HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-23-1926 SS .~, . ~ ~, /~ . e CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHURCHES HIGH SCHOOL FINE LAKIllS TWO RAILROADS REA UTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, Fr..oRI DA", MImr.r!8 01' A BPICIA!, KlJ!'!Nt! 07 Tn CIty COUNCIL, Ut~ A1mUB! 13rd.. llt28. \... M..tift~ oall.d t. .rd.r b7 T. ~. Ua<<uira.. ?ra.. .t C.uncil. ~ f.l1..iR~ m.l'1.br. lU'I...r1.~ r.ll-oall: C. I. P.undll" 1'. :I. ~W1. ~ . J. l'arm.r L1I\d :r. :r. KirJi1 ad. Mr. 'l. !\. Xud... app.ar.d i!l r.~ard te dr&iaa<<e 1. tr.nt et his pr.p.a.d <<ara~. .. 8euth 1'lut.rd AT.. .. wa. au'th.r1z.d t. put 1. .urrao. dra1B.~. it he s. d.sir.d. Or 1t h. d.01d.d tha t a tile dra111 ..uld b. mer. d..iTabl." h. has the prlTil.~. .1" PUtt1R<< that ia. Mr. 1".1. a.b.rt...was pr...." ..alG1a~ rer dirt t. b. turRi.h.d t. 1"111 ditoh 111 tr.J!t .1" hi. o.Der.t. bu11dirJt;. Clune 11 auth.r1z.d Mr. a.b.rt..n t. pay the e.ntract.re fer the ..,er- haul .. uy d1rt used th.re, and th. Ci ty w.uld retUlld the am.unt t. him. tt was .tat.d that 40 .r iO 1'ard. w.uld 1,. lIu!tici..t. and the .",.rhaul .h.uld n.t bQ .Tar 10 c.at. p.r yard. Mc Crar1 & Ce. made C.unoil &!'l .fter .t .83 rer the .56,000. .p.oial a....am..t b.ad.--with to day.pti... Ceu.eil r.tu.ad t~. .tter" but .aid th.y w.uld aoc.pt .'0 with a six nt.nth. .pti... Th.ir repre.elltatiT. Wir.d hi. h.u.... but o.uJ.d ..t pr.mi.. &Rythin~ until th.y ...wer.d. Marti. ~raima~.: Mayer r.p.rt.d that Mr. Marti. ha.d b... o.ftau1t.d ~d that the City'. .t~.r t. d.~at. .21. t. h.lp pr.p.rty .wa.r. cl... .ut ditoh wh10h l.ad. tr.m Marti a '. l&Jld ..rthward, wa. ..t aco.ptabl.. Mr. Martin- al.. .at.d h. w.u1d D.t d..at. .n. C.Dt t. h.lp d. ~. w.r~. Th. City C,uDeil Toted t~ ~Q ~n ~~c~~d a. n.t willi.~ t. d. ~r. th&~ ad abGYo :Jtated, R.!ld 1L'r1at t..~. matter was Jl'W cl...d I. tar a. th., are o.no.~~.d. C.uaoil ha. ......r a.R.id.red th.m.al... a. i,n any. 71..] reSl)onsl1)1€ i\1r thli3 "..,;o.Ler, 1".'310. r.tu.al t.. <<, &JQI t. a.~ <<reat expen.. in o.anaoti.. with sam.. Th. b.ad tund. 'h.iJ\~ practioall)" .mau.t.d, a!ld the .p.cia.l als..lment b.nd. ..t b.1s~ seld. C.unoil &ooapt.d .tr.r .t Oc..e R.al t7 C.. t. f1.allc. the paTin~ ia Kari.a ?arJo. It wal under.t.od that the ameunt 1.T.J....l'd ah.uld bv re:runded premptl, .n sale .t ...ds. Th.r- b.iJt~ 1\' :furth.r bu.i...... the m..ti!l~ adJ.urned. ./ -' 1 ?re sid.nt. .Att..t: II\.