HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-1926 SS
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TM 01t7 OG1U'JC11 ot the 01~ of OCO" ..t pJZ'lUaIlt to 4'118 notice
&ll4 oaU on the 6th ~'or ~, 1926, euwn1Bg -' the hov ot 8.00 1.... "e
tol1..ua label'. beiJ:IB prlHDt I
:a. E_ bing,
1. J. Dzkllll4,
P. n. lI&gId.N.
O. H. Poua4&l.
O. J. F"~
.lbeent.. Ji_
It .&0 ~ '7 the P.re.l&mt of tbt 001011 thM pt.1l'8\1&Dt
to rallo1.t1_ d~ lIdopte4 .t a reBQ1ar' IIHtln8 held the 7th da.y ot J1mB, 1'26
thI 011;7 counc11 wnl4 .111 as an 'qu.11as.ng Bearel for ifha purpose of hea.r1ng a..
pl&1ntJ,&4.1utiDg,equa11a1D8 appl"oriDg ud ttt\aJly oont1Jamlng the u......nt.
as ..t' 1'GI'th 1z& that ""'8fl\<Jt roU t11e4 with the 011;7 01..11: at aid ..tma
belt J1uw '1~.'
- Ii ~liitiUt. apPian4biteN t118 OO'QDC11,. -. the 01'7 Olt I't
ADIl.OlUleed that ne W'l'1 tUn CODl'1a1ntJ hI4 bien reo.heA.
It ~!ne tl'Bt m oOllfPlalnte h84 bun reoelTed b7 the 01'7
Clerk or tlle4 with the 00tule11 with refvence t. 8&14 ""'BI8Ilt., tt .... -..4
'b7 Counclba ran.r that 8&14 aue..D8Ilt. be 48..4 a4Ju~ i';r~ .qull.., .t
t1D&l13 .~cl and cont1.rDl84. SIeoDlled b1 CO\1IlCl1J1&Jl6UJ \WOJl reU
eaU the tollowblg 'rOt... ...,at
IS. E. lBw':I.ag,
J. J. Kirk1aJJ4.
P. R. JI&t,gQ1.l"e,
C. H. Pouzule
O. J. lanIII'
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,I. n. o. B1ee1cnr. cl1.\q &uthorf.ze4 &rJ4 aotSng Oity 01_k ot
t1:&.e 01 t:r of Oooee. Flor14&, 40 harelq cert1f1' that ~e tor.eolns 18 a ..
UI4 oorntt oow ot IB1m1.tet ot miettng of the CUi~ CO'UU011 of the 01ty ot
00.... ~U an the 6th ctau of .:Ja.11' 1...
6' II WlM8S l!HIlmOJ' X haw henwlto ari IS\Y han4 and of'tlc1al
IIM1 thl. ~t;;...~ ot .1UJ.J', 1'26.
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'1'h8 OU)' 0-..11 ot ths 011'07 ot Oo08e ""t in h~
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....loa on ths (g- cIlQ' ot ol'aJ,r, 1926, 00ll....1.Dg at the h..... 0100 .'.loot
P.ll.. there being present
&W:~. .
Jl8t1 - None
A reso1ut10n to determ1ne the amount. date. lIQd)er8. d.nomination.
111_ ot maturity am form ot bond prorlded tor 1n a certa1n ;resolut1on ot the 01t1'
of Oeo.. enUtled ttA relolutlon pro'f1d1J1g tor .the con.truation. snd1Dg. haz'd-
8U1'tac1Dg. IlAving ,and otherwise 1m;prOTing certaln street. an4 .."DUI. wlthin the
cC'porate l1m1t. ot thl 01t70t Oooe., aut_riling .pecial a..eI8I18nt. tor 6~2/1f/,
fit the co.t tblreof aealnst the lot. and land8 a4Jo1D1ng ud cont1go.ou or abutting
ad 'b0UDcl1ng u;pon lrQOh imprctrement.a provldiJsg the _Dner in which .aid special
.....I.ent. .b1U 'be plqab1e 'b1' the ow.r. of such lots and 18Z1dB" adopted aD1
apo...d the 27th day of lla.Y, 1926, aDd to direct the e:ncution ot said boDd..
WBElUllA.S, on the 27th day ot Jra.T. 1926 the .ald resolution a. here-
inbetore .et out was pUleel b1' the 01t1' Oounci1 ot th8 01 ty' of Oeoe8, m4.
~t::{ .t""f~~_..;I,o
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..-2- .
