HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-1926 SS .. ~ -4ir ~ .~~ ~' ..-' \. .. . . .. . . llIJroD! OY SPJ:CIAL OJ.TIJfG o:r ~ CITY COUJJCIL ,ULD KAY .'t., l'2e. Yeet1a, 8~1.. t. .r..er ty Y. I. Kac.lre, ~re.. .t C..nell, the t.ll..isl an..eriftC r.ll-.all: .. ~. -wi.C, C. x. ~'aR'., C. J'. l'araer M. ;r. J'. T-1rkl.... 3t.na !ewer. 1. )lu1.. ~ark: ,C..noll t.oi'e' t' put 1& all p.t.na ...er. 1ft at..,e a'1'."111'1a1... .u.. .ec1... t. rai.. all cur. 1..tea' .t r..ll&...i.RC 1 t tlu.h. ", La,ke.h.re Dr1.... will ...tt...truete. .t 'r1ck. C..t.t re...ia- t.rce. ...crete telae ,r.lUlt1 t:i,"', It was y. tea t. ,aye Tal- l1daA !t. 21 feet 11"1.... -.A..e..ent was aa..e .n tAi. atreet al ~oll al tar'1lCll t.. Jlqnre :a.tat.. It oall .e .pt1..al w1tll CeuuCl1l wll1e. '1Ie t. ,aTe. If llaC ie ,aTe.., tae .ta.r I.e will.. lett .ut It tAil prier... C.umoil '1eo.e... tally tlle tree. .. JleKey St. tr.. A. C. L. t. OClee Iaa, ~.. .n ..ti.. .Y C.uneilaan .w1aC, .Io.ft.e. ty C.une1l."an ~'UD..,aa. ..uly Tit.. '., the.e tree. w.r. .r'er.' rea'T.i, and tie ,aTine aa.e aa wl.. a. pI..1.1.---t. teuca the 11'ewalk l1me .. eaCA .1.e .t .treet. Clerk 1ft.truotei tl a.- verti., fir .i'. f.r tlle re.l...lnc It troe~. There ,eim, nl turther .us1nes8, the .eetin, aiJ.urne.. ~re li.ent. - t \ ~., " 1<',' J,,::---I. Dl'l^UTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER . PAVED STREl'lTS STRONG BANK , . . i 1/ . CITY OF OCOEE ...\ .. :ilJ:l-!_ }!i.. GOOD OHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAK illS TWO RAILROADS 1f1. I. '~A, ~. J. Uillu~Jt ..rk ,. .tr..t. ~. A. ~.wi., .a~A ~Ai~ ~.~'wark IN ~iro H8UI.) D. .. ",,-ta,., H~.li.1 tra~L fr.. .ir..~. J). t:. Wat.c., Ha:ali_r;' ,ra.aA !nt. .tn~.lI ..... G. T. Uaaaoy, w.rk ,. .~r..~., "!. 1.. :ii1.1'tll1. t t 5;."1 II f. r O. ~. &, "~",p. .ll.rra.7 :irll Ii. i~I):-ll.h( '!.t Yir. Tr..k 1m flAll 0.... Htw. Ct. llc}iI'1.L' "A~t15 :!'8r ;l'ra.." Ca. .TItt. J. AIli.r..., Vltill~ Li .'a fllr Ci \y j;l..\i~:t ~. ~. ~~Qiar, U~"in, 5;treet. Y. T. Va. H.r., W~~~ Q~ ~tr"~a ll. T. V~'!l H~r'n, :i:xiir.. P.li.. ]foV'. l.t, J. T. i1111, :i:xtra P'li.1 ]f'T. l.t, lie T. Van Hcrn, ~ztra. P.1i*~ Jf.~.~i\~, D. ~. Waie.., j;xtra Pe11c~ ]f.T. itk, ii.tlav( 9 .!8 ...( li.60 ~ 4. 60 ~ 6. se ~ let). :59 v:- i.lev.' I. Ii &( ~ . 00 v: li.ao ~ 18. '75 --: :J. (If) v: :s . tle ~ i.10 ' 1.8e v { , At tIi. ..~a:;. G-:' 'tJ. ....tl.<<" lA' }lay.r U.''all''o. AI "'.lU_ a.Jfiill- ii3ttt. t:,,~ ".~J\ .:r s~!'i.. t. t:\O ~(\!f J.H,'JL$erll .-:1,,}u Ce~::qei1--)(,...r.. C. "I. :!.t';"ii ...2'1<'_ 1\. :D. ~UI:!l'. T".:::.!" }l;'J"ll- was .lY~r~'i. il' "y 1t. C. :iir,- ol.