HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-1926 ~ ~(".:< 'T:I~ -~:r- J; ~~ '--m~(J' ~:r:".~ ',~~' co~_... ~TY '" o~~--) · . '~D J1JD 'tA.' 11M. <mJII' , ._' a .w. ~ '" ... ' '-' :'j-~" .&11... te .r..r '7]'~ x. KacU1r.,-:Pr..~,.t 'J'beil, .1ta . ,f.ll.w1., _...r. u..er1q r.ll..al.l: J." :Iw1q, J'.:r. XirlClUl". ,C. :r. ~araer. 'AlI.eat: C. x. P.un... \ n..t.. .f Iren... .~I. ..etl.. u.. I,... It.ee~lal. read...<< a,..r..,ea. C...-.t.at1... r...: Appraisal C..utte. .. tAe L. Jl. er1:f'f'1m :Pr.,..ltle., ..lll1tte. tkelr re,.rt 18 wr1tlac...~e1nc a ~aluat1.n .t tlO. .n tae .ut1.- iRI 1. Q_e.t1.n., Baae .rierei file. t.r tat.re refere.... O'UDell .r.erei water ..Rfteot1.. f.r reel"en.. .f Krs. 1...1. '11 Lake....... ATe. Yater a.~ te e ..,..ere. te aet 1 a re .,1,. 8lt.a1lCe. at Yat..n'" (I..race a.rner. ' ,., Hr~ Y. ". {'ateen, 7ermum A. O. L., was ..r..ellt f.r 1!J!flnaat1.n a8 t. t7Jt.. ete. .tpayeaent at aye CJr.881J1.lC8. u,.n ..ti.., .e..m~e. an. '~ypa..e', 1t wa. ..et..e. t.p~e tAe t.lleWi..: or.eelI1C. witll .rlek, ani wllere,a.,eaellt. are ..t. t. 'e ..ntlJ1uea. after cr. .a1a, .7. 1't wa. .raere. tllat ,aTeaent ah.ul. .e exten.- .C ftlt t. exoeet tea feet tr.. en' .f tle.. Tll1. ..1at t. lte reteTrea t. 01 ty hc1neer a. t. e:u.et _.._er .t teet t. ,. ,aTe... a.- JlLOl.AL !D:I:IT (..ar lletR..1et O.ve.) , ~MOak1an' ATe. 1e t. ,. extenCe. we.t te ,reeent lr1ek r.ai. 11 uteri A.,e. (Ir.rt:a) ,a.,_en t 11111 ,ft. t or.ee track .wine t. 1n..11i ty t. .eeure r1t;llt .t way f.r ,aTiftC'.n tAe ..rth.t I eui track. W. a.seagent le ...e &ca1nst A. C. L. O.unell lnetruete& Olerk t. requel!t A. C. L. t. ~urni u. neoe..uy par" raile ani reek f.r 'a.e te take care .t J'l.ral st. an.. Oaklani ATe. Cr'881ne.. ' . \ \ I I ;.. ~ Water h,'t. was lnatrllote. t.eDt.roe tll.e rble .t c.llectl.n. .n all .ater aoe.unt., 1'l_el~: WIf ~111. are Bet ,al. ~y t~e IOta .t ..nth fell.wine stateaent. .eTT10e t. lie cut .1'1'. A. c1tar<<e .t tl. ~. 'e .aie t.r out tin; efr, en. al... 8a11e char~e fer cuttine .n ata1n. The f.lle"lnn. chfl.llle . r~ers were t. lte c1 Ten te JlcCrary 0... eaae t. 'e tlle1r alltla..rity t.r wrlc ".ne: 1 Y,..er1nc' cura an. paTe erue .n :J11lter. ATe. a.tween lloXe31 an. O&klana. L.werlnc cllrlt and lHi.Te ira.. .n Yl.ral St. .etween :Jlut.ri ani Cma.erla....Tld.. Lower1nc; cur'\! 6mti )aTe crade on OiJd and .etween ,A, CLan. C...erlani. au.ine: an' re-eett1nc ourl) (alreaq set) .n Oaklan. ATe. ana McXey 8t. fr.. >>luf"Ctr4i ealt. Chm,1nc all c11rlt 1n Harl.n Park sID "fn. nUB te &aiee' Cur......, inohe.. Aii 1'11 ft. .1' 15 1noA et.TJl sewer., .n JIleral St. an.. t.., oatcll. .allns----l.-ll X. n1Jd.nate It.TiftC: nesl_ee ATe. Alee e11.