Wlm~~S at the ti8 of the adoption ot the -.id 1'8801ut1oa pJam
ua4 .pfeifieatio1'll w,lth tle ..tl~t.d ooet of the propond improvemente "'1'. on
file with the Oit7 Clerk ot the 01t7 of Oo08e, and
IBI.D'BEAS t1l8 C1 t1 Oouncil of the Oi ty or Ooo.e haD O&UtJed to b .
prepaloed an ua.S81l18Jlt roll aaoord1Dg to lthe _thod provided for In said resolution
11!IUlmAS purara.a.nt to notice appende4 to &~ pblbhed with the
8&1d ..el.ment roll, the _1d Council met on the 6th day ot J'uJ.7 at the hour ot
8.00 o'cloek p.K. as an equalis1ng board, tolear and c0I181der ~ aXIl all cam,pla1nt.
a. to such Itpeclal &II.elamanta. aJ3d. to. adJu,at am equalize the sa14 al.eaament.
o~ t1w but. of Ju,lt1ce aDl r1ght. end there being no complaints 'Upon whioh to
act, the COl1D011 then declared the _1d asse.aments equa11Hd and appro"d. _d
WB8nAS her.t 0 tore , there baa been let a oonu-act 1'01' .aid .tree'
lOW. 'l~m:. BE IT RESOLlBD b7 1:bt City counol1 ot the City
.t 0008', I'lor1dAa
hOtlon 1 · 'rhat the.. c~ 1;1 of Oooee. Orange oounty. state at
J'lorlda 40 1.8l18 negotiable coupon b0n4s of' .aid 01 ty 1;0 'lthe II1\OlU1t of Sixtl'
Six !h.01I8a:a4 1)11_. (t66;ooO), 'be~'not to emeed "1~ ot till proportionate
part ot the co.t ot laid .t1'8.t 1mpronllUt., to be patd by special as.e.ament..
b.t laid bond. 1ha11 bear 'the date at Augu't I, 1926. &n4 ahall
be ot 'th8 d.nominatlon ot $1.000 each, Iha1l bear in'terest at the rat. ot 6% pc
annum paJable .emi-emmallT. and both prlDclpal .D1 interest Bh&ll be N'&b18
at the BUoyar JSatlona1 :Bank in the 01t7 ot ... York ADd State ot IleW YOI'k..
Section 2 - fha.t a&td bOriet. 111 the total amount of t66.000 ah&l.l
be J111JIblred from 1 t. 66, lnolu1.,., and .hall Do twe as tollowl'
B0D48 numberedl W 6 1nclu.1.... Ghall atm-. a1l1 become due 8Ild
PIt1&ble on Augwrt 1. '192'1.
Bcmd.I numbered' to 12 J.msl118be ..hall ma.ture and become due aDd
plQ'abl. A.ugut I, 1928.
Bonds mmbered 13 to 11 111011181" ahall mature aDd become due &l14
~abl. A.ugust I, 1929.
.., --
:Bonda numbered 19 to M lnolusl1'8 shall mature and bee=- due
ar.a4 PtWable A'Q6Ut 1, 1130.
Baadl mmlbtred 26 te 81 ll101ul'f1 eba11 .tv. am beCODll!l due
&Dll pqable Augu. 1, 1131.
" :Bondi numbered 32 to II 88 1Ilc1U11'Y8 shall mat1Jl'8 and become da
ut4 ~ab'le Augut 1, l'SI.
:Bondi nUDib.red I' to. 4.5 ,lDC1~1" IlJall mature and. becOlDl d'u
ud. pqabl. Alag'QIt 1, 1981.
Bonda IlUlllbered 46 to 52 lnolualve shall mature md beoame due
met pqable A'\1gWrt 1, 19M.
Bonds numb.red 63 te 9 1mlulY.Q eha11matwe am became ae
&Dl papble 'A:agu1s 1, 1'35.
BoD4JI Jl'QD1bved 60 to 66 lDVlul'Y8 Ihall mature and becCllDl!ll m.
and p&1abla Augut 1, 1.36.
Stet loa 3 - That the l&i4 bonde and cOtljpona sball be in ~.ta.n-
t1&117 tlw tOl1cnri,ng tOl'DlI
'111" 'fa1ue recelY8d, the Oity of Oeoee. a man1clpa.1 corporation
ln the ccnmty ot Orange andS-.te at Florida hereby ..knowledge. U..lt 1J3d.bted
Uld prom... to Pe.Y the bearer 01,000 . 0D8 ThO\1l&nd Dollar. - OD the fir.t 4a7
of A1J8U1;, A.D. 1'_ with int...t thereon at the rat. ot 8ix per aantum pel"
&nzrma. pqable aem1-annuallT OIl ,.bruar,y 1 anA.....t 1 in each am eve17 78&1" OD
pr..entation anci nrreD4.r ot tba azineu4 atel.t coupon. aa they seTWally be-
co. d_. both principal an4 inter..t being ~&ble lJ1 gOld, coln ot the Un! tad
S'tate. ot .-r10& lot the pre.ent Itandard ot n18ht and tinex... at th8 BaIloftr
...t ional :Bank, New Tork Oity, If.. York.
