HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-16-1928 ~ . I .~. CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHUROHES HIGH SCHOOL FINE LAKES TWO RAILROADS BEA UTIFUL ORANGE GROVES ....._ .,PURE WATER l'AVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA" llINtT!:l1 t]l A lmULAJ\ ][DrING II' TJm or 1'[ c.mrcrL. DL. .TUL T let_. 1'2'. ~eetinlj .all... It." erter} D~ Ce\L"lad.;Laan I... Ah .ew.1. a. witll "I.. >>.,', '. ,Ile"e an,a J. ll., Aree ,r.-e..ent.J A..ll. ~larke ,an. C. F. :rain I' " a1esent. , ' ~ , , ~ . ~ , ,1_ .J ~ ~. _' l'" ,l . ':.. ~inute.' .r..... an.... &Jarnnrea.b~.;) I ." _ " I, ' /LY1~ Ya'+..'r,' :J~li: "ur;. llewia '.1.l.~ ~'te. the ~~l~eWiDC .ill a,a1!1at llr. !'yle. an. Cl erk tla.:s :i.n.~l"n.te' t. .en.. BUlB t. Lyle at .n... anti requeat reai,t:tanful t.. '.Ter. .eunt $.,."'''' ' , ' ( , ,~ . ,-~- Tax :J.eka: C.ullei.l rea.ina.. ,th.ir preT1.us oraer t. aeli Ter .aia ..eka t. ACJk.r~an & Aeker.an t.r ..ll"e.tian ef -a-elinquent ' taxes. 'nUa was net ,D.t)eea.ary in T1~.. .! t.he taet taat Hr. Ye.t":;;rook ha.s .eon eapl.yei ...y CQune1l aa Ci.t! A1.ty-.- , ra')t8rt. &11)' t_- ;.al"e e:r~ tke' ..1',".. ....n..:', ~Yrickt-Ya.rlew)'& Ca. ' I ' ~allUre., eeuncll tl1a.t tlt~'s' a&1 e1 _ula ...'~tbr..,Jl., and-'t.at t\U'l..' I nul..e aTadl.ltl. ..en. Al.. that ll.arary ~e. lla' caen.ent.. t.r City te u.e .'1,.... t. ,a:r eft tl'..ril" ..ft., c."ollc.ti.n aua AlIC. lat. 1'2', ana pay the. tile lIalan... an. they w.ul. w&i t. until r....tun.inc' '..nis wert MIl. (ter' a ,t1n~~ .cttl aaent wi t." C1t:l .1 '.eee. AlA it.,. Itt interest .1,a... tiue .e)lt. 15;. : waa ia.luG' in tl2.ilJ &creeaent. YriCAt-Yarl.. & C.. aS3ure. C.,m.il tkat in .a&. tAe funas wert Bet i. kana lIy ti.e it sAoul. -.e forw~'.i te J{an.Tt1r }fat. :Jank, that tkey w.uli UTfA.n.. the ne....ar:! ,...ant, 1'01. \is. TAi. was a. ci.efini t. acreeaent, anti ' we are t. aaYi.e ~~ .en. inquir.r. taat thea. ..lie.tien. ~!ll lie !let ~ro.ptlT wilen aU8. ~1(arual'. DJ.ary: C.un.1l yote. te .ut salary te ,$4i. ,r .ent. ana allew Ida t. plUlp ani ..ll..t water r~utz. st.., ana 4.. a lillli te' ~U1'1t .f pe11')1: ftrki or t... )t8r .---mcan1J!. an. ke 1. ta ... all lle ia ..1ne new ani et..r _all J... ar.una tll. Ci.ty. llr. Yilaen .ai. ae wul4. like t. llaT' a tlay .r .. to .ensllier i ". ani aeun.il qreea te a iay .r tw. If )(r. Yi1Hn .eoept. ei tlaer plan, ... wul. atart ell jlll:rlitll. 1'2'. ,All .xpenses .t eyery natwe J w"Aioh .an .. .ut .en.i.tel'l't17 w1 t1l po. J .apent, wert .r.ere. .ut eut. an. all per..ns .en... .e.te' with the City in any ~e,art.en\ were inst~~.te.. t. .e Tery iaretul in tlle pur.haainc .t &n7 .upplie. tor tne City, anti net ~' t. .e ee l,lt.