~,~'tar: P~,li., a.i i.~.ii~to17 a..1~i.t.r.i ~~o .~t~ ~o ~A' .lw.')t.Clr. all .: "'Ant t"'k t.lir .....t. 1.. ijjt. CllJ.1ui1, t;~1 . lei. JJl'1!Il.lr. Il~~'lil..tl.,.~l;~ rot.irlJ1~. T'AIY wcare ~"'AU~O" fe2' tL"ir ..rTi..1I ~:! t.. CllairJtu If .l;:l!..o C'l.,xlil. '~ .. Q\:ra:a.niz~.ti'JI .f tlu C.n.il r,ll,"'.. wit:!t t.1l f.allwi_1 rel_lt: A. )(. Clari:"--Pr'Crtl~eJ.lt of llta C..n.ll far'lQI.8, __:'- C. JII. "aill, "i.I-Pr..ii..t. .....'l T"JiC :r.ll.wi..: .._itt..aii larc: a~iI:.(ji)'1t.tl..: Wnt.r.r COfJ: C. ..,. JI'.iR, Jt. n. ~1."1 .T. Y. k':~. ~tn""t C.ra: ll. .A. Jteyri*, C. '1. JI'.dli. J... ll. .Clark.. lIt "'a. r.portei 'f;;lu,t 8"r'.... ..t :il_f.r.. .JIE'i. eakle. AT'.. 1Ja. Ir.kt. ...1 a ,.i..'\ jlllat ITlr t... .at.k .a.b. .A:\, t..l. plli.t, C....il i~ltr..t.i Clork t. iraw tAl rllllwip( erii.anl..: A~ &rii....o 11'cl-1-.1 tilt" ariT1J1C .~.r ..r.il:l{ alii .i'_'-'''..li:., e:::cept "lur. 1:'lnre ili.,,:d. '::1l.Bl'a..~ee) ;',Y'.,; l'r.lll.dti_c t::n.~ illj~r.r 0:; ......\..:ef.HJ ..it:; /r.l'.r-t:r iJl. ....y fray. PeJ1'al t.r: Jri~t'! ..t t. .X'f:~" $100. .]' h~- ~riD'..lut .,t t. .XliA. ~a i~ya. .~ C)n3.j_J'l~...' t. p1+..i.111 Jl'i~kti .C, ..r.im.t, I~li .J.l .ia- triorl:,' ..1Itl....t wi tkiJl tllO Ci ./;:- Iliai t.. Pnl'al ty: "inf ..t t. .x- ,ee.. tlElO. .r i...ri...~nJlt Jl.~t t. .T-.,..... 30 ..a;ya. . It 'If A&> T'Qltt.. t., al1El<T1 .T. .T. Kirkl..... .. ~ar~.i.r: .palo .f Lei tClt.t i. !r..t .t ki. ~laoc ef ~"~i~.aa---~~i' .,a~" t@ )~ :;c~.r~o' for tnlleka 1...ii1ii,; "'~~. 11nl...,tiil'BI;', ... t.ker. i. )u ,,11('7 ilt rear .f 1\1. lOt'Tlt. ~. R. ~~l~ir~ ~r,.ar.i .onr.l~.i.r: ~a t~ the c.n~iti~n ~il ~.t~cr~~ t.... w,. lo!t i.:, w:l;.cn;, l'''Ti~:l; W~(. f.~U Ut Orl...'!... it., l\Jle. "'"ki.~ fer rllli,': 1-: }lI\TiJ\~ .~,.. rt>1J",il'ft. sn. C.Il'. wa. ...:n,(j. "~o. i...,~ ( dvv JlY-i-f ~j -'" m1;ll t . - , . ... ,,-' ......".... . . CITY OF OCOEE ,. -,!, ~. BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE W ATElR PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA., GOOD OHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAK ES TWO HAZLROADS / .... . 1",.3. tit:,..t. tlli. ".l"laiJlt, alii Mak. r"pClrt at ll'.:t. )lQe/tilt:,. ~ lfr. )(a.cu.l.1'; ...1 (!JI oGr.a!.llli~e(j~ ..Ii t. the w..~ Aii.~ ...'U_. t 1\.11 Wa.lI :.>1l<\t..() ., l):y t... ~l!.:;l]u.rll--- u~.~i.c: thllt .~l t)u, lfa'l1irft ~r'i)t'rtJr traa 1.:lIIGlZoii;it!e. 'j.:e1Lr-r. F.:6 ll.Gk... tlu,t ti..is at.liti.lI..l611t'u ".pall'hi Il:tl~ l'r'l'Gr o..:I..f r>E..O~t ~")e .m2'.c,~ ti.4.7l1Ilat eao1<. .l..