Thia bond i. 0121 of a .erle.ot 66 bolide aggregating Sixty S1:&
~GUaDd Doll&r. ot 1111:8 4&te an4 teDOr' eseept u to na1;..1t7, ..Ill 1. 1~4 by thl
..'i'-_ 't";'"
. -. .-
Bonds numbered IV 1;0 Sf. lnolus1.1'e shall ma.ture and bee=- due
IUlCl ~abl. Augu1; I, 1'$8.
Bond. nUDlbered I' t. 48 .llKS1~1.'" shall mature and. bee.. dua
Ull ~le '&:116'_1; I, 11131.
Bond. numb81"'ct '" 1;0 52 lDclulve shall mature and beo_ due
and p~bl, August 1, 19M.
Bonds numb.red 53 te " 1mlU81~ shall matw8 am beoCllD8 du.e
&D4 pa.yable 'A.l1gu1; 1, l'3D.
Bonda mmibved. 60 to 66 1llTlulT8 .hall mature and becCJIDIlI .due
and. payable Augut 1. 1.36.
Slot ion 3 ... fhat the _14 bOM8 and c~ona smI1 be in s~.tan-
t1&117 tlll tGl1ow1llg t~JIla
'or 'falua roce1m, the Oity of Ceoee. a manlcip&l. oorporation
in the oounty at 01'U1B8 &DdS.. at Florida hereby .knowledge. 1tselt 1nd.bte4
U1d promo. to PI\Y the bearer 01.000 ~ ODe !hOl18&nd Dollar. ... all the fir... a&7
or Al18'1ri, A.D. 1. with illten.t tl1er.oll at the rate at .1% per 08ntum pel'
&mn1III, pa.yabl, 18m1-annualq oa "'bruar7 1 anA -.rut 1 111 eACh aD1 8"817 1OJ' 01'1
PJ,",.entatioll and. IWrender of t>> anneud 1at8l'~,.t eG'Upon. aa tbay se.,..ally b....
co. 4_, both pr1ncipal _4.intere.t be1D8 ~..bl. in gold, coin of the trn1ted
state. ot '-1'108 .'of the pre.ent Itandard of we 18ht and f1neDl.. at the HaD.oftr
.atlow Bank, In Tork 01t1'. .aw York.
Th1. bond i. o. of a 8erl,. ot 66 bonds aggr.e;ating Sixty Six
ThOU&Dd DGllar. ot I1D date and tenor .se.pt as to _tw1t" aDl1s 1~ by tha
...1!~':; _, ....~
. '.
01ty ot oooe','1Ulder ,am in fUll compliance wlth tho constitution and law. ~t
the state ot Florida under and by virtue ot Chapter 9298 of the ceneral Acts am
r.nl:a.t. e4optec1 b1 the Leg1.1e.ture ot Flor14a at lts nineteenth reg'l1llll" se.lion
aad the reso1utlon ot the 01t;y of 0008', .ntit~e4 "A fI~itlut1on providing tar tle
coutruotlon, gra4iDg.' hard.lWtaolng, partl18 and othernoe improving .0ertaiA
atr.et. and anm.ell within the oOrporat. U.m1ts ot the City ot Ocoee. authorls1ng
spe;Clal assessments tor 6e;.2/~ ot tbe oOlt thereot a.ga1nat thelote ed land8
a4Joln1Dg and contlgW)U8 or abutting and bounding upon BUDh 1mpronmenta. provicUng
th, mamer, 1n which 8a1d special alMSIJIIlIDte eha.1l be yqable b7 the ownere of 8'Ul1Sh.
lots md l&1ld8" am the proceed1nge and res o1ut :l0118 ot 1the 01 t1' 00unc1l of the .a1d
01t7 ot 0008e under the said resolut16n d~ had and adopted.
It 18 her~ certified, re01ted and d.o~.4 that all 8Ot., c0D41-
14. one and th1D8t required to w.t, happen am be pertorlJJ9d precedent to aD1 in
the 1ssuance of the sald bon<\e have stilted, happened and been pertorned in dUB
time, torm. am manner aa req mred by the conetl tutlon and law. ot the state at
Flor1da ~,the resolution ot the 01 t1' ot 'be..., and that thb 1s8tlS does not
exceed UJ:1 conet1tut1onal or .tatutory limitations.
