HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-1928 e ~ . '.. CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHUROHES , HIGH SOHOOL FINE LA.X ES T~VO RAILROADS BElA UTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURlIl W ATlIlK PAVED STRFJETS .#,:!ONG BANK -. , IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA., ( . (J ' \ ' ll!lfU'JXlll I,. A UcrnL~ ')(I~nXG 'J' nm CI'l'Y CttJ1{CIL zrIL:J JlAJtCI1' ~ ',... I th. l' 18.' .. ' , ). . I j.'~. f .1 ':.. ~..~ >~, ~l.~ Call mi t~ oreier ll:r A. H. Clarke J Pre.. .f tr...e Council. wi th all .e..era: ,rellcnt' a.,t. roll,-eall.. llayer,' C:lerk' anj.l(arshal preliflnt. l!in\lte.~ rea. ani. appr5Te-.~' , \..) ; I..."" .. J .'" J, , ; ltepre.entatiTflS sf tr..e na. Pull SerT1e:e Ct. were ,rellent in re lIillj..t, .119..1 ter .erT1ee t. tireap. ..A~;tflr Illl,.i.eulIs1en ' of tr~. que.tion. all eon.erne.. acreeti that it weul. ie tair f()r the" Ci ty of '.oee .to I pay ).1.. . ~ wAich' aMGWlt. 1Ia. tor eurrent u.ea lIy the C1 ty tor "ork arCluJld a (':el) well t 8l1d the lIall\n06 f)! tlLe lti11 Appear II te lIc . ue .y llr.. Penual. ' . l'la_ Pall ler ..C.. ' repre.entat1Yt:8 suece.tea thia .ettleMcnt. an. it was ao.eptK lty tlle. COWlci1. TAe C.uncil ac-rcea t. tio any thine tiley' eonli/.. to assist. in the .011eet1e. .'1 tbe ialMCJ8 tine. . . " 'i to. .; 'J Yr. A. M. Hinor waa preecnt in' rp. Taluat1en .f lUB ae.e pla.e. ami 'askine fer reauct1en fln tke 1'1' alae...ent.. ,TAilS: wa.' :1..- po.a1_le. 80 Council .tate.. )ut they &err-e. t. c1Te Kr. Minor .o.e re11ef 1n :the nezt a.BflS8I1f'mt.. ' I" ' ~: ~ J . ,'.. " .. ~ -, .. J .. - Kr. T. ;r,. lUnor wal! '!preaent' in re~, exempt1.n to' tke' ;uaoUllt, of , t.... en Personal Taxe. 1n tke City of '.oee. Yr. Klnor elaims the state law prt>Tiiea tQrL tki .exeapt1on., llayt>r. waa, appo1nte. to 1nTest1cate th.1lf que8tioR ani. report tletipi tely at':,neX't. .ect- j ::~ Pro c e ....1nca: )[0 tion laY' ~ ~. ll. . .~co. a.eontl.ll lay .~~ J'. :rain .&n(l flulJr passe". t)-.at the ~.ntl Papers for the atli1 tional 16,.... /aslIesaen.t .entia ltc, .1enea ani' r,eturneli' to.Ur. WAeeler: J I ,: ;', Clerk 1natruetea te orcler :r1Te ltewllls Clf )JaCtkinc for the ))1DIp. 1.:11"'11_ee ATe: . Jtepertfl. unf1~1 she.. Applieat1~n Hr. Ja.kson r~r water eonnecti.n fer Christian Church: llars}J.al' '"a.' Inatruotea to not1fy lIr. jackson tr~t .aia CJonnection wouli/. lte uatle. "'U tit wouii lte te tke ))r0,erty lin~ of .Aiti lot,. ami tl'.at the charce of tl. ,er II1Gnth for water wouli )e aati e . ottiAii.~ /~' J. H. Areo was authoriar:ti to repair work ar~un4l in-take ))1,e. to ara1nace wells. . PaTine ef relati fro. lforth :llurllre to )Iains ltere wa. a&ain tUft- .u8sea- -liany ,lans 8einl ati.,ance. te a..ollpli 8h tai. en.. Ceun- .i1aan )lain an. ~ew1. faTorea imme.iat~ .st1.ft. ~oweTer. aft~r eons1aerinc the ex:penae f)f paT1n,;. It.net the heaTY tle.t. Ci ty alrfluy .e.. the Blatter wa. acain taile4l. 'Ter. "': ~ ~ ... . ~o. I. , or -)~. ~ : ~'-n~~ ''''M.t'~ . ....... *:.lIlr .~> . - / Letter to Tra1n-lla.t~r A. ,C. L., lanforti. Fla., in re Colu.ltus Street eross1ac wa. appr.yea anti Clerk authoriaeti t. mail same. la1. l~ttElr re:f'lUscti tfl wi. tk.tlraw ~ke ap,1111l\tion. \tut wall aCreoa1l1c *....~~..xx~ aelay1nc- aet10n for ~e. pre.ent~ ' . , .l.t I. ~ j. ( \.. ("I ..... ,;,; 1 . The rel1~w1nl 111118 we,re, red.. al'p r(l Tf:ti. anti ortlercti pa1~:.. _ l ~ill ef ~. ~. ~err for fittincs in oonnection ~ith tAe)J1e.e111n~ jolt was referrai te C. 7. Fain fer ale inv6st1gati0n anti report. :JualtyJiartiware 'C~:i', Yater "1'p~: anti; ti tt1JlC8 ~ 11~;11'.I' -~ ."} .. I J; ~ .. (, ~ t / 111lrray'~rQ8. Packinc ,UJI, t.w1~t: Emk ! CalB l.i1 .. 4. " \I.;' :F. ~.,'~art.letti leri'i.~.1n;:r~~.. J " . '1.....'.. . ,:J: " S; l~atfJOn. ;P{auli!'!~' Trash' on~'e. ,: ~ · ~ , )', . - ,.,l"~-..I'; Yla.Pull BerTiee C.. St 'Li~llta for ]'elt. '" ,"oJ 41:~2 v! n~" Pull Ser Co. 'ff1ce i1Cr.ts for1:rr.1I. :.~, .- J 1, .. ' 1.'.. v( J'l~. Pull' Ser' C~. ~;';i~~ 1n' full : ~p t~' :rea. ,24t~~ r;.'~~I': it / TlU. 'OTers two months when we only ,a1.. tll. ,er~~o;;(h' aa .~ter coult'i.:net)lIl'! re....\ J.lB. the full_nth or 1e1l,., , , . (.I . IIf~.. . . ; , ; , \ , '. I . J'la. ' Pull. SeT C~ ~, P~rt, of &. .f!rta1~ 'lt1'li '.r..1 If. ", ;:..) ) ~or' serT10E te .T~ile.' i This. alr~f:ti en b~t Couneil an...' / repreaentat1Tes of the le"1.e Co. .....v: See ainutos of aeet1nc Uareh Ita.--19!e. ~. .... . J ; . ~ l- f , "'." , ' ".' . There .eine;' no further .usiness.. u.,on Motion. < th'~l..eetini. aelJournetl. '- , ) ,. " " . J} ~ J . Attes~:, , l . l -\ 10 ' , Clerk. . , \f,'-,- , 1 ,,-, ' , Preaiaf!nt. . . ',_ ".1- }'. J ~ ) . ~ '.f. ' , ' ... ' I . f I, \ ) ,; ~ '- ) ; ; J I I ; 4 I . ). ~ .J '. 10 '.. Ail I . ) ,( . :1 ; :. I --'