HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-12-1928 SS l"""'""" . e e' CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES TWO BAILROADS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURJIl WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA., '. laW'!];! IY A IP:lCIAL Jali:fIllG t:r Tn: eITT alUlTOIL ,DL:' JULY .1 a~. li 2i. nalle' t. er4lflT It.r ~rf.li. .~ tke C.'W1Gil. A. lI. Clarke. ilLi.A all ..a.era Jreaeat. ...,..( ~JlS pur,..e .t tail Meetinc ill ta .i.cus. an. Qrk out ..~e plana fIr the tlnnnelnc: of tae. aif!lI;l'(.!..i ielil.:ctment6 61 the ait~. ~f t\:'ee--~1r.wa11.~.j~ ~..ut lty tAfl failllre .t t.e 1..&1 .U1k. twine ta the ...ew".ttat e.1'I1'11eate.. el:\nii ti0n tAr ai' 1'1)1"1'). t.e Cluncil .::'aluale" tAe uT;i.llallilit7 .'1 ,.,le11Jl1C' a lawyer far &41T1e. an' ltl!ll,. Hr. W..titr..k If D~....t~ aJ..~..a.,u:' VJ~. t.euckt t. 'I. . C-" aan. ana Olerk wa. 1R.tru.tt>t tu phonE) him tc~ llll!ct 'lfith. C@u!'loil Yrl&a.;r nJ.IAt a.t . o'.lolk if ..n.,enlent. i ~ Ourrent expen.e. were taken up. 118 fallow.: Itn.: ct Li,;b t.. ana ~\Ulp1n.. It WAil Acree" t. keep laeth these ite.. coin,. ~nti l,}~ all we Goal" on t4f>Jt f'ach ~0!lt~. Iioskil'lC the Itu.li. Icr- vioe Co. to Garry the as.aunt, until t},(It City C'G t on i te :f'efJt &cain. The sala.ry at the Karua]. wu "is.u...' anI. er"erc. .ut .ut the ti,lir. was net a.finitely .eei4.e& In until further ..i.- r--';;; ....1... !he Clr.rk was a.skeci t" put in lUI aaryl.e. am. tile ront .f tAe hall a."14l 1Hlu.ilHlicnt for tae 1\01. tbf $Ii. per ..nth. Clerk It. t('d~Aat he nul4i rather 1'1"" Ma aerY1c.. anti rel;,- free until tAe City .i. ..ae collooti~:, mlm tA1. was a.c~pte. .Y the C.uneil. .rtl.e rent t. .. ..ntinue~ at tat. ,er slnt. as usual. Taia ,lan t~ ax au.rt en july Ilta a.t whieA time Clerk'. /a.nth 1. liP. ~ / Olerk & Trea.s. was 1nstruct.. t~ .ake tile State ~a:1k at Irlan', the City ~e~..1t0ry r.r all tun.. kereafter ..lle.tea. ~ ,,. ,~, ~ 'fie .eetinc aliJ.urnea until l'riaajr ni~llt. .1w.;:r llta, a. t _1a. t~. t.ey will .eet with Att.rney .e.t.r..k. Attest: 'Pre 81e.ent. , , /'- '"' ~~