HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-15-1928 . .. CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHUROHES HIGH SCHOOL FINE LAX ES T\VO RAILROADS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVF.S 17UHE WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK .. / -~ j (~ IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA" HINUTE5 ElJP A rumUL.~ }!}J<:TIlm O:F "T}(]; CITY COUnCIL, }:N,,!I OC'l'0:BFJ\ l~thJ 1~:?3. Callr.tl t~ ortlcr b~' J.. H. Clark~/?rl!.. .f CGuncil, wi th all .en- llers prcacnt. OlCl.k, llarmhal anti Ilayor pre3cnt. llintltlf.S rea. ami. aYlpro'lrf;cl. .raina,e Wells: The tGll~win, e.maittee wa. appointei Py the Cludrman t(;l iflTestiga'tr: gemnnll elr.'-1 ~ion of saifl wells) nn(~ rCliOl"t U:..rir 1''1!l.iJll~. to Cit~' Ceunoil. Nfl lmrk is aut~.r1.~' i;r appointment of thia cfluui ttce J except such eta I,m:,. lJe ()l"<'i.e1"€(i t!".:r tf:.e Council l!~ :3(':[3;;;1('1".. -- Yr. Iy~r ~t Ila. ~u.li. Ser Co. was .r....t. Announcinc tr~t his CClJ!ll'an:-: hai. JJ1aftc, ~n a,4tjus luent on atrce L li;;i:t:3 1-Hir:, vnt ai"tcT storn of .1'.'7'--lrAic~ wa. Tery a..epta\le iy City Couneil. linter at ID'lmlllin~ Station: J.lJ". ll:,..er r~'l)o!.tC(1, t:-.at ~J:ii3 lriC",C:' "'/fW in G()()( c~l:i~i ti411~. C.mplaint G! A.. ,1. Chelll Ce. a. t. .har~e for OCCUl:ln tion lie en 13lii.: T.:"~(':: 3aicl Geo r.: f.! wal5 (~O u1,,1 e wIcnt 0 tl'.e:" "',(1'Ir.1l5 we n (;}~'i.r till1C. &11i :r. Jl. Meet wait aVI>ointf":f? t(ti f111lt .ut what 'l'i nter Garciflll wa. ..ing in tl'.i II li:n" an*;. 1"(l1).r1.. .. '" (' J. I A ~ ~; (. Cle.rk nnc1 Marshal r61ll1.f:r1'tf;t~ t. aonti. aUlplG8 ef water te. Stat. E.artl.r .ealtk t'Glr analy.la. Tl:is ttllnt.: 'ct. l&tha HH~' nt a ~o3t of 6;-:' cents fllr express ehare6la. r t ,:;51.. TCl te.. t. alle... llar.hal te hire a aan ani tcm ani l1.win&. mach-inft for one da:," o~ll:r to cu.I.. 11ln.in stn:;/!!'La of tcnm. ~a!..s;:a.l to ~:a'V~ 'full' eLi,j'C;;f' RJ1.(. tG sefl tha.t thi8 .an put in a full Ult..;;'S ..... rk . ' / City neftti&n: Yete:~ to &01.. same in )11". ffi".lellhc\u8(i' E)~:ri~. !1l'txt (tr>mr to Cit:.. }:,all on EtCCflllnt .t General :ll..tilm $e~Ul):rir1" Ci t:r Ilall on lSal!!.e ci.ato. Chme:r of zai<l offi co Ci vin;; lH::2'11i ssion t~ nf~~ iJ[~J~(. / All n- tict f; v;ern .rei.E:;n~~ Je at... an.. rec18trati.n ~eoka GIH:ned. T........e foll()"l,l::~' !~e 1;~1 ut~(ln'~;n.B lln;:H3Ht: ~r ~o 1 ~r(;<.~ tl.tl t lb.rlhal ..tity all p.r..n. "'11. USfl ci ty lil\.tf;r that 1lDle.a tkey pay their _ill. lily the lIt. .r X...,... in fllll J liaterr'flll I)tl r.nt Clff t a~~tl i:1."".olc- .ka.rer. ef .19~ will Be macle tf:l out it flr: a~Hitl. Al.so llfl.rEr..a.l will be in C1 t:.. 1l~1 freltl {t to S 11'. II. uleL ~a:-' from )To:~. 1st te Ne". 1.tk--OX8C!;,t SU1'1.a,;,.--:r~r eQllt:!ctian ,~:f' water ron~js. Tr..ia will 1.~ thf'! 2~",:;ul<1.r l'rCO{;rc.i!Jl e:ac1l 1,le~ltL u:c7. Cl1s'.,onrrs J:jJ":;l f.ll.w thi. plu. Tk. t.ll.wine lIill. w.r. re... a,nti .r...rei pal .. when fuml. are availaiJlfJ: a (''1'el~ ) - '- ..j .....,;. '"'I'j .. U d-f,LJ~~/ .. .,/ · , /;j;f.. Jf~, ~ ~~G ~<-0 ~ .', /hi;!: 1$/1~ Jfd~).. ~ffi-7''h/;;-Jt:~JULA-U) IS: Of) / (J()J, b1 <u-. ~ - / ij-J/tf ~ 0- /.::!:!, : '. : ; 2-; / I t) 0 // /7J c (q., ~ \, ) tflIh.' . AJ 1 J I /~ :-1-1/1' 7 /?I (jiB If!,-, ,~I,'-:J~~ If'~~'~, Ajol. llV-!!: :..P:-U < '. " c;6M ~. ~ ~ 1!-~~ ~ ~ .i_' ',; ~;()' () /' ..)'- . ) I ; ',' - - 10. ,: - - ) '. _ )\ ( ':) I , ) ),' '. , , ), ", . , ,.~'\ c,'" " ....) _' (), I .).... '-).1 (.1 \ i I.';' . " I '. Ti:t:r'C h~iJlb n. furtJr...r .lil.tll:.Hj,II.J 'upen.ili8tl-n,' tl::ll'lie.timc atlj,u14n.ci~ at 9:15. , ' ; . . ,~ ., " ~ J. j - I... _ J '~.' - ~ _ J ) I Attes't:. I .~ , I~ '" ,jY' -I., 'J, !,. ) , !Ii- fJ 'sid "n't. )' ',. -': . Clerk. l'l. . .). J.. J~' _':n _.:,i. .J.. ...) . - j' . : I ; '\ ; " ) , .) ... I . '). ' ) ~ . ) .. t )~ ,"" , l , \ ~ ' _ i .i ...; , ) ','" _- .; ;, I :) .: ~ ! ) , ".. :,,' . , , . . ._ L..~)~,.)tc-;";' ~,l::\)~_ ~:I..)) ~ ,-;' ) , . ). ~'~ . : I ( . \