HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-1928 SS 0- ,. e ,_ CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CnUROHE!lI HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAK illS TWO RAILROADS :bEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES /' PURm WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA,. ..'""'1 \ IP:JCIAL IlDTIJrG .:r Tn CIty "UllCIL~n':J :run: l'th. 1'10, :Pll~J?O se fli tlua .eet1nc. 1a: 'Ie lLear .e.plaint. ami .ue ""\lat- .ent~. It u~. 1n tae taz .,.aluat1.fte et the a1 ty et '.oee. antl- e.i. aeettnc ha. aeen .~y ...,.ertl.ea t~rty aa7. 117 A.ttce ,..t- eO. in tW6 !ll.lic I.-la.e.. ~ \ Tho.e pre.ant: .A. 1I. <narke, ll. .A.. .ems. J. M. Ar~e anti Jl. :I. I1Gne-----Th..e a~sent: C. 7. 7a1n. 'euncil ....te. t. li st all .elQllUntl!J nnd tati':' them. up .eparate17 at a lpecia1 Keetinc' to .e .e14 K.naay niCkt JUl"/"th: The toll~w1n: ~n~e co~~laiut5: ~_ __, :r. !Je :lut!-:er ftAlf;,)l'el;1""Q"'Tf)" ::.;;.o6:,.lJC& t".8". ,lI1e 'Yd.. t....,., C. J. J'anaer .. X. ~ / "'"" "l.:I. .~teen I. K. 'r"" / ~~, ,~. M. MinoT' "Ione Place" - 7.J () 0" , :~t~:~:~~r~' ":~a~f:~::~~~ r1~~1;~~Y.~~.~e/~;iifl' ~~_ll. 7Mi./nor, s. I.'... lJraTe.--lays his Jllaoe too hi:h. vW 1000. llr. Le:e--Ia.y. lrle heae awaY.l1t af. (ne ef re Yal~e. llr. ~. L. :lran.h--tw lete. t"... lay. to. r..1,1:.. v- G. .~. :Jrown- "'l'14"!le1"ty t:.'lO h.i~h. tuae home tQ 12'11. an.. Itreu. :Plaee to .,... ~r.. J. T. Iewten--'rance Gr&Te on Lake ....... Says will t~ .:;;.001. for it. AeklS redl~c ti()~. '() I () ~ tP. Mrs. I. YounC--tI81. .n :Per.enal--Yile' 1teai . list at til.'. alk~ fer r~cinctio]l. ~f-lb{)1 ~ V Mrs. AliCJ~ :Ja.ley--~ot J9\ Sims 1-:1 .11... was fo rly .1.... alks net to aaye it railea tr.. ~ . erz/ue. Xerr :"y--Unipr ~(---.Asse~~ed tato. ,er~nal. C. !I. 'Peun4is--Corner Let in fr.nt It :Parse)nace tlll.. sa..v~s teo kip. W1ll take .4.a. plus all alleelJ1lentl!: :Jr. ~ott--Lot;:! z. .w .:JY::aanalfUp!lUlia .'710. wants out. 'tri.e~U1l..1nC' .21ee.Vwants cn~t. IJ8t. 2-1..... ~. llarion :Park h. $4181. wanta ont. Lt) t 1 :Ilk :5 00. wants ent to .11'O.-~ JT 1/2 Lot. II :Ilk I b ."."0. wants eut. J. M. Arp- - Says 1t <<Ilrtain re.u.ti~ns .aie. Ar:o & ~tlet t . wIll insist on reauetillnB en their LakeT1ew Lets. V-- / Ir. We.s1:burn-...Wants hi s pla'H1 eut to .' ."'. Was.~ .000. and wa.s ..... cut to ts,.f)f)'. Ba..ys t.oo hi:h .Y~t. This frOnt Mrs. Jt~.t. Washlmrn. ',.. There loe1nc' n~ rurtl'l~lou.inell.. tile Dentine aclJI."url1eti. \ .A.tte~a-: r ~resi1.(V:mt. en erk. ./" ,.