'er the p~nt ot the Pl"lncipa1. am interest of this bond the f1l11
ta.tth and cr. ell; of the 8&14 01ty ot 00088 18 herelg- lrreyocabq plodu~d..
m WIMBS WHEREOF the sa1d. OitT ot Ocoee has causA th1e bond to
be .igned by it. 1la1Or, att..t.4 by 1t. Clerk and its oClllllOn .eal to be hereto
affixed, a124 baa caueed the 1ntere81l coupon. hereto attached to bear the 11 thographe~~,
tac 81m11. .1gnature:s ot 1 t. Jfa,or and 1 t8 Clerk on this the t1rst dayot AU6l8t,
~~. ~ ~~J;'.::--19~.
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.~r ot the C1 t1 ot ()OOGe
01 ty Olerk
(HOD OF ccmoJl)
The City ot OCaee 'rill peg bearer on Febrll.ar7 1 (A:aguat 1) li_ .
~t1' Dollar. in gold coin ot the present standard ot we1ght and tinene.. a.t the
_.c_ ~ ._
t . +.. -.(
~.... I
Hanover lIational Bank. Hew York Oity, !few York being 81% months interest then due
on the bond ot lIaid Oity lssuitd tor the purpose ot street Improvements, dated.
Augut 1, 1926, and bearmg Btulber
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~ -: ~ ~ ~ ~::.." :"\S~~lOtiOD " - !lb. .7Dr and the Oity Olerk are hereby directed to
- ~ -..,.-- ~,~ .
~'I!ATe -tne n8i~~ number 0 f bonds printed, 8.Ild when the said bonds shall la ve been
~/'~._- ~~~:.;.~ ~
&at~r;;a.~~& aforesaid, the Jlqor and the OiV' Olerk are directed to exeoute the
' .-.......~
,., '\'1:"....'-"-
8ame and at'tix the oommon seal of the 01ty of Oeoee, thereto.
Section 5 - 'lhat &11 asse8SDlcts which have bee or which may at
any time 1n th. future be levied for paying the co art 0 t the improvements, tor whioh
these bonda are 108'a8d, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the purpose ot paying the
pr1n.c 1pal aDd, interest 0 t sa.id bonds herein autho r!zed, or euch bond 8 as may be
hereatter baud tor th1a 1mp~ovement by virtu ot thAt resolut1on referred to in
the a.bove preamble adopted by the 01 ty lIa.y 27, 1926.
Section 6 - bt it be declared the intention of the Baid Oity
Oouncil to sell .ald bondIJ, and tha.t notice ot ouch intention be given by the pub-
lication of notice ot tbe intention ot ~he 01111' Oouncil to 8ell said bonds by the
publication ot the following notice ot aBle in the OrlandO Morning Sentinel, a
nnspaper of general o1roulation in Ora.~. 001U1t7, there being no new.paper
published within the 01V of Oooe., the same to be published once each week tor
three consecutive weeb.
Omnge Ocnm.ty,
]foUos 1e hereb;y siven that ihe OI:ll of tho 01V of 000'"',
Florida, will on the ff~ day Of- 1926, at the hour of f
reoei". bld8 tor the purchase ot Sut -six Thousand '*66.000.)
o 'oloole p. K.
Dollars Street !aprovement :Bond. ot 8a1d Oity. Said bOnds are dated Auguat 1,
1926, bear interest at the rate ot six p.rocnm per amum and m!Iotur. 8eriaUq
a. follon:
Six 1'houand ($6,000) Dollars on ~t 1, in each ot
the year. 1927 to 1930 lnclusiTe.
SeTen POll sand (t7,OOO) Dollars on Auga.8t 1, in HOh ot
the years 1931 to 19361no1uaiye
/ ~,
." . .~.J
- i'.~, .-...I.h'~v:
, , ~
i . 1,'1 l
, . e
\ t
I I -6-~
:Both prinoipal and interest 'being payab'le at' the Hanover lJatlona.l Bank, New
Yoli$: Oity.
:Bends will be,delivered to t~e puroM.8er, aoaompanled by the
approving opinion of Jlelsrs. Oh&pnaU, Outler &. Parker ot Chicago. All bide
mWilt be accompanied by certified olJ,eck in the s,DV)unt of two (2) percent ot
th.par valua ot tho b&nds, made payable to the City ot Ocoee, B'lorida., as
eT1denoe ot good taith on the part ot the bidder in the event his offer io
'!he Oity r 88crves the rigJ.t to rejeot o.n:y or all bids.