}l~...iT~~.FKl '~'r. ~ C.,o!.il ..i84tlUSfI.l ~'(it~.;iJJ:t. ")I 8llIUt'l(ilr t. tl.' t~itl, Aui ttlll. te ro tAt li~t' 'Ill erl........... iit. t. ....i... IlS ta wkan.r tY" llllt :i. Jf. J'1."el1i!l<4t is lil\."le f.r tw--tk1.ra in f.r.~~j .t" ~. turta.i)1 l'a.rt: oJ o~ l-.i:s l'r.;ert,. C~ 8rlMclo it. 1... a..tl.~,:J.. nlJt1li,il .....t... t. .ak }f}'. Clark. tG'l inye:sti::&tt.. :pric~ ~f 5i~ ..", traa~l ~lL'1', rd -Lh. ,.w.r t; }'i~}'.:;'..... -=Jtx if l"r1.. lYau ri~}:.t. It w.. '~cii~~ ,. k.l~ C..~.il U.~ti2,n tkis wintrr at the ~.ur .1: '?:!I ck_rJ. jJ.fr. :a.wi. "'a. i~..tr'Nctti te "llfer witll tll.e T.l,:p..JU CD. i..ni' ... if t}{e;r ;Jonl. illltai.l.l .,.... at JPir/lt H'lt.. free .f .w.t.--oaie.. ':tA.O:'lC LA) .. lHiOi !'!l' firl!> .all. eJUIY. lCr. ltomt t. rC"l-t r..t ~f"Tt l!toatin:;. J!'rulc :i.att:r "1I't.1.W ~re$t'.t ..... ..is....oi"'itlt C,..,il !o_is liTln,~-,......../, iJl thl'! ~irQ HOllS' an._ a.tiJi1: ]lromrtl]' t. all .i~kt fire a.lr.ntl. l' ~ It ~a. iogiM~~ t. all." Yr. :i.atty t$ h~""e freo u.c .:1' the extra re.. .. t Jl'irf'IJ HG~'51l J lle t. .1ec!I'tA,.r. .....cry .i:.;ht 6t:!n'i. to anawor flrn ~la~t~. It "a. yotei to pay .i~ 50 ...t8 per ..~rf~r ~ctu~l i tixe 'O~I~tt ~+- ~irc~ an~ ,~.. tor tke ,repor irai.i.~, 'rying a.:H,l c.r'.riJlf~ fIr k..ae, e\u-,: :foY" nl,,-:rilliJ:l~ e:il,e.ioal ta.k., et~. J.J1]' rm!, ts .. fire wlt.ie1l!. liii. ..t .o....itatn ~;:r~e ~ni'''lC:blr. .f tlic ~..e or tke .ae o! tke 'A~mi~~ ~~~i~e] w,~l. n.t .0 pai' r.r. llr. :ieatt:.> tQ r;f1J .. A~ 'Jus.-, ilJ4t\ t. talco ck~r~f) It tlcto i'irl'l tnllk It~ci ke"~. it :,l.t all tillitlU i~ repair ani r'!ll'\c.1.:/ f~r C\~ti':t. Tkere "'ci~g )10 ~lf;rt}H~r Jl\) ai"1'" 810; t$ tr...JIl....t, l'l~f:ll!. HI' ti 1>11, tke !Ilet'ti.c alij. \?nHlii, '" Pr 0 ~i ci.ui t. J'- -.% {. -~~--- - (. " : t . ' .'_ t.... . . c ~ .' t; I ~ 4 t \~ TOWN' qF OqqEE i 0<'- ,. 'D. F. W"'RST. OLERK :" ~,-~ F.H.MAGUlBE.M"YOR . . ,t>- ,OP OOt1NOIJ,.MID:N1 A. M. OL....RKJII. PRES. or COUNCIL Js. .4. MINOR C. 3. JrARMIlIR R. WO. WRlT....KBR P. II. :rLBlW!!lLLlNG OCOEE. FLORIDA. , ORDIN.ANJE NO. 18 .. .. . AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOS.AL OF HUMAN EXCRETA, WITHI~ THE CORPOR.ATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF OCOEE .AND DECLARING OPEN PRIVIES,) ~ TO BE .A NUISANCE, AND PROVIDING E9R THE ABATE1~NT OF SUCH NUISANCES.