HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-1928 .C--..oJE';-- - .. 1 . e ~e ~ CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAK illS TWO RAILROADS BEA UTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER ... "III.~ :ED STREETS ~ONG BANK ./.': ,)', l, l,~~ IN THE HFART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA.. . I ) \ ' , . . I,. ""),, . . 1lI1W1'J:' IY .l UGULAJ. .ll.DTI:!G ty 'l1D: CITY' CtOCIL. ~.J n.l~UAltY ( " ,Ith. ,l,ae. . . I. I ".1 I ~ ) J Calle. . t. !rtier .y .A. -lI., , Clarke"Plie~i.ent e'1 ,tl\e C.wt~il.. 1111 t-. the t.ll8WlnC ~re.en~: ~. .A.~ J.e.-.p.... :r. .J(. .ire- ,8A' q..,y. 'a1~., j .1lI.ent~ .... Il~n~:. ,) -.. '-'J ' )" .,' .,.,..,. ",' ,1, , I I ( -j llinute~ reati. anti. approTcti.. I . 1J- .. I '" ;;!f" r~p.~t tr:e_ .t. y.~t,tp.e ,8:8 ~o ~o.r.k ,On ,r;el-~~.rill:: tl'H} ,fil_l. ' n !(l. 88l.J1Hii:? e A V' e . _,:,) , ,', , . Cl erk 11l18tr...tAtl t. wr1 te Aou Kaster A. C. L. 1n reeari t. eressine at C.lua~u. It. :l1ti.s en e~ten.1()n .t ~ltd'or. .ATe, m>rtls.. to eonne.:t "",1 th. Lake"Roo. <it Yai~l5 Itt\,re,. were <alteneti.. .. I. WatltGn an. ~. :I. ..."err.l' .u1uitteti. .1..s. Di.h are en tile. Mter tlis.nealon. this flatter was ta.le.. for the present ti.e. . ' - llr. ani,es _t Chase & Cf). was pre.ent ant alike. it Ceun.il nultl ..n.itler Jtu t. tine on IHlht "'a.te_an. a.l1~ allow Chase & Co. tt' .tanti. part of the eQensfJ. Ctun.il eQlaineti the '1ina.'1.ial .itwation ana tle.line& to enter into this natter at ,resent. Hr. Inipe. liaS Assure' that. tAe Ci t7 .ttiela.l.~.. were aoine eTery- tlUnc p0881.1e an.. 8ul. ..ntinuA tq) (l~ so. in an fl!!ort to pro- te.t propert,y ani t. "eteet the CUi 1 t,. parti e. 1ft ..nne.tian wi t}q re.ent 11lre.. I. .... Peele presente. a pl&.'1 for ~a.kinc a .en81~S o~ '..ee. 1f. aetiAD \y Coune11. Vr. Illep.arti. ....s ltre.ent anti eapalineti. to C.\me11 .ertain aatters ,ertainlnl' t. pay1nc' &Sse,sltents. - ~a. P\telie le~Ti.e C.. preaent~. 11111 for .1'9~" tar eurrent ~ ~e. iR ,ut,1nc a yoar or 90 ~o. ,Qaa~.il instruete' Clerk t. write the. tili. 1till was nC!lt .ue lIy ..oee, .ut lty Kr. Penual. l!t this is not. satis4actor,y-. ]tlel\se sani a represel~ta.ti.~e eut to next Aecular Meetinc, Yell. I.tk with t.i1 into~atiftD. /Clert in. struetea to .ritft ;T. :J. )(oCrar~r Co. that CO\L"leil' was' holcHn= up 1I0na paper. lte.al1se .t not Wlti.er8tantiinc the.'. Yr. Wlleeler net e&ll1nc Gut to ._,_~a_ nlXl)lain ,:aen.e .ela,-. len<< ..py to Ur. Wkeeler. The tellewln: .ills wero read. t\iscu155r.t\)ancl oriere. ,ali: .:.../' ,-... ~I u" _i $'... j I., ... .. 1. Iny<<er. as por .ill _. ~. Inyaer. AS ~er .ill 1. ~. Snyier. &8 per .ill I. 1. Inyfer, as per 11111 I. :J. Bnytier. as per .111 .vu. , ~ .~ . !fo. .. ~. L. 3artlettJae p~r ~ill na. hll lerTi.a C.. .It. L1cht. for ;Tan. · ~ '! ~. , 'Iffiae Li:hts for Jan. · · Puap1nc tor (tan. (ain1mmt) ~lUllly ~.w. 00. Gat~ ValTe for Ylewellin= ~l.=. :I., '~. !(err, 'Supplies for 'Ylewel11rtc ~l.C" . Geo. !. lJar,enter. suppli:e!S .fo}':" Ylewellinc ~l.C. ; , Itewart Watson. water eonneetiGD AUClarke. .... .. B. 'Watson. l'iaulin:- Gar'lt'a:;~ J 1 "eeL. Ca.h-w1~r Stas~8 tor Clerk's .rtiee , , ' l..'...v; . .t,i.9Iv 1. .. v ) ..... ~ .. Slv , .,' 'S.l'~ .' 11.1'10 , 6 ,;11,/:', 1 . ..... I ) s..ev' .'uslnofJlf. upor!-motion'J the. rrle-e~in.:.., ,', ~ \\ ) I' ...1.<< I. There bel:n: n. further a<lJO'~.d :t ,1,.(" , I~ ... . , ' " ..,) , ' ~ " 'I ., ; I I ) ) i Pre.1'tlent~ " " ) . .' J ; 1 - '. j, " j " '1 ~. '. ! ) ~ ': ) . .!, ') I ' \ \ . J, ,I, . J ; . 1 , I: J' ..' \ c , . ' . , ' ~ : ~ " .( J . t . I' 1,. ) \ I , , ) ...". ) ~ ' . , I ,; I, ' , \ ~ I I . r . ) ) , 1 I ' ,; ~ 1 . .. ) " J , i ~I " \ ;I ~ '" .. '\ 1 I ',' }'. I' . , ) I ) , I ; ) P' '" ' . , ' , -~ ) l . ~ ,.4' -..'""""" -......: " '"t.:, ~