HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-16-1927 -- - ,. .r '. . CITY OF OCOEE . ~ '. :, u '"' BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STREETS 'kRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORI DA., GOO RIG}, FINE L.... T\VO RAn. llIlfUTFS OF A IlF0tTLAR lfEliTI7fG OF THE CITY. COUNCIL, HELD UAY 16th, 1927. Callt'!d to orclr.r 'h:r Prt'!8 of trr. GOlmcll, A. 1(. Clarke. The follow- in!': members anBwf!rin~ roll-call: J. .T. Kirkland. C. H. Poun<ls) and H. A. Rcvlis. .r..H. Ar"n--a"t"lsent. Yinutes read and appro""~d. r,etters fro!!! 0. A. Washburn in re~ard to rir,ht of 1'18-:' (l!1 Tall nlah St. read Eind discussed and ordered filed. C. A. lioC\ th wa.s r-i ven the work of pla.nti!1~ ~rass on the till s on JJakeshore Dri "e and Orl~n<l(l sa. Compcnsati.on to be tiS. per day for himself and truck. Council ordered Str~et Courd ttt'!t! to proceed to put in np.ct'!ssa.r;r culvert and till on West Oakland Av(';. They wt'!re instructed to set! l(cCrary Co. as to costtanc1 if in li!1t'!) to r.a"c this fir';! to do trl.('. "'in ~I,:. . I Ie": :a-'. .... )C!lTnr ""~:] re(lucst€d to consul t Air. H. F. l'.a~nire as to tl".t! lr-f""r..l rie:hts of the 'f("lllV!1) or cf'rtain members o"! the Council t ~ force t1" t'! cl t"ani!1~' of !\. ccrhd ~ ('.1 +:'0:;' rnnI1.ine: i"roL1 l!arshall Fr&'l Ba:: to Stark!" TJ !tkt!. Alao tl~ to dcec: trOI:1. G. A. ":~S~.1)ld'?l ooveri!1~ ri~ht of "my on Tall u1 ~h c;t. Council ~ut!'_Oj1 7..,.(: Ci t:r Treas. to pay $10. !'C\r space C~1 th~ bacl: of l)asc- r.&ll scnr... cards. The closine: of tl:r. Tax Rooks was (liP><:'l'Ssf:d. !fo acti(l'tl. Clerk asked Council to relip.V't him ot the (~uties not his lmder U.,e City Chartt'!r". 1(0 action. The follo'1';iT!1": 1'"11J.18 reet.ct and arprovt'"cl tor paymen t: e ~ /J4LI1 iIc: d~1 ~ - "l~/J L ~ ~//f"~ (!;;4 b/.?Y: ~ ~~ ~tJ JJ/~~~ -J' htJ ~~-l-riY~ af t:M..d - t ,~ +- ' ~ '9- . ~~~ J-f/ I-/"'1C aA,. ~ &d (!, · ~~ VV't,W u." a &d ~~. "'f II I, II I~ - - )1--d~~- PYI-Yf~b-r;~.frr Irvt:r-~ CIf-(JJ~ - 'I ~~~<~tll s:t:;,..,~~ ~1' -t...e ~u- _.s . A-f G l;1.~ /8?& IJ-"& '\. '''rh~Pe betn, bn.1!l'!ljJ...:."~ m~h' Jle.etJ!l': ,~ ;' -~~ !ld,)onr!1ef.. ,U("V-( _ ~ t!uJ,. ..~~ '7 ~ Pr~ sielen t. Atte3~t. , Cl crk. ^ .;., ;.... ] .. " 1 I I 'J-, ~- 0 v. -:;.., J- () ,j / '!-' I (),/ 7,7j~ :;, tJZ .I. .7:/7 .7r/. 1..t"; ~ f) ~ z.~ , () () . If; () --J:: ./