Appro-red and a40pte4 the
~ ~ d>>.1 ~A.D. 1926
.... -
At~~8t.~:: l
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/- ~ "~'.r-~'g!here being noim'ther bulinesa, upon motion, the meeting
'. _........ "\ -","ft
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adJo~~~ /I@ A ~ ..(
I, R. O. Bigelow, the dnly qualified a.M acting Oity Olerk ot
the Oity ot 00008, state ot nor1da, dO hereby oertit,y
. .
t the t'oregoiIlg con-
atitutes a tru.a and correot cOP1 of the minutes ot ~ I18sting of the
:-.',....,...\"- , . ~
011:7 0._11 of tb8 01t1 of 000.., :n.r~~~II'-' . t ~ ilA1 o~
1'\ 19 6 dY/- t AJ.Jt\.J - ' ,;: f-'" '-- /r I
A,.IiI. 2. cr.,. ~.- --- ~ --:;:; ~
".,.. ....,.,.. I.
- --- '...... ,- .~
IN wI'l'NESS WHEREOF I liave --hero}ll1to:eo.t m;"'~ and official s8a.l
thl.~f!: day of ~ A."'n. 192~" ~~.~
U~ ~u~
d. ~
. \
6, \
that the said assessment roll be receiv
1~ved by Councilman
seconded by COUl1Cil~~
the Council and filed. Motion
M:oved by seconded by councilman~~
thet the City Council of the City of 0 0 e meet on the ~ /i.; day ~
1926 at thehour of LO'clock pI.... on eqtlalizing board to hear complaint.
with reference to said assessments, and to adjust, equalize, approve and
confirm said assessments, and that proper notice be given -oy publication
three times in the Orlando morning Sentinel, a newspaper of general circul~
tion within Orange Co~~ty, Florida, and that said assessment roll be pub-
lished with said notice.
rJ ~
There being no further business, upon motion, the meeting
Ci ty Clerk.
I, R. C. Bigelow, Duly qualified and acting city clerk of the
Ci ty of Oc_oee, Florida do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and
correct copy of minutes of meeting of the City council of the City of Ocoee
bald on the 71J; day o~ . 1926.
m WITHESS WHEREOF I have hereunt 0 set rr'\f hand and seal this
7ft: day Of~ . 1926. '
/..1. C'i ty Cl ark - -
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A~ ,tj!< ,
, .,.-, 1~1 Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of
Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, has caused to be made by the City Clerk and
Tax Assessor an assessn~nt roll in accordance vrith method of assessment pre-
scribed in ~certain resolution adopted by the City Council on the 27th ~
of 1~ 1926, providing for the construction, grading, paving and otherwise
improving certain streets and avenues within the corporate limits of the City
of Ocoee, Florida.
Said assessment roll, copy of which is hereto attached, has
this day been filed with the said City Council as provided by law, and special
assessments for 66-2/3 of the total cost of the improvements provided for in
said resolution have therein been levied against all prop~rt,y abutting and
fronting upon the streets and avenues therein named and described, and against
all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting said im-
pro~ements. ~aid property proposed to be so assessed has been described in
accordance with an "Assessment Map of Ocoee, Florida," prepared by the J. B.
McCrary Engineering Corporation of Atlanta Georgia, filed in the office of the
undersigned, and which shall be for all purposes of the said assessments the
legal plat of the City of Ocoee. Said plat;:.rnay be inspected at the office of
the undersigned.
Said special assessments provided for in said resolution and
levied in said assessment roll shall be payable at the option of the ~roperty
ovmers in cash within thirty (30) days after said assessments shall stand
equalized, approved and confirmed by the said c~ty Council, or in ten (10)
equal yearly installments with interest at the rate of eight per centum per
annum, upon all deferred payments from and after the time said special assess-
ments shall be finally equalized, approved and confirmed by the said City
All property o\vners interested in said assessments are hereby
notified that the City Counoil of the City of Oooee, orange County, Florida
will meet at the &..iv in said City of Ocoee at f otclOCkft M
~ ..-w
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on the t, ~ <iDo' ~, A,D, 1926, for the purpose of hearing
complaints with reference to the foregoing assessments, and each of them, and
at sc~h time said assessments will be adjusted and equalized, and finally
approved and confirmed by the said City Cmuncil sitting as an equalizing board.
Any and allcu:x)l~~~t~ :~~t bo f~lcQ with the Clerk in \~iting.
DOllE at Oeoee, Orang<> County, Florida, this 7!f:day ~
A.D. 1926.
. ,
t \.. Ci ty Clerk
",:,- ---:," - ;\'
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