~ ARTICLE 1. Providing for a method of disposing of Human Bxcreta of Occupants, and Owners of the P~emises. Be it\~~~ained by the Council of th~ Town of Ocoee: , Section 1. That every residence and buolding in which hmnan beings reside, are employed or congregated, shall be required to have a sanitary method o-f human excreta disposal, namely: have a sanitary water clos~ connected with the tOVnl sewer, an approved type of septic tank or sani taryb privy. Section 2. It shall be unlawful to dispose of any human excreta within the corporate limite of the T<JNn of Ocoee except in a- sanitary water closet or a sanitary privy. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person. persons, fir~ or corporation owning or leasing any premises in t he Town of Occe e to permit disposal of any human excreta on any property, leased or rented by any such personw persons, firm or corporation or the agent of any such, exoept in a sanitary water closet or a sanitary privy, and it shall be unlawful to permit the disposal of any materia~ in a sanitary privy other than human excreta and paper. Section 4. That no septio tank other than those ap~oved by the Sanit~y Committee of the To~n of Ocoee shall be constructed within the corporate limits of the Tav n of Oc oee. Section 5. The cost of installing a sanitary water closet or sanitary privy shall be borne by the owner of the property upon which the sanitary privy, is to be located. Section I6 All privies within the corporate limits of the Town of Ocoee not constructed or maintained in conformity with the plans and instructions on file with the Town Clerk of Ocoee shall be and are hereby declared nuisances, dangerous and injurious to the public health, and shall be condemned and forthwith abated ih accordance with the law . or ordinanoe of said fJ.'own. Sec~ion 7.The Town shall have the further right to make or have made such alterations and constructions of those proviee which are nuisances and make them sanitary and all costs pertaining to such work shall be charged against the property owner. Section 8. Where in any street or section of street there is now construoted a public sewer for the purpose of earrying off the sewerage. the owner or OVnlers o~ property abutting on, adjacent to, along the line of any within 200 feet of any such aewecr so cO~8tructed shall, within thirty da~ after being notified by the Twon Clerk of the Town of Oco~e connect the house and buildings on such property with public sewer in a proper manner. I I l ,~ i. ~ r ~ ~, ---.