HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-1926 r. ~ I . , .6 . ~ .' . . . CITY OF OCOEE ~ BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK --- .... -~ "\.-'~ "\ " GOOD OHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES T\VO RAILROADS IN TilE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. lfilW'l'J:1 0]' I.. n~UI.Jii. llJ}TIJ'lt'; O:r TltJ: CI TY COUNCIL t !in.:! }if)vmam 1 a th, 1 ~ 2~ . lleetinl callo.. to ercier by ?resi4ient of the Couneil. A.. JI. Clarlfe, witA the toll.wine .e.ber. ,r~eent: S.M. Art~. ~. 1... ~cw1. ~~Q .r. J. K~rJtlanj. .lb8~nt--e. I. :!ounGle. l(ay.r ana Cler~ prc.ent. lU!'lut.. .f l'rftTieUIl ll'l~etiR<<. red. m& appr''f'e'' wi t.. tlte tellew- in, exeeptien: In ainut.. or KOTe.br.r lit the Hayer ~~.. eler~ were a.tharizo' t. kaTe U~.Y It. .1eane4l up ani parkin( l1ne. ]ta1Rte4l .n p&Te,.ent. T]d. nrx i. atlr.by :.an.ell e... ani n. .llfa~ up wor): i. autherize" llntil furtlter ..n.i4lerat1en .f fie ei ty C.unail. ' It was .'T~" an~ pas8e' tkat,the City eeun.il ~li.inate tke .er- Tiee. .f tlle nif:ht '.li......., thus .uttinc dewn .&)cn..... .f. tn. 1>.,a.rt.ent. Ur. Ifewell was asaure. ,.f tlle .entia.nee .f tlle Ceuneil and tAan~e. t.r )tie taith.ful ,orferman.e.<< ]a.i. 4lut;y. Cleri: in.truetei te "raw .AeclC t.r fli. te .'Ter Ur. }fewell'. aa1ary from X'T. 'tA te litk ia.lu.iTe. Uay.r an. Cler~ were authorize. to ex..ute nete f.r $300. f.r ~. er CO iay. at ~ani of O.eee. Tllie funci. 18 ne~c~.!a.1":r t(l ll(;ll' !.!€:et the inter~:5t {)nt'ai~cr ',..,nr.:ca :""lOnd3 ;;'U€i !)ce. lat, It~" .400. ~a.1a..".e et thi. _8unt will be t4lk.n frQ1& (l}emeral :rund. Tk. fir.t b.ni--a?ecial Aa.os~ent ~~n.---~f. .'.000. Harian :Pa.ri l'lb-J')iTisiGn is slue Dee. l.t" 1911.i. lJ.'hevrGrl{, not nein~ ~l""lp.te<<., tlte final a~sc.:s:.cnt r.al. is nGt .ado up. )aenee it will be nRQOSsary t. Clollect en tlte preliJ:l1nary fUls03sraent. T}:.is w~. een.i'er.' Tery un.ati~faetGry by tho C.uncil. (j 'ClerJf inetructeti to 688t nlatl~.. th.at oitiJlon!l of Oeooo '-1(nud '0e f':~;.~f~C l~od to o:);,Jor"'tl .018&11-U, 1feelfw fr.:.. XOT. :tIn. t. }feT. l7'tll. ill ,er..n. are require" by Or..i nan.e. te .lean lll' t.eir lets. and if thfty ole net'0 this, the Cit~r::ltay haTo it (tone !L'1d a3S0SaC& a.ain~t tke ,r.perty. Vay&r YinQr ad.re...a tAft C.uncil alen, the line. of ex,en..~ ~~ inlJo"if:s !ro'll tile :!olidJEt J>e:partltent. TAi l!J ~e)art~'Jnt :liilade " Tor:! I 108a sAewin: fr.. Aie reJert. Cou!3eil Tot.i tG i.ceeI't ,rela iii tican of R. G. lUt;elow .8 to a :small bttl1din~ ~Qr City Ueetln,.. proYliet th~t ~l~"e were a..e~tanle ani l'reTi\\ot .ueJ:t bullcl1nf.: wuli C0141,lj Jfi t}:;. :!uil.in~ Ordin9..>1.ne. ll. ~. JH~ol,~';r was e:r~"\te' l'eTlussical\ t. er..-t a. saaIl b.i~4li.1 on his l~t on YeKcy It. ,roTi.e~ it ee~plied !uil~int Or.iR~1ce. ~ ,c busine :sa 'Ifi th tlt e ~ (~T(':r) ) \ -. . c ;;' .. .. . . " ,Cl) ;~I 1. '..J ..1(, ( IT ~r"" J ~;;..,..... 'f ,..,.(1 .f,U~I,_ L' " 0 '1" ..I .."- ~. '"" ~J F ,": '[ ~ ... _ ~ r,r.I ;..;. J.......l }t',," ~ J~ ~~ M~tt~ew~--A&U~iD~ ~r..~-tiea ,fra. It~r~e ::JJ;(j~G~~;l'-y\I~ /f;trV: -- 7)r. Shelllteuae--A.ttentlon -~G lIr. ~ral!.A S, \J il.u-tt'uh- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t; 1~-!ffi.iuG,./~ /)~ E. The fOllfnnnf; bill i....."eri/ ol~derecl r0turne(~ fer ..re i~f.lj4atiol': , './ :I.A. :ietl.Utt .4.13' ~ Sttlc & L~u;;hlin, :In.r.inecra, / \'forJt cut LalCe-lhon: }triTe '.4~O.t)O / Clerk: it18tru~tflel to write lCr'~ 3". T. '~urn.y "or 9rlanie ,'to lo~ .1.~~Qd u~. ' P'j.fJ~ A ' No 2 ( _ _,~ .L e/ u b LV-bt~ ~v....- : .. "~/l-~ ~ ~ u,...., ~-7h1;~r~~~- 'l'he :1"Qll181ri~~~ re...t1 ;;m(/., (lrt1l.E!re~ pal;': *, 3.0fl,. ~ 191-..fJ-o/ $:3.00 ~.b-' (J Q .,/ AaTe lq1:s T~ere hel~l~ :lo!'nr t:1l.€r 'hu.3i:at.39, .1J aur!'1etl. " ~,on m.ti~n, t~e Moetim: ~.- :",- , . .ttt..t: ." ~ ~ clerk.. ~..:r~ ~.:;~ ! ... 1 . --- . ~. - /~~, ^, . ~u 'Pre aiien t. .. _J' .J 1, ~~ .... ... .., '"