HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-30-1926 SS 1 . " -- -'\ .- ~ ~ - ~ (.; - - BmA UTIP'UL ORANGm GROVES PURlIl W ATlIlR PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK tf, _ CITY OF OCOEE GOOD OHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL lI'INlIl LAKES T'VO BAIL ROADS - - IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA., !lINU'lX~ 01' A ~:lCrA!. JmnN(! 0.1' no: CI'.rY COtTNCIL, nr.D AU~UST 30th, 1.918. X..tia~ called t. .rd.r b~ 1'. X. M~ulTeJ Pr... .f the C.Q~o11. Th. f.ll.wln~ members anaw.riB~ r.ll-call: 1. J. !tir!61awd, C. :.r. 'armer and :!. J. IwlPl~. Aba.at C.)(. P.u!ldll. a...luti.. ackR.wled~lss 1xdebt.~~e8M t. S.u. Clay Mf~. C.. fer br1o~ .hll'me1!te i!t Jmle ud .Tul;" J.tl"., l' carl., .t .2"4.51 alld .peci!;rint'; that thi. &meust ahall b.ar i.t.rel" at e% fr.m Au~u.t l.t, 1'28., and .hall b. paid fr'm .al. .t b.l!lda .r trem .~h.r ..ura.. at .arli'l~ date p' 111 bl., ..8 dU7 pa..ad ny C.URcll. A:q{l'IIPY aT(loroci ~'-:n t ,It ahltY8 K:r~. Ce!l1pa!qY. Mr. ~111 wal pr....' r.p r...n'l.~ Ruh1i.~ & 01., &ad a.~d that ~h. CliJ" &11." 'hil C.mpu7 te plao. l!ar'l.tt :Br... e:r Oc...,l~ char!. .t 'h. ..~...r1.~ f.r the remalBd.r .f the pa"l)1l~ ftr16. Th. C1 ty t. retain 1 t.s o~mtr!!tct. "'':;'' th Rl~.l in~ && Co ud ,. J...1& t. "h.m ill all partioular. to oarrjt $n~ sa.id e..- tract. C.u~o11 y.t~~ t. all.w ~h1a aTraA~.mcnt. Mr. ~ill Itatad tha.t the .ad .f t.h. J.IO ..r~il'l~ d&J"a whioh .a. aamed by the o..traot.rl a. the time l1mit t.r thia w.r~, Glap..d 3u) lit. l'~8t h..a. h. t~~urad h1. ..~i.e.ri.~ c..t .ino~ th~t~ date plu. 28 p.re..t wuld .qual the IUJD..t 1t\12. ~'!L'ld a.s~d ' th..t thi:g l4.:tWlmt 1"0 ~~1cl .ut .t the l..t 1.. bl11 .t11.cCrar7 (\ C.. !hi. _a. -<<r.ed ta. pr.T1d.d McCrary &. Ce. ga.T' pr.p.r auth.rl ty f.r ab...e d.due'\1... Mr. ~1l1 al.. pr..'1'1t.d blll t.r hi. l.rTle.. up t. date baa.d .1l.!-1/'2 p4rcil~t ejf".rk;l and :11~ tori.u. ~ U!lJfJ<1. Ame\1!lt .."'" '1. !h1. was .rdered paid as S()C)l'l a. ru.d. w.r. a"f'ulabl.. Mr. ~utl.r, r.pr.e.~tiR~ a ~arba~. Ca. 0.. 1fa. pr....t ~d pr....ted hl. cl.1m. fer an .rd.r fr.m Cit~ af 00.00. Aft..r d1.eu..1'. C.u~~11 ..t~d t. t~. .. aat.1'. .m "7 .th.r pur- aha... .f thl e ~..turl'J at pr""":1t tin-. C0l1!1011 ",atad tiil h~"e box OtU'f'E21'"t put i:a uJP(1l!r Labe.h.r. !lr1T' 1. tr..t ef a.wi I placo ud t.. l.eads .f tirt haul.d ~. till h.l. at .~lC plaa.. ~ea.. .. dr..la~e ..11 l.cati.. wa. pr....t.d a.d .rder.d .1!..d 1. duplicat.. Cl.r~ iJll.'Tuoted t. wire )(oCrar7 Ca. that they .eald a.OO~)llt 5i with aix m,~th. .pt.i.. .. ~.cial A~...an.nt ~'.d.---'88JOOO. !h.r. b.lll! .e turth.r bUlhle'UI. t.~n JlLQtlant'wv JI1~itln~' a,cl)o U1'":.1.d . ~' JIIr. .id4Jlt.