-.. F. H. MAGUIRE. M1>YOR '. . ,- . . .' . D. F. W'lmST. OLJlIRK OO'O"}l(OJLMEJI'I . . TOWN OF, OOOEE ..' A.. M. OLARKJD. PRE.. or OOUNOIL B. A. MINOR O. .J. rAJUl4ER R. .. WHI~.AK~R O. II. :rLJlIW.IILLING OOOEE. FI...ORIDA. ARTICLE 2. Eefinition of Terms Section Ii "Human Excreta", The term Human excreta as used in this ordinance shall be construed to mean the bowel and kidney discharges of human beings. Section 2. "Sept ic Te,nk" The term s ept'ic tarJr as us ed in thia ordinance shall oe construed to mean an underground cavity with water tight v:alls into which flowe the effluent of sanitary \vater closets and from'which the effluent of sanitary wate~ closets and from which the effluent does not come to the surface of the ground. Section 3. "Sanitary water closet" The term Sanitary water closet as used in th!s ordinance shall be construed to meany any flush toilet properl~y connected with the city sewer or a septic tank of a~~roved construction. Section 4."Sanitary privy" fhe term Sanitary privy as usec3 in this ordinance shall be construed to mean any privy which is so built, rebuilt constructe~ or reconstructed as to conform 'with plans and specifications promulgated and recommended by the State Board of Health. .ARTIC LE 3. PENAL1'Y. Section 1. Any :rereoD, persons, firm or corpora"'ion or the agent of any person, persons, firm or corporation who neglects, fails or refused to comply with the provisioUs of this ordinuLCe shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanoF and whennconvicted shall be fir..ed in the sum of not less tha~ $10.00 or not more than $.50.00, and each time hat such person, pereons, firm or corporbtion neglects, fails or refuses to comply with ~y of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed a separate offen~se and punished as herein provided. Section 2. All persons, firm or corporations are hereby give sixty days fro~ ~he date of this ordinance to have privies in ' compliance with this orainar~e and plans and specifications on file wi th the Town Clerk of the Town of Ocoee. Done in open session this 1st day of September, A. D. 1924, at Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. (Signea~ c. J. Farmer Acting President. Attest: D. F. wUrst, (Signed) Clerk. Approved this 1st day oi September, A. D. 1924. (Signed) B. A. Minor Acting Mayor. .. " -. ~, -, ..~ -"""I!II ,. , ~ . . ,-~ . .- . ~, . . ~, . . . cf' ... .. " U II BUl!l'fmn RESOLV1:m ~t the 01'7 Olvk &lid ft\x ..use.tOI' ot 'II ,be 01V of Oooee be and ;he7 are herebT 1118t1'\1.O'-4 to J;?1"oceod WltbGull delll.3" to DlI.kI .. ...eesamt rol~, UI8.a1ng epecial baDen". to be l'ecei:,ed a8 tllD result ot the 1mprwemants contemplated agoa1J>>Jt all lot, and. laDle adJotnlJ2g and oontlguaa.e OJ:' bou.nd1~ am abtlt1l1XlS upon 8ald 1'r/:1prOW..", aD'l upon completion ot the BAld 11)101&1 .....,8Il8nt roU O&use a cow lIhel"tt<< to be plbl1abed two tlmo. lJUCOo.llve17 01lM ROh ....k 11\ a nenpapel' rmblbhod in oranti'e Oount;-. knom.e tbe OrlaDdo liorn1J1g SentlDel. attaoh1ng to sald alee,.ant roil 10 po.blbb8d a notlG4a directed , . , . to &11 npporsec1 preps", OWJJ8rtl interested. in lald epec1a1 uae.amems ItattaB a defta1te t1ne aD1 place whore cOr.Iplalnt. Will be hovc1 am 'IlI'b.e11 ga14 apeclal a..