HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-31-1926 SS j , ,I ~ r- ~ ' .. ~ r. ~ I ~, ~ l,,~., ~~- . f .' --- ~~. . .. I: \ ; . . . ca. C1V QllmCll .r tl1e 01't7 of Gloee .__ JNI'h&I1t ,. du ..tIc. &at .u 0Ja the 81.t _ ot _ llU. COl'lftl11JSg at tbI hOUJ:' ot a.oo _1elto1,..., the toll"1JJa IlIImb.. be1ns preaent F. II. ~ :8. E. ~ I. J. l1rk1d, O. J. ~t o. H. lftD4I " " A.b.a' - B.. A. 1'..e1u.tla ... lntrahae4 1;)1 OI'lG1OU,_ I1rtl&e4, 'I!lo -* . 1'\1 panaae, ..ocm4e4 b7 C01IMIlaz1~. Upoa "11 call tb.8 tol1DV1Dg .,."at .,.. .,. H. ~1"1 B. B. EwiJag, J. J. XlI'klall1, o. J. gu..Z', , . O. B. Po1m4. Ifq - .. 1l1S0LU'l'105 WB:IImI1AS tM atv et one. ..14 oa ,]:a Mth ~ of septemblz' 1121, emu 1zlu a e..tract wlth. the J. B. 1II0ral7' EragiDeerlng O0l'p0J'6Uon for the CIOUv_tlon ot .tom ....... aa4 .. 1~ ot bzolok Jl&ft1lWDt within ..SA olV. whioh OODVU' poy14ed that ~..14 J. :B. .crU'7 bglD8..tng Cor,pvatl_ .. '0 _t .. ctmItrQIIUng ~. tor 1&14 iIIp'oYhlD". 1IIbIre1l1 tbe7 .... 11. '" ~ hlFalM "'1a1.,~ labor. ",~:\at~e,to.".,.,..4j.I'!C! ~ ~~ tb8 cDn.'r.1l1oD of nah u,.~f~'" in oOdW...tlOJl It ...leh the el1ly'" ,. 1.*1 '!am 6ft ...., equal to 1-' Gt ~ gQU'antee4 ..11_" of the con of ~- oompleted i!!!.Pl"o......, ~ ..,..." :;,' ~ I ~~ ... ,~ ( ~ _lpmu!I tha ...14 CIV .t Ocoee t!l! 1'1_ ccmtawlatlDc ,..._~,"'"' ,<' ............. lD. laid olty 'bJ' tJae oouu-.1sIea, ~1ng ..111 ta1in8 of the tollow1Jtc ...t.. " _~__.lI/~ ~ ..... "'-I ~/ -,~ ~ ... 1'I!l~""-' ":: ! .. ;f .1 ~ orl8ll4t nraall fUB ~tl.. wi'" B1..roN Aft. 111 lIaP Olt;r Ll>>", Ohl' _., flIOIIl b__Un wi1lllll1..roN Aft. ,. lJltU_1ll.OIl witll lAk_o04 A~. n..roN A..- msa lnW....lon wi'" -- s,. 111 lJl1lIlI_i:l08 wi'" A.O.'L. B.R. Oa.."...a A.... '""' In__'lon witll .._ st. 111 !Jl1lI1:_1d.OIl witll J..u Sbe'J'e Dl's..-. 11I187 _, hoB la_MOtlon witll nae~ A_ '0 la_..e." with Bl'\ltR4 ,....,e. :n...-l _, fI'OIIllJl1llll""lon wi1lh JtI,I.... A_ toln__tloa wlth 'Blv.t..a ....-. ClIJDbIr1f,ad A_ tr_ln__tlon wi1lh . ;. .".s...\I-' ,. In__.oa with O.)r)aw:l A,'f8m>>. ~ahO" nr1.,. tl-CIn south .$\ 158 IJltel'18ot loll ..1'th ....t 01'1 lla1 t. .nh Qt Mar>> ~. 'l'Qll\1a sweet from .Bl11f0r4 to J,ake1lho1"e I*'1-ve. ~i whlch 1aIPo..man" are ct_.d bJ the Q1V OOUl1Dl1 to bIiI part of ~M pregwa t. whloh ~ J. :B. l'DoraJ1 EDgS.De.r1ng OOZ"PGZ'&tloa .. eutlo:re4 84. o on- ......ttng ~r.. as &bove ..t rOl"\h. 1101'. ~t b. 1t r..91Y8d b:r tb8 01'7 OO\WS11 ot: 11>> ~'Y .f 00-. 