HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-1926 ~ , ' e' , CITY OF OCOEE - --.., a . ~ ~, ~ BElAUTrll'UL ORANGE GROVES PURE W" ATER PAVED STRElETS ~~_70NG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORI OA '. GOOD CHURCHES HIGH SCHOOL FINEl LAKES T,,""'O RAILROADS Jl!l1.U'lJ:8 .~ A U~ULAJ. l!n'1'!Jr~ .,. '1'XZ .IfT .UWIIL, DL~ AU{!U!T le~h, l'le. H..ti" tall.. t. ert,r~' Preli(ent .t the leUR.11, Y. X. llalllirft. lfhe r.llew1al prel..t: ~. :I. :lw1." I. lI. It'UJl''', I. 1. ~a~.r a'~ J. 3. ~lrkl..i. Hia.teer.a.. a.t al'pr....e<<. !. 1). ...... .a. p,.....t "1 th ,1... f.r & "..ac;. .. we.t 81... .f. s..ta Jlut!.r' ....... (..ar Meh) )(1. J1'" i,-.r. li1..lA..ei u4l a,pr'T'.. X. .a. aatll'T1z... t. ''lit 18 'rai. ti1fl f.r.. JI.rtll a.' fr.. ...tJa, t. ".!le.t 1fi th pr..eat tile .Bi.r 'ri.k r..... '....il acre.. t. ,1,~ w~t.r t. 81. pr.,erty 11__~ .~p..lt. hi. ,r.,..e. ~Uil"1.C. Kart1. ~ra1.a&': }lay.r 1:'l3'trlllt... t. a&k' ',r.,..it1'. t. Kr. Mar'1. t,hat .i ty ..\Il' '..at. $25. t.lIari 1.,..er11!C .It.ell, Jre- Ti..'-lie ani .\1II..r ).r'l.rty ._erl ...1. j'1. 111" thi. werk: lIr. Hartl. t. r.l.a~' ..... tr.a ."Y tnrth~r r,.~...1.i11ty. ~-,~ 01 ~ ll..,..r &11' !larDal were _".illt,. t. ...1:e .. er the 'ifatcT ..na'lUiter., aalC1J1C lilt .f tA... t. Clerk, f.r Ii tv file.. Ilcrk, 1..trust@d te alii 11 lit all 110 !t;llto.1cr a 111 ea".,!'!. ' a...r.t~ .urvf.Y SIrll.e' t. '.. :r.rsllh,- ~.r..l:U:ie ;;.:l:.::tl1 i"'e.k ll..,..r TO'lU..t.. te "5k. )lr. ~111 t$ TQ all ui.wallb, r;ra.d~~ lJl~e1!:1 ITd.. .ta!c.~. ele8e t. f....1 .,. .tkerpret..t.. ~.i.t.. 1. H. er.~te. Y.llewi." '.111. r..... ui .r..r.. . ~" / 0.. !.!~~ :I. 4., ....11 tt . 'W / ,.,. 911".- Salaryl" .,' I. W. Peu.. " fai.: J'rt .. St. !1 pall U.1T.rs~1 Trat '..,. :I. I. Jl<<~l'1!'- Salu:y- e.4' v: '..44.1' -/' a.... ~ l- Tke7.~.ini E' f~r~h.r .., ~ .?Jf":l ~,. -, c~ - '- JV m..t. ~~'rk 1.. .., .".. .el:i.. t!t. ...t:t "1" ~j - ~...t"!~' .. ,J I~ itS ~ ;~ . , ' . i I tit '."'~- '.....' ...' .. Ii.:" " t! The C1 V Council ot tM City ot Ocete met in regaJ.ar ..slll en the lG'l:h 48.Y ot AUBUl'Jt, 1926 at the hoUl' ot 8.00 o'olock P.K.. there being pre..nt F. H. lI&gu.ire, :B. E. Ewing, C. H. P0un4s. C. J. rarmer. J. J. E1rklaD1, .lbaent - Non. The Clerk announced that a bid had b'~D reoeived tram !he J. " r B. JtbOr817 C0lDD8I17 tor the purch&ae ot the Sixty Six ThoU8&nd Dollar. (t66,OOO) Street ImprGTement Banda dated Aug'QSt 1, 1926. The bid was read b.tng a. tollow.s I" "To tm City COW1Cil, Ocoee, Fl.. Gent1emtn. For the Sl~ six !hO~and Dollar. (t66,OOO) street Impronment :sonde dated Auguat 1, 19U, m&tlU"lng #6,000 .A.UfJ1.t l.t in each at the years 1927 to 1930 inclusive, ed $7,000 on A~st l.t m tuh ot the year. lJ31 to 1936 incluslve, we will Petf yw Sixty 'l'wo Thou&11d Senn HUn4r.d Dollar. (062, fOO.oo) u4 acorued interest. It Is understood &Jd agreed that we are to taka up and. pay for not more than $15,000 ot the.. bonda &8 8001'1 &S IAZ'Ie haw been 'Validated and Approved by the bond .., &t.rne11', the balance to be dell vered to U8 and paid tor by UI as money 1. ...ded 11'1 tho progre.n ot tbl work. Respectfully 8Ubmi tt.d, J. :B. E:RAR! COlfPAJO'. :By -- * * . 4 . . ~ .4. . . . . . Aocept.4 by the CiV' council ot tM City of Ocoee, t111. 16th ~ ot AUgust. 192'. . Mned uJ" Oenuacllrnan E't1n8, .eueD4.d b7 CO'UDOilman J'armer that the . .; -'. -~~~ ~~.::i\ bid et DG J. :B. 1loC1'&17 CG1lJiP~ be aoo.ptt4. Upon roll oall the f'ollow1na 1'ot_ ..... ',..,~,. ,J ~ "J ,.~. '~"f! I I' .. . . '.~ 1 . -- """'^".... .' OO'Oll'fY OF ORAIGI ) u ) STM!S OF FLORIn&.: ) \I I. B. a. :ai".low, DdT &U~.rlzed aD1 actiJIG Clti' Clert. of ~ 01V ., ocoee, or~ oo'lmt7, nor14a, dO hereby cel"tlt)' thAt '"'* torttplrlg 1. .. true IUd OOft'eot ~ (It mt.nutea of mntbe of the 01ty CC)UD011 ot the alv of: Ocoe'. J11o:rHa held OIL the 16th'411 ot '&'\I&\'IS", ).9.. Dr "ImSS wmmsor I haVe Ml'8UZ!l1fo Ht 1l\Y h&1Il1 am Official ,,# 4a.y of . 1'.. .e..,. tbU ~~~ t ('17 0l.4Ir1t . > .. ( Seal )