HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-1928 '\ . .' CITY OF OCOEE e BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA.. GOOD CHURCnES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAX ES TWO RAILROADS Tk. tellewi~<< ~ill. were reaa. ap,re~ei. an. .r.erfti ,a1&: ~p'~~.1Kf;~~~~r5f;- i: Garace-~eaTy- ~..DI::1. :I. _4.. T]n~erwe.ti, ]l{a.uling: oaks from .trecta, 21.;;2~ Iwen Underwood., work on streets) 6.21&1- ~. Y. ~eaty. .ryinc Yire Xea., J,l."~ .. .. .. t .. rk C'lt.r t 1/1Y l'.I'~ ,'D. ~. ,.ea Y."if" Qn.. ee 8, ./ ~. Y. ~eat7. ..rk on Streets, I."V. C. c. X.Carty, York on Streets. i.11 ~ J. 11. lewell 11Ipply Co.. I lax Cement. 1. sev. ltntftrest <<;m YatArnrka :Jon.. ant:. nlao interest Gm )(ari0n ~ark / A..esuent :Jonia was orderc.. ,al.. a.. follow.: f'b rf.,!.,( ~a.~ of laoee. I"nt. (j)n llarlc;m" !lark :Jondll"JSIQ.~;t'DD. J'JL - 6"" Int. en Waterworks :Jontls......ana COI1. l/t. Gt 1% '1.1. ~ll.ll;l It. C. 3igslo1f--Ialaryup to Kay 11th. 1928. 2i." r: ~R. c. ~i~el"w--Ifti,cr. J~.ent. up to ;rune 15th. 192R, ~ 2..Qlr&/.' 'S..-t-~ IJ(J~ ~.7{~ - ~itJ..r.~~~~*~ I'I-,S()~ T11er~ ~Qein~ l1o:l~hrthr.r .usinesA, npon .otion. the meetin~ aijourn- c4. · _ IS- Attft.t:~~Cl.rk' .~ llINUT.. IY A UG'ULAJ\ JBETING IlP T}{I OITY C'ONeIL. 101[,.1 Jl.Ay n.t. 19 ~a. . .. Meetin, 0 ,1.11 od to .r<<er lIy C. ~. J'ain. V1ee..!'r ellidp.nt. wi tll. ;r. M. ,lr~o an.. :ft. A. aew1s present. A. Jl. 01arJ~ &nf,.\ ll. .I. Ilene all.ent. M1nutes r... an. appre.e.. C.1I1noil .r.erea .treet ..~ttee te f'isillA up whate'Yer werk tlley AU unaer "a::r at I're3ent 't13~ in the matter of clearin= 14l;) t::-.fl dl~wn iaml eak tree.. a~. then .1acentinu8 as the expense wa. runnln= up too hi~. Lettp.r frolIl Ka~ulle &. Voorb.is aivi 8i.n:~ t:!'i.at t:-nere sep!;~ed" to oe ~o ~flrlel'a.l (},xeJQlti.n on pera.nal pr.perty to the extent ef til.. a. 8Uf:cestell .Y Yr. T. S. J.(inoT. Cewlcil .rlieretl eIerk and as- lessor to .:.ai1kt up the personal taxes as U1S'ual. Mr. I:.}l{. !'etl(~~, was present W1t\ aske(t that Council alle..... r.im to l.tUU1ufacture a fly anal lD08C1ui to killer in leoec Nee e:r Ci ty Li- C(!IlSe for the rest of tIde year. TiLi. was grante.. lty yete e:r the Council. i#-ij C.,lerk 1natruetf.!ti t. oreh,r water eont.a1ner frllm state ~ear. .t (Xealtlt. This fer th.e Jurp.se .t kaT1nc Ci ty Yater Supply "-n81- ~..a everi thirty .~r. aa per the State Law.. Co~t et this oontain- er te ~e ~1..1..;I Yr. aewi. w.. eont1mue4 .n the ee~litteft t. try t. l..ate a aui tallle IlCUl t. aleep in !'1re ]l{ouae. Al fJCIl to tind, out it The Telephone Cerp. will install telephone in ftre ]l{ouae and. CiT' t~da serT1ee tree. J'la. l !lr. ai.en t. 1 ~ ~ I ~t ~ I~ \ r:;\ )~ I~. ~