- \ _' blate tile t.ll.winl et.na sewers: 2eO .ft. .1' 1 fi inoh en :n',ral, .. ~iI. 310 ft. lli inol!. en lIo1!:e;r. ~ / (JText Slleet) / . . . . '. , . . . ~ ' . , June 'th--Ccnt1nuea. e , ... . ......., ~,ll1nnte8 -VI w. . I. ./ ',\ ~e t.ll.wine i1118 were reM an.. .r..ere.. ,~..: ( a. :r. Xerr--Yater C'nneotions as ,tier il11 .13.10/' fta. Jlu. !erv1ce C.. :Pua,1nC t. E/llStll 1'.00 ~ !'la. Jlu. !erT1ce C.. mtreet L1lht. t. S/:51at I 4'.12/' 8r1:ri!tn :r.lU1..ry C.. 10 lleter :J.xee-les8 45~ ..18 22.0S / /(lrlan... )I.rnine Sent1nd--Il~"lllt1en in re a88e88- / ~' .ent ..nis -r.r tje-2/:5~.f City :Pa-nn~' 25.50.~J.rtd Olit Dart..->>al. .n llal&rJ' ~. .Tun. ~tll 3T. iO,.a. C. A. J..t.......aulin: 10, lCeter :a.xes te 01 ty r~.t .50 / >>ank . t 00".- - Sem- A Int. llar1. n ~arli: lI.n... '10 11..00 1 :PI J. Pew, ~t. A C L ~t 10 Xeter I.xes a.'8 :I. :I. 3t:ll1--Xaulln~ TraM .n Tayl.r St. 2.25/ .,:.,,, ./ There .e1n~ ne further \usines8, u,.n ..tien iuly passea, the .eet1n~ aijournecl. - t~ \. l~ Atte.t:~ ~ ~, }' ., , ~~' Clerk. '\ ~ ~re81..ent. , 0"7 t. JlcCrary 0.. A., C. L. Iy. ~ l\ XN:VdWO;:J' SS~"}Id~~~"u~;~~IVH N:V~I"}I~Ii\TV ~ \ ("V'S '0 Ul 1)91Ul.1dl · '~ (9901) ......... r~- .' .. --------,;; ~ ..... .. e . r~" r~ .,. ~. The City Council of the City of Ocoee met in reā‚¬ular session Monday, the 7th day of June, A.D. 1926, convening at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., the following mB~~ers of the council being present. 1$ Absent The City Clerk and Tax Assessor of said city submitted an assessment roll in accordance with resolution adopted by the City Council ~ 11 ~ on the 27th day of ~~ 1926, the title of said resolution being as follows: "Providing for the construction, grading, hard-surfacing, paving and otherwise improving certain streets and avenues within the corporate limits of the City of Oeoee; authorizing special assessments for 66-2/3% if tge J cost thereof against the lots and land adjoining and contib~ous or abutting r and bounding upon such improvements; providing the manner in which said special assessments shall be payable by the ,ovmers of such lots and lands." I ,I The City Clerk and Tax Assessor called the attention of the council ti!i. the fact that the assessment, roll had_been prepared and description of , -f~t~, property based on an "As~sm:mt :Map of Ocoee, Florida" prepared by the J. B. -- -- r>' ~ McCrary Engineering Corporation of Atlanta, Georgia and filed in the City Clerk's office for the purpose of designating the property to be assessed for the payment of the proposed improvements. Moved by councilmtm~:econded by councilmtm~~ I that the said "Assessment l/.a:p of ocoee(jloridatt be designated as the official plat,_of._ the ~Ci ty of- Ocoee- for all purposes o-so far as the proposed improve- ments and assessments against property therefor be concerned: Put to vote . and unanirrra.usly carried ,tber.e being no dissenting votes. ~"'. ~ 'I;;..'7'~ _... .~"':~" :w: ~.'~ 0:" ~,~