HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-1928 i'. . . .' CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHURCHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES T\VO RAILROADS BEA UTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PORE WATER PAVED STRF)ETS ~ STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA.. I------ ct. @. ~ do solemnly d-/()Ll' .tt...."~ that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution: That I will faithfully perform all duties of the office of menfuer of City Council of the City of Ocoee, Fla., on which I am about to enter. SO HELP ME GOD. ,... / 7c~4 I~ OATH TAKEN BEFORE ME ~,lHIS /(~' DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1928. , " ~(? ~......, -_/ v / . I.r " p~ ~ /" Mayor. --- : " ~ e '.e ~ CITY OF OCOEE' GOOD CHURCHES HI~H SOHOOL FINE LAK illS T\VO RAILROADS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK ~-" IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA., do solemnly ~ I,jt/ and defend the Constitution and -- that I wil govor~ent of the Un:1,ted states and of the state of Florida against all enomies, domestic or foreign, and that 1 will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution: That I will faithfully perform all duties of the office of metIDer of City Council of the City of Occce, Fla., on \'7hich I am about to enter. SO HELP MY.: GOD. -~- / a pI, ~' {2l--9 () <, J' OATH TAKEN Bl;;FORE ME 'llHIS / ~ DAY OF NOVhEBER, 1920. ~ ~ . ~ ~ , 'layor . .. ~ ~ ~ e e CITY OF OCOEE BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA., GOOD CHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES TWO RAILllOADS ... =-- Iu----b$ ~ -_dO oolomnly ~<L:.-A.A.I I \'" l~"'Ort', 1;>i'ctl""ct and c1ofond tho Constit-ution orn that fJO,\lO!'n. K:flt \...f tb,(l Un:i tr>d f.ltnton flnd of tbc- <:'t C:ltC'i of r.'lcr:ldn Obt'1f'tst :::11 o;.'),o:,"1uo, dO:t. stir; (Jot :;'0:-. lEn, cr,..; thnt :r \"~,11 tlC'c.i" tl'UO l't:'it:1, loyalty ond ul1nciauCt to tJ1J ac"" rl'3t~ t.hf't I Clr' cl1titlr'u to llo:l.t) off'ico Ul1d~l' the' Gon..Jtitu~;:t0n: 'l'ha/~! .\7:il~. fed th:rlll1:y- '9Ci1'foTl.."': u11 dutino of 'th,~ o.:.""f10() of l.'oro("r' of G'tty CU\..U'\c,dl 01' tn'" (:i ty of' l,'COC( , :"1t'" t: eel "h.:1.c:\ ;t rr..~ ~bC\lt to H1.tr.>!, 0 f() jf riP t ~W~D.. (jf7F~I~ ,. OATII 'I:!.L 'U ,J FCi~ J,q;; 1IHI~! I ~ DiY .;;r IfVV' ,; T;~H, l:'\~:O ~ .1-:1../1 ,/' ,t)...: ",J,;- ~~, /.....-,/ .L::.-: " 1/... :.--?-- J .nyor. ,.... ~ ~ , ~. ~' M -;~/ - '.. ;;:;. ~~.. ----...,:0-- ----, .,. .1 e llESOLUTI01f PROVIDmG FOR TUB OO!lS'l'BUOTIOD'. GRADIliG,lWlD StmJAOISG, IAUn. .A.m) ~SE Im'ROVIlIG Olm'l'AI11 S1tRI:'Z9;IS A1fI) A VENUES wr.mm THE OOBPOBAT13 LMTS 011 ~ 01'1'1' OIl' OO~, FLORI.DAa AumonlUIG ,SPJiDm ASSBSm;!t;;lfl'S lOB G&-2/rq, 01 TlIE C05!!' ~OF .AGAms~ m i..o!mAm> ~S ADlOIBIIG AD CONTIGUOUS on A>>t1J1TllD AlID :BOUJD11iG UPON SOOR IJitl?K)vmme, PBOV1DXlla. m UAPR II '(mon SAID SPECIAL ASSF.sSlS.NTS SlULL JlE PAYAJUB Bt 'l'D Or11iERS OJ SUoH LO~S AIm LAlIDS. liltE..rtEAS. ,be 01t7 O0UDC11 ot the 01tl 01 Oooee deeme 11; ad- "table .. a ~11&l7 pubU.o lmprovemont to oonstruct. grade. bard /I1t\rtaco, p&1'& a:r.a4 otherwise lmprove CQrtaln portlonu ot 00",,111. Btreeto tmd avcnu8S WI. thbl the o~pore.te 15,101t8 of the la14 OU~,. ot 00086, end WImnEAS. the 8ald Cl't7 00U11011 bAtt caused the J. :B. ltcCra17 1xttr1neel'l116 Oorporation to prepare oomplete plan8 and epeolficatlou tor aaS.4 lmprO'l8ll8Dt. aJJ4 to osttmate the e0811 thereof, a.a4 I!WltBAB, said plAna, apeclfloaUtDt and estimates are now 0Jl ~, tn. with tl>> CUy Ol(;l1'k ot the 01ty otOooee an4 open to the wpaotlon ot the pubU,o all PZ'Gflded b7 In. 1fOVI. TJml.mIORE. BE IT rmsOLVlm b7 the 01ty OO'QM11 or the 01t1' ot 0008., 8. 