')r..... . , , , llr.. I? YIl1D1 waa ,r..ent, an. reque.t.. Cluneil tl take .... aetien i It tec:ar.. t. .the rJ~.. Grift!JI ...u.e. Aft.,r .1..u..iAI thi. .a tt.r at l.n,;h, alun.il ,... tea t. ,r.ceei at .mee in the neGe.aar" w~ t. llaTe thi. md aa.nQfl' re.ITe..( Ahe 'C.a1r:aan ' V It the C.uneil was authlr1zetl tl apPliJlt an Ap,ra.I1l.1 CI.-1 tte., e.~ai8tinl et Dr. X. N. Jen.en,l Yr. ... ,. ~lakely; anti Hr~ J. Z. Xokle.. The.e centle.e. t. .ur"ey tile pr.,erty fully ani <<,ivI thei.r T.~~rt. it. te ite ''''a.lu~' in Ilfrl\ll'lC t. ,the ,aeun.1'l.. I,t wa. al.' .r'.re. that lt1'. sh.~tal. lte ,..te. ,fir the ark .t tear1nc thie 1tulltl1"C "'lm' 'ani. pilinK .the l_.er In lit.. Clerk 1nstruet:- ea t. aen. CIIY .t thi. 1U tiee t. tlle .wnera; Ure. )lag<<i. ,. Griffin. G.ul.... n a. " 'Si'aewalk ,peti tie!tll were no t fully .eit:netl J ' h~t1c e -.ctitln' was de- :ferre.. until Tlflxt .1eetinl .r 8eunoi:l:--ll.niay lTie;ht Hay 24th. . , . ' I ; .w; . Yr. ~. H. Seegar was present an. preeentei a plan te cleee a cer- t~ln ~.11f:Y fln the Lyle 'lIrl,.erty an. in pla-oe ~ ,lS&me t., .,en uJ a ,street 50 teet w1..e--nerth an.. l!SIuth. Thi., plan was aooe)teG. lSl.lltj eC,t ,tl the 1fi..enin~ .t the .,alQ.ey runn1nt.. west--aakinr; a 50 t..t .treet .f it. It prl)erty Iwnera will !1T~ this ri,ht ef way Baii alley will .e el..e.., a. requestea. Oo.ee C. '.tC/' wa.'repreaente..; lty. it.':lxecut1Te C._ittee 1m pers.n ani al.' lty letter, requeatinr; the C.unoil tl re-c.n- sl..er the .atter If Pultli.ity Tax. ani le~y ene ail~ fer saae. CI1i1lo1l waa ra"lra'Rly 1_presse. nth this Jrlp.sl tiln, \lut ...te.. t. aeter act1_n until the next as...aaent (tlr 1.2?) i8 ma..e up---at whioh ti.e they w.ul. oensi..er it. Yr. W. A. U..re was present anti e..,laine.. as t. water ratea. ~ C.uno1l Tlte. t. ap,ly the r.ll.win<< rate.,iecinninc, wit. June V 1st: 75 otJ>~1f'''Q first 3000 <<ale; 50 at 8 per th.usan.. fir the next 3000 1&:.115; 25 at.. per thlusan. r.r .anythil' use. 'Ter ' the ablTe _'UJlt. 'Clerk tl ..tity lIarshlill at ..ce. / Clerk 1astructe.. t. write Hr. Lyle that C,uDoil ..ul.,tprnish hi. prlperty with water if Ae weul.. aeter each h.uae, aR"~ul. .. the celleot1RI fr.. renter.. Otherwise. a.une1l w.~l~ expect hia te lte re.,...i)'l. t.r the water rent. Thia 1. tiJl1al. Hayer re,.rtei tbat he haa a.n.ult... with City ~.ci.e.r... hai lteen a'Tise. that the stir. sewers en :rleral a.nd JlcKejr frem X1ee1..ee t. C..lterlaAe .t~At lte .~la1.at.. eBt1rely w1 tUlIt a.y lajury t. the 4rumale ,1 D. Clunc1l .raere. thia nrk lett .tr. . ... ./ OTero ' . . .. -.r~.... I . . . c.nt. "1 -- - (l'rether Yire :lqUJt~ent C.., TAe :r.i.l.w1JlI .1ll..were ap,re"e':- al'ui .i.ere. ,&1..: ,C.ue1l req.e.t. all p.r......ale1JlI .ill. ac&1n.t the 01 t,. t. ciTe ..at.., .... 1 tf!II1Z1 tully, 1!ll .r..er tkat, rall ree.r. aay,,'.e ,hu1a tile. as t. ...t .t w.rk, et.. " / J'.hn X.reaR, llaulillC trash, ,1. e', ete. 11,.20 / .r.hn 'llergan,.. .alli1.&, 1'1,e., - A.1. & .ee'aa, ,~ ' 4..00 / <l. J. YaJ1ller, Jle-Layi1'lr; 1'1~e, & .00 " I 10.00 , . / 2,.04/ I. eo / ::~: /j '1::::':/ . C. J'., .:Jaraer , .;; It'l. . L~1n~,1'1,e & Sett1nc Ke~er. T.wn. .f YiJllt.erGar.ell, Leather Va!Te r.r _,..rut. J'. H. ~ratt.., Oil f. r 1'_., l!ireft f.r Y1re :ERl1ne, Grether tire J:q1l1,.ent C.., I..e ...zzle, , ]t. C. .1'1Ce1.w, I'ay tr.. Apr1l 16th t. llq 1St., Tllere ,ae1nl' 1'1. further .usiae.., aeet1ac a'J.urne.. , . >>.yi -11 Hn, 'P.,. t. XII\Y Il.t, .. ' "r Atte.t: .. JJ . ~@JA .. \V~< J~lerk. ~ " 1'rea1aent. '. ~ ", ,~ , t' .; " " f> ......,. fa '''-i 'OC) SS~HdXH' AVM~IVH N~a~lI~Ji\1V'" ("V "S on Ul P9lUl-ld) ( 990t> .