HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-1927 llINUT1:S OF A MGUI..AR UE];'l'IJ(G OF Tn]: CI TY COIDfCIL. HELD JT.Jlf]~ 6th, 1927.- -,4r ~.. f A 'j . CITY OF OCOEE BEA UTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK . IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORI DA., . GOOD CHURCHES HIGH SOHOOL F[NE LAKIllS T'WO RAILROADS ~'x Called to Grdc-r b,. Pree o! tr.e CttU:10l.1. A. l!. ClarA::G: J ',i th the :r.ll.w1nr. rillI:,\iors 'pi'" 3f.'n t: J. H. k'C('l an.~ J. J. !:irkl a.ml. Ab.ent: R. A. Rew1 S !U1c1 C. H. Pounds. . Minutes r;..cl ~nd ~\rflrcn.red. '/c.unc11 voted te authcrizo llr. 'N. :B. Osteen ttil .ardAr thr~a cJ:.ri: ~f j ~iJ'"'( :;C"c1.: o.~,( :51'~.0i:l.t~ :.~i.:n!(" en ~1 'J.,i,.t~€,.t; A.,...,.. frr.-l."! YJ.Qru st. C~'Q :su- int; mIrth. Co~t -r :!Il'.id r.c]( nGt t() SXC(l~c). $7.50 Iicr car sprG;;l.d 0:1 iSt.14r- ~t. .;~ lIr. Hy.r, Gf t~.....Cl Fla. Pub11c S:crvict' Co. J wa:s rrel!lflnt ..i.~1<1. eX!.)l-.in-n . Itd the cha.r~.. ,fif 1'1 n co:~pany :f~1' uot.rs and eervico char"... Sf.V- era). cO!.iil,)lainte w.r~ prordllo<\ satis::-acto:.'.1 :.\.(tjn~t!,lf:nt. )(0';0;' '~:, 71...l-;en- t,;J.:Ij: "",,"5 .r<hrr;c'\ .xaDlln..d ~II .fl' that 1 t' was !lilt rmm1n~ t..e fa. t . if' Th. new clrl\...ina(.c ,1c:11 ''''.E grC:.rf:c. ClqniPI)Cld rd th l~~Y'G( tile and int&k" vi:." Q~ c~rrngt('d 1 ram. Old ';;011 '!'ti. t}: titr intake p1po .r corru.".;atft<'t iron. ).(r. Arr,o was riven 1l.11tt..ori t:r t. precnod wi tr. thi ~ ";'Iork r.a.t 0!1Ce. j Cler~ l.nstrucj;tlCL te m-i ~'" C.nnty C.lmd..1Glncr. for Oc~cc"z 111r't A! the rol.cL and bric'Dc t:J.:A dne 'tGr 19:'.6. ,- .... $'"104::;:Z~_' L~ut~~~~;~~ ~o IOO,~O/; 7Jw", ~..,..:. /Y'l<yl(, a..v~s ~ ~ .1." :J.s 0 (2.1, .,du.'1-b--r-::. ~ar'-r"' ~t1-~<~ \. - I~, 'h '/ A.-5. /'V~- /1ra-r7'C kv $<-&--t;. , /0,(/0 ~ o~ lJ~ ~ - &a!;i~ t/- /.z~f-'- .s,tJV /'. ~. (})~; ~--;- C - (jJ~~~~~f ~'4 ~ 3~.{)oV/ t( 1.-( l{ 4 &? I ~~., iV:f '1 (/ if S:J Y II "I /..1 I( ~ 4 f/:;-' II /, .,s- 0 V" ~fi ~.vO G _ (/IIA-~e,~ ."X<.I.-f {l(4(.,f, l~,J J ~ JtCJ (j)...L~c-# e/v - tu-tn4(, ~ ~/s ~ ~ l&.~"'/ t,.llSV e.t6I~-/j ~~~f./..!-./~~. I--W S:t/L~ ~ 7,OD ~ / "I ~ ." If ~ ~ tIbt(~tiJc, ! &~ ;,o,()l) V 'tr;.etJft i,ll~T~rc.~frtf~~I~~lfo-0cnJ th~ :'l(.(:tv,.~ ,()~ . ;c;n -~Cfc1.~. b-t-J )/(tU ~v'~ /Joz..<-<-f.j . & JfJ;o& v 1)' .r~ ~ ~~~ Ij; _ \ "" ...:. . tt..t:l)/b!!J~ Prr:sitCilnt. /~J..'-l:. -.,:L.i';""'_. ~ :.;j;Io.~~~.~....~ ;; ,...~/:... r:o_~------,-...i!:;:EI!; .... " , .. DIRICOl"OJt"1 . _ B. E. EWING, Vice President ,~. 03-327 '~' BANK OF OOOEE D. F. WURST, Cashier '1 B. A. MINOR, President u. Ill. IllWINU T. o. S.& W'I.UOHNK ,. . N.N.JJil,NlilaN CAPITAL $25,000.00 SURPLUS $1>,000.00 H. 1". ......<lUIHII: D. W. WURMT OCOEE, FLORIDA, ~ It. A. MINON .o.J. 