1!II.11f.o1pal corporation 0I"p.n1_ and Gx1ltl2)g under the 1_ ot tbe Sto.te ot Florida, that CGZ'talll .'"eto and AVeJ1W.l8 wtth1n tbe .o.~rporate llm.Us of thG stUd as:h7 of OCtoee, hore 1nAttGJ." 4eacrlbed, be oonstl"Q.Cted. sra4e4, , ' , I .. ... b ~,~ ~ ~. bard ,..'.84 ADd paved as f'o11oQI Or1an4o street from lnwl'leo'bS,.on wlth Bluford A'ff>>JWt t. But ou, L1m1 t.. Oh1o Street trom 1n1iereectlon wi'h 1Slutord I.:nmue to lnter- ""lO!l' ..t:~h tGkellOod Aventl8. Bluford Ave~ troa Interoeotlon \'11th McXey st. to lnte:r- , ''lotion wtth A.e.L.n.a. OaklaDd. Ave. from lnterMct!on with t!cX'&y st. to lnterl'c" ttan wtth IakQsbOn Drive. 1tor., Stl'$et' frO!ll 11'1toraeotlon willh n8f)~ An!'JU.8 to lntel'atcnlol'l w1 th Bluford Avoma. 1l'1OJ"al stroet hom. 1nler.ec~lon 'd th JnasltlJnQO Avenue to 1ntereectlon vdth :alutord AVOll1lh Oumbel'land ATeJIQ:D fre. 12:'tor..ot10.. With 1f1oral streot to SJ:RerHo1Iloll w11ih OAkJ~ Ann.. lAke $ bore Dr1... tre'II .o~th em to 'lntaroeotlon wlth Oo.ot , . ~.as'''~ll.JIl1t. no#:tb.~f-StarkG lAlm.._ !1'U1u1a- st. ttom Blu.tord to Lakt1HJhoFC :qrivo.- " '~ ~ ........- ... - - ~-, .;.. ~ ... <': -' .. ~ .... , ~ <- e. - I e . ',. " i" . CITY OF OCOEE GOOD CHURCHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES T~VO RAILROADS BEA UTIP'UL ORANGE GROVES PURE WATER PAVED STR~~TS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA" .~ Jtinutes of a Special Meeting of the City Council, held Nov. 15th, 1928. Called to order by Pre s ident of the Counci1- -A. TIP,. Clarke, with all members, except C. F. Fain, present. Mayor, ' Marshal, Clerk and Atty. Westbrook also present. Mr. J A McCrary and Nr. Sheppard of the J. B. McCrary Co. were present. '-I Chairman mentioned to Mr. McCrary about the condition of the pave- ment over the storm sewer on Bluford Ave. Mr. McCrary promised Council that his company would remedy this trouble to the entire sat- isfaction of the City. He thought best to wait until his crew got to work at Winter Garden--whlch he thought would be within a month or so---at which time they could come over here and do this work. This was agreed to. Mr. McCrary bid ~on the $18,000. refunding bonds. This was the only bid received. Bonds were sold to him at 95%, producing ~~17, 100., plus accrued interest for one month $90., making a total of ~p17,190. paid to city. Council voted to pay The McCrary Co. the ~~~sum of $1,440. for extra work. Formal minutes of this trahsaction were written up by Atty. Westbrook and are attached to the bond proceedings. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30. Attest: ./ 10 ~ Clerk. President. Mayor immediately called another meeting for the purpose of swearing in, the new members of the Council. Me s srs. J. J{I. A:rgo, J. J. Robert- son and L. C. Bobo were swprn in by the Mayor in due form, and took their seats as members of the Council. By vote of the Council the following appointments were made: J. J. Robertson--President, C. F. Fain--Vice-President, R. C. Bigelow--Clerk, W. T. Bracewell--Mar- shale The Council being organized, the President made the fol- lowing committee appointments: Water Com.J. ijUV A:rgo , C. F. Fain and R. D. Slone. Street Com: L. C. Bobo, J J Robertson and R. D. Slone. There being no further business, upon motion, the meeting ---r""l ad j ourne d . - Attest~ fI f1L'~/ ~lerk. President.