HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-14-1927 SS -; . -.... , 'l!IIIII!!l ," ~ -_ CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHURCHES HIGH SCHOOL FINE LAKES TWO RAILROADS ,- ,- e BF:lAUTIP'UL ORANGl'l GROV1'JS r PURE WATER PAVED STRl'lETS STRONG BANK ,..,. ~..~. !-' ':;' ~;~~ ~' i.;,'" ~ .~ a%~'" -f!-~; " "" ;.: .~ .,.- ~ .~ I I e\. '~ ~' ~.;J - L IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FT_ORIOA., DrrIl'fG OlP THl: CITY COtmC1L, oeOD, lLOlUDA, HAY l4.~h, 19:!7. . ~ On mo1s1on of ~, _.~, S.oort~.d h~ Resolved lha~ ~he final es'ima~e on "he rir8~ pavinr eon~r~el of The :r. ~. )lcCrar1' kx I:n~. ~or~., a.s oheckot ~(la ~"..,I.o"t'.orl.... "oy our J:nt,1neer .and Ci ty Clerk, 'be. and ~he same 1 s hereby' aocept. ed by 1he,C11Y of Oooee. Florida., and "he llayor is hereby author13ed to make final pa]men'\s on same. Votlnr, For: tL2LCf:~ t;;;j;:~ ~~ ,~~. ? ,. . j<, . ~.'~ ~ Vo~1nt; ~ns~: !fone. ], It. C. :i1~elow, Clerk of "he Ci~y of Oooee, Fla., do hereby certify ~hat "he fore~oln~ is ~ true and correc~ copy of a portion of the a1nutea. --::- , "4 " ~ -- ~ ~~/_" --.~," ~ . --. , ~7 ~ -, -~~ C1'y - ork, ~~~,:;;:: ~/__.- ~- -:/ .- :. ':'r './ --- - , /, -" - .. ,/ - . / ~... /"' ./ - , i ':1' 2-. . -' '" -~. . , ~': ,,:""tiII~ ""I'::.:,~ .~' .. . ~. t. ~~- ~: c-. '::;,. .:'~;r~. _n~