'I'. l'I1IIl":U4H June 6th, 1927. Moet~ of the City Oouncil, City of 00000, Florida. Juno 6th, 192'1. present: J. M. Argo, C. U. Pounds, J. J. Kirkland, A; ~i Olark llaY01- und City Clerk Bigelow. On llotion of J. J. Kirkland, Soco~~ By: C. R. Pounds. !lovod that the City of Deoea, Florida b.err0\7 :f:rom The J. B. JJcCrnry Oompany of ~ltlnnta. Co.. the sum of :;20,000.00 und that a nota to boar intorost at the rato of oight per cent afto!' maturity t payablo in ninety days :from June 6th, 192'1.; made payablo to 'rho J. .B. UcCrfll~Y Company, be signed on. bohalf of the the City Council of tho City of Oooco, Florida by tho !.1nyo.r eiid attest by the City Clerk. <Jamo bOil1g in a.ccorde.nco with house bill no. 1083 Sossion lat1S of stato of :Florida Yo~ 1~27. i\nd tho Gum of' money abovo opecified bE:!. plaoed on dO"tlot!it with The J. 13. UcCru~y Compurty to be used for cOl'Ll.'!truction of pa.ving purposos only. Voting for all. voting agnlnat nor~. .. ~ ~ r. B. C. Bigolct7. Clorl: of tho City of' Oeoeo, .:Florida do heroby - eortif.y thnt tho foregoing ie a true and correct aopy of a ~-_portfQG~of the minutes of n rogular_mcoti~ of tho City Council I Oi-tb,c~\}i~y of Ocooo ...'lor1da bol clune 6~h, 1927. ~- ritn?be L1Y hand and the eoa.1 of c t of fleooe 1..lor1 8. ............... ~ - r_ . - ~...- -~ ~.r I ~?~; . '___ __.,c~t.",e;;,_2,,,,-.........,.."..,_ . _ _ " -,,;::ill!l _.....-.;. ~~;~......~""- ~. ..~,..~""'"""'......... .~"'.-.."'......~~- -,' ~. .'...~,- '~:'~.'~~, 9 ';J . e.~ (~"'" e:-l ~ ~J7 ~I 0 C-f)-'U ?Z-(~"J I. d ~ (j p.fA-I!.. 'I' / f,. 7- c? ~'" ?;.....~ · r.._~ d I Jivv((1 e-...... J- ~, (.( /J~ .~. .d-U-"~ ~ ?tvtr~ ~ ~~ -z:IC-I ~ r ?'t:+Gt -~" c.I~~.~ i'l~"" :tIvtJ /i//4 6?~ (~,tif"""'7 1 (l,ttu./.... ',,' ~. ;t ~u.L- ? ,?~dIO~()'P-~ a.u~ dAJI.~ ' r ~ A ~ ~ L,f-d:E.t.-I!-.Y .r~ ."L-r0 ~'1~ s-/ 'rL.L~ ..& ;U-' I!L..,,)/ F tl~..... . Rf"V.,I ? 1U;:z;:A~ 1_ ," ,~; Ii ~ '-", ?~d., d'~ 1:"""'- j)t4<.dl t: r 72.7 -;)U. ~ 1A.7"~(,...:to ;Z/J tj, /tI. /ttc. ~'---7 ,z,....f'.'j f..e t?-L..t--~ ~ ~ ~ -1 f' l;lu '~"7 &.<.u' 4.( r e.:t; f 0 ~ )Z(~ y ~ -6.,,' '7Jt ~ --:- t"..., t! it-l(tJ .,c~ ~ ~(. _ 7 Ja-v~ ..fe<-L< J.1flI!!> ?-h ~ d a.-t- (c-e a~~ ~tc.--'a.C vt.,~1 /l'~, / 2; Yj . , 5e ~ ~I<"'" .J; ~t< r Vlr"<vt;' ,.jfM'/1 , 7- ~.t1 -u., "-~,mt 1 ~'-L \ af....f~~. "i- )/;l....'.~ /.~ r:. . p...(.('.d ....hL----.d~ -",4< -:"-f"" ~?Hi) lll.~.iU ""'1.''(" .,(\ "A "" ~ . J1 ..I. (/ ' - "7 LW' d f ~ ft..;....~ -rV' ~~ p rt 6?u.."-"'/ . '" "~#Gl,-\ r I...."t'll j ;I" f'd ~-e... u-.-....(,;. \j ~t.. \) t 'V ~ ~ v ' · f \ .1 () ,~.- M " I" ~ · ...1>. - .. 1.( j 7? e. &~~) &.'- -/e. "? f.';~)Ll. )? ;:Qc..--.Il-t- .'f '... I . /) / ~ev1 '~( 1.-. f Y ~ f- ;;~< e, ~ C-(.... (.. f C t.;(. J..-f) "tX.-t '-(,{.~"'1 I\. . j V I -"1.... ,.' 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