HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-1928 . e' CITY OF OCOEE -. BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STRFlETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY. FLORIDA" GOOD CIIURCITES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES T~VO RAILHOADS .... llIlfUT:I8 f!)l' A RXGUL.Al\ ]'ffi:K'rnm I)]' T:uJ1~ CI'l'Y COWWIL, }iJil,jI fIDT:IlIJD Iltlt. 1121. :V.etin: .all.a tG or.er .7 C. Y. :fa! n, Vio<t-'-'rna. c.:f tl::.c Co Ull- cil. The :rollo\V'ln~ litera.erei a!l:l"'Tm~Nl rnll-.all: J. )(. Ar,e an. ll. :I. none. A....ent: Jl. A. Jlow.i.. a.:."le. J... }l. Clarke. (:1e:rk a.!l<l Uar31>.al llreSf~~ L. T:2.i;s U.t etl?l,t 'iY'al5 ci.E~la.~"E";(l frOJJl M:~,i&:, J'iCltt 8ept. l,tk on a..e'Wl t .f fie lleaYy atorJI an.. nQ lit':tts. 111nutt113 roai. ';:"::1<1 s..:?:?r'o-red.. Cess-:1()ol :)ac:!: of :I!-\.n:;c of tcooo i.ol'oro!;si rwmiJte eTer. .. aeti.n. j 01 erlc illstru.tea to wri to llr. GlaalUan arYi. .i.lllc 11,11;3. to ha.,,-c rear 0 f Har:J!\a.ll JUnll:-C put 1!1. /:()o4. ..naitlen---.1.anea uP. et.. I Clerk 1111.trll.tea te .eft a.out tke .~lle.tion of tlle City' B pro- ~QrtiQ!l of (J~nnt:-. llo~ & :Jr1c1la Tax fer 1'27. i Clerk iRs~ru.t.a t. .ee Kr. Wu r.t. ...eiTer ~ank of teofte. in ~__ relarti t.o 3et tlinlt Qlctilfi of ~~(J t2. Jk'l.!:L ~:r 0 rr.- ~o t t.in:. I llarsltal Wl11... an<< Clerk Jll,e1ew reqne.tft& to iaT..tiCa.te ..rain- ace well (13outk) a.nd Sell!: if it. Vla.:s ta.1dn;: '..,a,ter. i t"'!;.:-l or. '~rl(1tl a(l:!,d~19t~re. t. llar,Ual Yll11aas ani.. ..JIIut~ Kar- ..al TOD VaR ..rn. Tke fe1l..i_, .111. ..ra r.... .i..u..... &nG funds "'ee~'lE1 a,ya,llaillrr: 0/ {J~Y~./~~- ~-t; Cf-/1!!i/1"-1 y ~UtrJItJ~!!.,~ fZ - 1.4'-;0 ~.~.-(.-.. " a, r: (}~t. - U~~~l ~~ v ~ (fl4~ - '1 clr~ Lit. 1r.dl~./~ 1-/~ 6 /-6-~ I (l"C. ~~- "f, ~ 1-/~-i::;; /t)-ls7L-/r~1 C.'L'1eil atrel5sel'i the ilj,1~Q14t.a.:lce of ~CO~1.()Jit7. an<< aKe' tllat all work '."lUa}!.. i l!S no t. alosGl u.tcly !1.~ce S:'3a.r'Y ht) i8l&78. or eliaillat.i. t ' arter.oJ. paioJ. when .!IJ:f~p db,. /.&-v 2}..D-O ~ ~ 't V .g-ot/ t, v I t-.~~~ {( i/"tJ::i <g .18 /" n;.J!a. /J'I/.. 03,1 g-3 0.00 V: e:t. Zo,ooCJJ_ ---Ir ~ ~.. Thmo(t .el:l': n" i"lu.tller .u3infts.., upon jeurn.' at9'4~~ aeti.n, the aoetin, ad- \.,? . 'Pre.iaent. ~ ,., ,<'" , L '-~)