~c.JHt ~llt:r',<>l"i ty et Oeun.il. 'j" '\ . , 0,; . ~.~ 'Tel". I,.:...... . . .... ~ ~ _....'f!!iIo.. _JJi-o-' _ _'"""';.0"""..... ..L t.. -.~~---- -- I I I ~ # " , ,~ 11' x. . 2. . -'l" . , J. , . Cler.k was aake.. t. .&1,1 e,n all ~.er..na wk_, .we: the C,1 t,. 'ter tax.., luppli.a ".... .r any .t..r tie.t,. .an. ..lle.t .if )te..i._l.. . ..~ .".. ... I llarual waD inatrtt.t.. to wateh.. el..e17 the water ..n- .Ul!Ier. all e..,..r tae ~i ty. an. t. .aut..Di j tlle.e )ter..n. "'" all." taeir wat.r t. rWl 'a~' er aic1\t t. an eDesai..,.. aeCree. I ,\.. " ~ ~ ..... \ j .~ , . ) t . I..: i) '" ~ ~... r. r: _ (:t. : . The tellewine _111. ,w.r. .r.... ap,reTei.1 :an. er.ere..,~a1". ,', \' aa ..~,~n ~a, t~r1rl.., ~~~ ~:~1,l~~~e,: I ~);".', 'J~ t 6<'~ (f~ J:. ,:I., "rnll~".n for :PlL'l':; " ,'.' , "f "'. /. ' , '. .. 8. .at~,,~.-Ga. t"~:'n..,~_~' "j,:' 'II. '~O' :l/;JE1, l'~ ,- ~:2,3.5 ~ II>~ Weak. Xu..war" Ge. :Jill~~er.. lle'i.~ .p mtil' Ceun.il:,eeul4l , " a..ertain wile )ttu;...... . an- &Jte, llanile :and ..ar.C...."i t t. Ci tif" ~/I t?~_ ~-'~4'~~-4'~AA,e> I~~~" 1'!--19.:2-;&':-:- ,~~~~ Itf' ~ '~/~."')~) .).....~~~'l;;/;~"C:::,~--:'-', 'n. ( l~'..,? '7:!-0, / /j '~. I ti If . ,.'--/ /~ 4 U4J:. /~-'/ (~~, - V Taere lIeinc n., tur.tll" _uaiDes . -the aeetinCI atlj.urne.., a-t \.' .' 1':11. 'l . . jIll' . . ,l ,~: "I ~ I,' . ~ I ,: ':' , .....!" . 1 J.~".. - ~ I J'. . ,:.". " " ,_ J . J ~ ). . .~ 'j.., );.) ::1 ,~ I . : I .~ )" .1) :..' "I' j ;..,J ..' Attp.st: ,)',~,. I' ',,:,PZ-..:l.clent.,.l ~ i . ~ 1':. ... J r.. ,~ i ,: l i ;,1 '. 1, . I ' , : , ,) ) I I ' , ~ < ' i .' ~ , ~ -. " ; '- . I \ .' .'Ii... J ., ) ., I .; , .. i..;l -', , i I ..1 , , .f; Jl ) i l .. '. ( . , ,") t- .. ' ; ) . ) I'..) 'I'... I . .l J. J. 1 ': )., , ., .. , ,..: 4 j . \. ... '. r ~'l' ..., . . .. () ~. ,; J '_ ~ .: : ,.' I '. ) I ~ --~-.--..-....... ----_. --~--=--- - .... 4)t"..'\f-, ... a ,~ ,-~-"..~ ~;;I""" l f .. . . .I.'~ ' ,I. 't. ,. ,,_., ~~ Date . J Stt,.. Address~. I., Post Office 0 e (; X e Name County Ship by , ~xpress Office CATALOG NO. I' (~ ., Be Sur. and state Finger Size desired of Rines. ate.. and style of Engraving, if article i. to be engraved ARTICLBS ~"r' ~ . ~, ", ~ , /.....,. "'-:. ! ! ,'" ......, ., , :, \ .. " # .. ~ j , ", .. a - .. 'l::; ~ ( ~ \:1 Y ~ 192_ '-. ! ~. '/ State :~Lt r ~ CatalOgUe~iat Price leave thi. column $ Cenla blank J .... I \g 1____ I "II, ~. I .: ~~, 1-11 ' I-LI_~~ .,. ~u!('~ If...( . '.~~ ·