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'""... ~ "'"' " j' ~ . .. . CITY OF, OCOEE GOOD OHURCHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES TWO RAILROADS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE W ATKR PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA., -r""" 4-- llI!O.TTEri OF A ScrtJLAR llJ:ETI1fG OF THi: 'crY COUlfCITJ, J9I,D, J'ULY 18~. 192'7. : . ~..~1.~ lal1ed t. .ri~r b7 Pr.. .r tk. C.un.11 A. ~. Clark., all ...b.r_ bo1~" pr..eat. Hi.ute. r.al aaa appr.Te.. w1tk t.. r.l1.win~ ex.cpti.a: TAat ...ti.. .1' tke ~Kut.. -f a rip..ial K~rti.~ ~.1' Stuy Iltk, relat1m! t. ta. a111~. . 1_ a.r.b~ .....11et. ant .rt.rftt .ir1aken tr.. tAl r...r~ _t tkat .eGt1.~. . ... " J C.U..11 '1..\1..... tae aatter .t taxa.. &at 1'1.&117 .,..t... t. ,/ 'C ,1.aTe Taluat1... t... .... a. f.r 1926. but t. .ut t1\.1I111a,;. fr.. 10 ~. e. Tk1. wa. .arrl816l naaa1..'Il.17. Traff1a C.3aittee r~p.rt~t tkat t.ey ... 1.T..t1~at.t .tro.~ 8i~~1J a:!li traf1'1. .1~!1al.. .... lLa. p~a.." tlt.. 1a tlte a..t appr.- pr1ate 1..at1.... C.une11 a...pt... tk.1r '.a181.. .... a.ti.. 1. ~ ULi. .att.. w1tll appr..1at1... ~ / Hr. Clarke rep.r\8" .. t. .i. '~~.rt. t. rftmt t.. crr~..7 ~aracG f.r .Pir. :lQ.1I.1V.e.t..--.... au... ... Pr.p..1 ti.1l .f i:. A. lllU"r'.7 ". reat -taCt un .pue 1. Ai. Gilr,~.1 .. 1l.IC.;r St'. tel' 'tk.e .uia- Of $9. per ...tk---thi. ...,mt t. bo take. .ut i. water r~.t~--w~s ii~.u..e'. Ur. !tewis .... app.1.tv" t. .oarer w1 th llr. l!urray I..... .ee if t..07 ..,u' ..t ".t t.t.~tk.r". a ..rn Tea..~ah18 rftat. ~ I i Hr. Hf'yle Peu."s w... pre.fI!~t uf .-.1.,.11...4, wi tk C.un.11 tka "1tf~rr:zt type. ~f atrc;~t. sWft~p.r.. priee., at.. . . Tke Ceu..1l) r~aliz1a~ the iBp.r+'.A.e .r keepip.t tAe .tro~t. .1... 81' tra.h Dei IftaTell L'''' lIlalli. .. well a,.. 'lccbpl"~ if'WJl we~".. .t... T.te' t. kire a re~llar .a. t.r ~ per1... .f tairty i1.7. t..f) tlU. werk \\lIfer tAe superTi'-li.. .f tlle llarallall Ilt a .ost .et t. eXCf.fta $2.25 pel' aa;r. TlU. 1. u ':xp8riJ!1Cl'ltt t. .ee .0" tile GGat Dei tlle ...,mt .1' werk a....p1i8h~c~ w111 e..pare witll a pateat .weep~r. l{r. H. W. AlienlM. 1003 We.t J'a.kse. sa. Orlarule. Fla., was pres.at uei aue CCJune11 a pr0po.it1.a ttl triM .aks. alf!lu; tlle. .f ..... a.lIe. c~.eJtt up all 1.t510. a.i put tlteli'l 1m 1'irst .la.. .hapI r.r t.e .ua .1' '6. ea... ~. a.ti8~. Th~ ~att~r .r ..11e.t1n~ paT1R~ a~sr....e.t. waa iiscusset aftt tke l~rftrt~.. 01' ..1m" tk1. t~ .... wa. .tr9.s.... Tki. .-rk 18 b8in€ Acl_ up te B..' extent by tk. 1'ail~r. .r tke ea!iKQQra t. fund.A \18 wltk Faa! As.e....Jlt :R.ll 11' th.e !!~"!T lrGrk. OT8r. ~ 1 ....... /JJ.---. .... ....,.~l ~,:~)f-~ *~~~~(~\]?I'l<~"'l\ Jzuv~~~_~~_ '~~}cj' . aJJt:~e'-t'tt;;..'/_~' J_'___'J'~~.- }" l \, . . . 1..1 .C(~~4.~U7'~; ~ l \ " "'~l.. , ,.J.t~.~ ~.~ ~. " , . j- "oO. ~ t/ -"'\. \ ~ j . r&b./,,d. ..~1~(/1~#~'ll~ L-f1~ :l~r ~'cq.' ,~I( ~, L-, J ..\.:; I /I....~ J. ;[&;j, 'L~O ~~~.. /cf7/Jt.b. 'j" =" ..... ':-1 ' ,.' .-?f/Yff',:U. ~. .,- ;': ~ ~ jf;6 ~~.-:~ /i';'~: .' . .. I , . "j ----) ~ ' _ ,.... Ther(:; be11!"; ~. r,UTt/ar bu .111..,21:; n nrnn~.~ t~.ll', ~..a,.eet1!l! ' a.j ~,ur~,...,. :l ' 1 "/ j'" I _ . :" .:.) ::":' .,., ~ ,,' . " ). r. :' . "'l "'i . I : F: Lj l' ~ . ( . " <:'i"l" . '!:ilc . . .. ~ Wo. 2 . T~e f.llewi~~ bill. were r.... a~pr..p.i a~. .r4or~i paii by .....te .c.f th 0 Coune11: If II '-i' ":.,." ~ ' . ; J " ) , ~ i 1 ' ~ . .. j }, .. I '~ Attest: Presili.ellt. t .~ ,. ". " . , , C,- k - - ...('!r .,' I ,J.. " . , J , , . I , ' ( , . ." I . . , . . . j .~ c. ~ Jf ... .j ~ 1 .) " J - , . ) 1 ,~~. . ... ... : 1 L ... l t I" -.. ,'. ) 1.4. ~ (. , , ( ,0 J · . J J l.) , - . . , '.. ) I . I .j , 1 ; ) l. j J. '.. ;, '. '. I, j '., - I, i , .... -r -"J".-ii .'"...._ " .~ I. ~ ~ ~ r !o.oJ~ ~ .j"l '" L 'j 2.7~ ,/; ~'S: ~11 ~. ~. 00 lift , , . - ~. " ~U) .: .' (