- ....nt. will " flzw.l17 oontl~d. b7 the Oity OO1UlCll 81 tU.ng as an equll.lnc .. 'board. ,J \.'~ 1m If JU11.mlm R1S0LYlr:D. that '0.14 &'18'''l1t, (I proYlded for in til.18 re.a1utlon to be mdG a114 .ntered ~ut tIle propen7 \lowIUDI' or &but'tllW 1&14 btpro"el'QInte, eball be pa7&ble at tbe QPtloa ot tbe propen7 one:'. as tall"" .Uher 1n fUU 11lth1n thlrt7 dap an. ,aid. ",..a..nt. .ball be equal. UH. approw4 Md.' oentirmed. or 11\ teD equal 'l'GV1:t 1MlIa11llent. ....th la_n.t ..t the rate of .1~' per oentum pel' &mum on all deternd. pa~nt. from aml aner "be tble a14 u.'BD8nfl, .ball be .qualized &ad oontlnJ1di PrOTld.ec1, 114..,.1', that upq the complG'Uon of 1&14 lmprGnmBntl the 1.&14 01117 of 00068 Ihalll'8bate te the cnmtr.-, of the property, which shall bave bfMn IlpOola1q a.s..eec1. to-I' 8a14 1mProve_nt"~ the beMfits In tbe ....os_n1f8 U or181.t&1.13 _de. ap-proftd and etA- flrmed. an4 tb8 proportionate part of the actual QO,t ot '0.14 11nPl'OYODliII1t.tO be pa14 bl .peo~ uIG.smen1l. all ttnaJ.b' determ11led upGI1 ,the completion Of nld. .... . ~t\:: lmproTerGent.. D l!i.' J'Ult1l'mm BESOLW that th1. resOlution ehall be and bu.. eU.will". f.lnt4iate17 upon ita paaos<<e and 'dOptlon~ and that tha-e1tyelerk" and he 1. henb;y lnatruote<1 t. P\1b11ah ... 111 & ...paler ot g'eura olrcu1aU.. pa.bll.>>4 1n 0r'&n8\I Couatl'. ImoWD A' the Orb,me JIorDJ.ng Sentinel, tor Q. 1... la841atels' aner U. paaaage and adfPtl... r' ...e- ...... ' - . '\, ~. (f'f.O!f:~~,~;t~)'~;-~;:::.'-~:.'.:~~~.~~" "":" L '. 0- - v 7L PV UVU'-&-- JJJ /3+!.-<rw<.C'fUA.- If - / [) 0 (). . ~ 1 -', . if! 0 v IU;/t::? ".2- t:' t" /:~ t- (/ft: /JtL y /.'" / 1;:(;, ~ .ttnry . , /f~. asiA t" j~;. " .. . '1:I~.(f ~~ au f~~' ..J0o 0,'0. J}-w-e4~4_~ i(jk'~~: ~;:--~ _ trb~fJ-oo< toI~.~: ~JJClA~-.- ~ IfLb -;2...o~~,,_h~v<J~IIt;,/ (}jf~~~)~ it!: . ~"L?O .l0 ,,'- -~ . '. /11 e. ~ vi: c r.-u ro k .;;~;1l: If e ~, ,,zw-o ~~/~r ..~ 7Jh- :/~ ' 'rOCtr 6-/& fN2,O' ~ffi-Cftt-~ >-L~'~ .', Lt~ If - ,," 'Yd. ,. l (;' ' ;~_ /./) /' .J / f1 erg ~ ~~, '-'. ~ Ee~..1 . ...f..... t\I_~V ~ ' , I j{ , ' It-, _ ') 5~- I 2." 0., -, -~, I....Uf-L/-/ (t ( e; j 'tC--f;'/AA. " 1-' - . 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