HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-02-1928 --~- ~,- - BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE W ATEH PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK ..., "... ", , ~ GOOD CHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES T~VO RAILROADS ," e 1lI1mT:J1 11' A DGULAlt YDTlitn tit !D CITY' CIU1f,CIL ~ :!Ui.:i ~ A?llIL - '";"":";. In. 1 9 Ie. = -.. ~ , . , .. .J: , . . . ' lleetinc 8;11 file', t,c- ~~~...,r').:~ Pr~.,1'd(,;:;' t '~f t:h~ C;'HI~~!t; ~'1rtl1 all' .ea)ers ~re.en~. ~ =- .:,. ~...J ': .. ~ JlinutclJ rea.d. anti appr.Tel1. . _ I . "-: <) . , l.. _, ..~. 1. -.... :.' "1". . ~) ~" -' =......, ' I... 1.0 :. .xtenaien .!~~luferu ATe. tr..)A. G.. L. 'to ~ainlJ ltere: Ce.- ait,tee repertf.!tl that County C.aMisl5itaner Cllapan ha. ciTen the clay fJ'..' C.unty :Pi t at Fullers. ')..l.. 'thnt )(r. .ewllerry wa.~lread:'" to pr..eed on the, werk lalS'jer 'lh1 s lIi<<.' )(0 t:rcn' "y)~arri ) aecontle&l. 'y )tena Mtl palS.eti tbat Wl\rk in 8tart~cl at .nee and pu.hell t. .om... pletien. Itreet Co~ttee te draw up ..ntraet and haTe ...e .icneci lty .entraeter. ll.ad t. lte lUna ter,!; '1rhle,,:,~=cla:: to lie .i~ inches thick when a,r~a'. - } ,="'~..., ;' ~ ~ t " r....~ "1,1... !,"; '1,; (t t' ) -....... "il .." '\ ..:r \; rr,,,4'.! ")-t' 1(~ ,. ) # - ~ ,~ Ta~ :looks: Ce1Ule11.... tea t. eiJCt~nti the talC payinc perieti un'tiJ: Kay let. 1911'. In thia .onne<<tiou llr. Clarke enteretl a ce.plaint that the Oi ty hafl n. recular taa ..lle.t.r; in a. .uGh a. the Clerk was not suppeael\ to i.ft the aCllIe.tine, lint .uch autiE's lIelenge4 te the Yarshal, as per City Ird1nanee. Mr. ~artlett .tate" that he wultl re8i~n it that tluty was 1mpoaed en h1Ji1' w. acti,,!! wall taken 'n recara te this queat16in. lIut, Clerk will a011- tinue te atttl)ni tc. this nrk until tho '\)Cloks 01..0. .. " . . :Jriace en Crcnm p.lnt !loa.: .trer~t Commi ttee 1nstrnetetl to have 8~de re;pa:1.r-eu. This i8 fi '.'Qo<< _rUe-e al1€1 18 in eontin!al .ati erder. .r. Jen~en .ngceatetl that City 3ail .0 .a.e sanitary. Ingcested a tluah t.Uet, ete.~e acree' t. get all 111tol"La.tlon hf: oGula al.nc thia line and rp.purt. llayer rep.rtee th.at he hacl instructHd )(arsBall Jl~ t tG use sait Ja11 any..rp. untier prosent .onditions. Jb,yor llint:lr requestct t. let a wri tt~n .,1ni~n fr.. llr. JtaYJuer Jlaguire, Atty. a. to tke Yle'Rellinc an' ITe., ami J{elJla paTine questien. The tellewinc 111118 wero rt:aAi and erceretl paid: na. Pull leI"vice Cc. 1"la. Pule SerTiee Co. Y1a. h. lerv1ee Ce. .. A. ~edditt--~Water '~.'I 1.11 45. g:t tI--I ~~. Connection at :lelta Puapinr; l-rriee LiCht- It. Licht. .91.'2 ~/, I.. 21 / tfi, "", Iyer. ~ __L_ .-.: --J ", ,e" ~ ~ -~ ~. ~ . Wo. 2. f ~. ~.'~rrr~-.GrkT&,Katerial R. If. Reri',-- ~ L · . ~, ~. ~. ~crra- · II. C. lIallarcl.-:-:Wcrk ~n.,:J'i~l:n~~1 ,~~ ~()or~~~) c. ~. :Parri i!lh;'~" .. ;r. I,. :Jranch-..... · .t. S. 'l'atsQn-"lIa1iUinz: G'arltace . )IV , . Y. I,. ~artlett--llar8hal fElr March--19U. _{. ; : I, '. ~!ok ~or ,Ya~er .ltee~x:" . ) t , I' ,",' ') ~_,: ~, \. ~'.I ,I f' f, ,_.,; ,~, ," } .,~1.UIl~;r \~:W. Co ~ . 1:P1p'e ~d conp('!~ti(ln8. t ,>' C~.lf-;~"~5%'"f eri'Yel.pe. .t~r ,e:rt~~~, al~o'lpen Ylewellinc j.~ . ( )~:" ~ tll.94V: ~ '...~7/ I.II'{; /10",-7 v ';:::~/ 2.'1 vj/ " J '), )', l...,v' / 11(1). el ./ , ,~" ~"; '~, l~"~ 2~ ,I }, \oj I, ,,\. ~ , ,\ . , 9..11 j..int8.~:' ",,; ))'1',-"'/ ... ,'" .II} ilL' , ... , \ ) ~ 1, 'j' \, . . j ..,..\. I ~, Ii , " . I __ 0 - - - ') _ ) .J... ~\ ... 'j ) f " .1 ~l . 1~' f' . '~J"", -. : . . ...~ t : '1'ltere ).ilil~ nl) furt)o..er ~u8ine.., upon 118 t1cu'i. the meetin<< ad- journed. y, ,'J') l. y.' _,,' " ,; __ . , ~ l I ... .,.. .A..F' .... I J ,. . >_ ...~ , l , , . . , ~ .... .. '.~ hJ . 1:'" ~. ".. :....,~. ) t ,: 3- )",..,' , ) :'\ ) ') .,'$ ~ ,', ) " ~.t~t~~t: f" I . " .1/ . J ~ ~ Olerk. ,", h^j" '.,', ) ~ ~ .l..' ;") . { );. ). " , , J I Pr,:ea1,.ant. ~ 0./ _~,; I ) , .. .. ~ ) I" I f ) ,. ~ , , ....., . , I ;), ) , ( .J. I _ ) " I ,-..} . .. )" 7 I I . .. '~ , ) .I ) ) '~ I ' , ,. , - - 'I . I I I , ' t' ;'. l' . 1, (/ " ~(. ) 1., ), '~'''l ~ 'oJ i !'.~ ~ ~.~ ') ;', '... I :' ,I . " . ,I i..... ". .. ~ ; f )" \ .,' . 1', , I . ( ) , I' ) , I. '.. ..... 't 1').A. r , , I .. '.i '} )',11 ) . ,:' ") . ''';, .t.i.. "01 .. ..... ~ '.. 1 'j' j " .... '. .., "'f . '.,J' , I < \ . ) I ~ l ~----