HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-1928 ~ , e ~. CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES TWO RAILROADS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK {;:-4< IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY; " FLORIDA" IlIlltmS 17 A IUGUHlt ~~l~~ J~J'l ~;Jcnr COUICIL ~ \ ~,. Qr nil, Calle.. to oreter .Y "rp.sii~nt of thn CCll.lJlcil ,.. _~. Cl.arkfi.. The :roll~win, ans1rerinc r(lll- aall": ":ft. .~ Ilone; :ft. A. J.ewi s.' Tho se a.sent: _0. Y. ~ain and J. Y. Argo. , ~ Minute. rea. ami. al)pr~Te.. . .. ~ ~ .:. . Leak at ~own~s. ~illing Station: Karaholreportr.& that ne r~pa1r hall \e,eh liiaie up to the Frp.8cnt tillft. "){atttn' rE!ferre6l' again' to V:r. Arc" anti. the l(rp"~~~. "~!alc ,1Btp,ti to..De )Tcry -~~. 1 ~etter' from ~tate ~oaru ot ~e81th in rncar' to the City Jail was r.ail an<< tilet. ~ro1:l tt.cir report it, aecDs; tha t ~1l-e. Qi ty Jail 1 s 1m~~l:lt'~8S felr a j all. nle .ll~or has' alz;'~aiy, 1nstI'1.1.ctecf llarshal no t to use aaae. /r . \0 ,- : .', - Letteril 1n rp.<<arll to lI'ire 'CUla.trem'anu'to Wintet' ~ar.fln :lepart.:. aent: 'Wi:ltcr G1arclen Kayor ant Coune1l 1n their, 1e~~er. .ait they knew notAinc et the ,r.,oaet ohafgp,'lfl .1.'. 'tor C&lJ!l aill', llht tF..at Chief Jloyle }tOllnt\B ltact YlTi tten the letter wi theut their. kRowleiCft. The Cotmoil &Ikf.& that'I..e~ CGwloil .eet-with' the. or Ben. a rftprelBfmtatiTt! for ai8811.si.n el th1!! -.atter. )layer Jlfno':," wa. appo1f1tr4; t" aeet wi. tt. . thell.' - - ". . I . . I , I i~: Phone fGr J1re ~Quse ~~i MOO1 to sleep taere: This matter was r@ferr~d to 1\." A. llewis for: r~pe~t an(,l.netiQn l.lY CQuncil. iI' ) ( . I , -' .. . . ' Var1~U8 oak tr~e. were er'~rp.t taken eut~--~Dst,ot the. ~y .awinl ott, but the "ne infrflnt of Clyie Po~ncis house' to lie tuen 'up .Y the roots. Yr. T. ;r~ ~nor W&S present in r~,ard to exemptian .1 $If'. en ~er8~nal' property. Letter from Atty. General ~aTi. was reai. anti this aatt()r was a,;ain Tf:!erred to llL\;er Kinor f()r inTllsti- ~at19n ann report. . ' ~Call lIleetinc ot ~l f' Ceuneil ..... er"er~~.. fo~ Thurs4la,y ni~ht';J Ka~r 11th fQr the pur!,tO I!e of ~oinc eTer tl~(; Tax :J~ok Q.na .&kine , p the assessment fur 1'28. All ..e..era requestet to lit: jfre8(: t. Tr..1s mattt;I" wail GUlei. up for t.his n1cht in erder to ce OT(:r it lIetere tke .eGka were aotuall~ jelivf:r~~ to the Atty. ror ~ct1~~ tf' collect tielinqu.cnt taxclB. ' n~e follcwinC .ill_ w€re reaa. appr@yea. and oraerei...i(: " ~... , JIt. J. l\:err--Work at lCirklant1 JlOU8tl (al.an Katerial) . 2.61 t: / . ~. ll. T. Van Jlrorn--York on M60rp. ~ill) I. 21w( J,; '\ '" J. L. ~ranoh--Wcrk en Moore lI'ill, 1.21 V, V'" ~ ( IT er) .~ e \ ~ ;. 7 . If ~I \,~ 1 () 'I I i _' .{ ( ~'f "I~ '>1 i .;:, ~ "".I' 7' J T ~'(, '~I) j.ifJ,.r~llJ_ ,f r II[' Io.. 2. ,,~ , :I. :ft. Still--Work (\ Hanlin,;' tln lloir6' 1I'ill J 4.2' II \. na Pull j ~er CO~--P\_P+~c' tor) A'l"1;., )), I 12. '1,/ J'la hit ller C.. - -lit. Ll.l:h te rer C April ;' , C 41 ~ '2 ~'1.11"'/ \ l"la :P\i~ Ser Ce.--erfiee !Jia:htlS ror April ~ . 1. ,. ~ ....----- ' I L.1H. Pethly--We:rk'&n'Trflfl"near Bealt..rei. J'illin~ ~t't'i.nJl.'I(v I 1 .' .... I . J ,_~" . 1 " ) i. ... ~ 1 I" I . :ft. A. llewis-..Work anti'LWI.er '.n Yattil'1' :Jr1"l'e 'j (:By :Peayy) 1.,11 y. ./. I ) .....a I t _, ' J 'I :ft; . ~. Iny~ef--Ir.e~~f .~,~.. Areo :ror I work' lowerine ) , '. "at 'newcllinr;":ll<<c. ' . ' .. 4nl~.,"., ) .' I'll . '- a. 18 · )' / 1.'.'1 -I. v , ; ,:J. !:. ~artlett--llarlSr..al ror AJtril J 1928. - -.... . ~ ) ) 'I ') J ' , .\,. ) ':I. :!'. .ea:iy--Wor'k on:.ak t~'ee'.; ... . I.. . I !" :,.. J I A. t. )L'ee-~W.rk ~~",.ai~tr~ft8," ), I';' " HI.... ..' , , 1 , ...... .. ;r~.) A. tTntier\Y{loc-"'Ji{&.t'.l.lri, IRk tre(l!8 from: atrfleta, · , a. Y: (l~ _JV.,-u-A~'.. ~~ I. j'., ) . \.' ~, ~-'--:-~-:1., ~ ' . .. There .c1nl:' n. :rur1.;hf!~ \uBine 88. . ltpen 'IlO tif>r1, th~' meeti'nc !' ---~)', )},,\,.; )~). )) &<iJotlrne,l "t, l:l~Oi;k' I ~ \. , ),' , . / .. 11. alv; , - . j . , l'.~' v. . I l ~ i. 42~la L( J - ) J 2..-.s- 0 ~ '~y . \ 'i j _ .' 1 :. J ; . 7r~.i.eitt. ' I J. :. 1 - '. ~ ,),' ), ; . ) '). . "1 ..). -..J " . , , . ) )" I \ ~ 1 I I ') J ) . ': ) , ',) . ." I J i i. ) ) '. 1 ) ; , I 1 ) , ) , ) , . " ~~ ---