1I1orl4a tIla' .s.ld oontnc'. b;r- _en tIla olt;r of ()HM aII4 tIla J. ll. UIICft11'Y ~lJlg OoIrpOI'&'lon. be ~ _ ....-..' be d_d ~ to tIla J. ll. lIoaraq l!IIgI.DeII>lDg Ceqor..1ll.OIl 1IDler tIla ..... to... ..... .lIl41tLIIllI .. F"~ la \Il&1l __, ~t04 ~ 11&. 111.. tIla ~oo.tGeI ~ ~- --- ~.. - - t ~ ~ -- -- L lOlV 01er1l:. t .... ,,~ ~~".~ r.' ." of 01'7 'bQl1ll4tu A.ppI"e_ ~) .".111 f. tile p:ropo.... 1/1'I-' lmpIO_,.belDg la tIldIlIlO1lllt of ~.. .Ln~66- ,;;::-"&',....." . _ U ~'i-:" f""'\-~~ '.. g",- ~...-".,:z..~:;,...,...... &1l4 ......d tbU 51" da7 of .. 111116. ;:-,.....'\, ", -'.;: , ~- ~ ,;- - ~ ::- _ ,....... :..... _ ,~:,\ -, ~.. ..~ r~ , _____ ~..., " IM!'P-, ...mt ~l"; ,~~ ~ ' ~ "' ~~.~~. ~- .... ~ -- L/J .:./ ...... :~ ,,", ' '" v ~~,.,.' , .~_ ..r\~ J'" ~"="'~ 'z :: _,~ ".. '.~,- ~,' A /J n.--, ,r-- / ~.-.~........ '. ~:; ~~ '. _" ,..,,', r d".'~~ ~ "/ /:' ~)6..... '... ..,.......-::-. 'E ;/' '1-,... .......,,~""'"~ \":,0... ._:- "';~-"\:l ...~ ~ -,,~:....~,# .. -- ~ ~---::;-.=r.."'"""'.-:::'''; · ."". · .~.:::".=. ,- Upon .1aloA, "'~OUI'J'ISI$nt .... take.' - ,... ~~~ - -- ...- - ~ ~ '::: ..'!. ._ .;o,.J.~_ ~ 'lo ~ ,~ . ..... ~ J. ,1. . :; ',~ . C01l1m OJ ~lWIG1I ) ft1a OJ FL01111lA. l . " '" 1. . 01.'\7 clert of ~ Cl" .f 00.... nor1" 40 ~reb1 eertUy ~ tb.B teresolns 11 8. true an4 .-reo' coW of m1ml"" of ""be of tbl 01V 0.,..,11 of tba Ot.'7 of QotIe .14 on th8 311' 4f.J .r ..,. t 11M, 1Il4 of "Iolutlon e4optl4 at ,alA ..,Sag. 11 1fl"" WH&UOf t haW bernPO aet 'IlfI bd MIA otA et.al 111I&1 thl. ..1 '&&:lot :<.;......".....y\'\"..\\. . ~...._..:.- r-'\ 'I,,',.... ~'i-'''''' ~ ~r-. . ~.', .. ........... " :.,...._" ."*i.,.... ^ ..,....._ v /::'- \, _:I, ..... .,..........<\. ... ;3 "-...;:,~., ~- ~~~ -, ' ~ --"- i-""" '- _ _.- ~-:-,\1" ..\ ~ -'~, ;J -:;; ~,- ..:.,~;' '~\- " - -;;.../'~ I~ /' _' _,.-...,~ .__,..-v, ~. ~ ,~ ....:.--[' " '......... _~ .. r;: ~. /: : - '" -.. ~'" ~..' ...--;/. ,.. _'-' j'V"A'-~' t:' -'_~ /' ',' .-0::::-...... ~ ,~;... ...---.-,.,,~;...----,;:; ....::'..... '--.... //,A.. .t::-"f:::::.~~ A- ..~. . _ _..................~~J;;" /.:,.... ......-...~. -~. " ' .. ~ '------'" ' '- ,- T T ..,\' .,.. " "\,"-~~~~ ' """ .~......:.. '''':............. ... ill ~-- ~;:; ---:;=.::: ~ .,. ~.-.~ 'f' . 1.121. t~d'~ 01"7 O]lu:k \ - " \ -= ~~