HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19-1928 - ~ l' ., . ,~e. " CITY OF OCOEE BEA UTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PUNE WATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART- OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIOA., GOOD CHURCHES HIGH SCHOOL FINE LAX ES TWO RAILROADS ~~ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HELD NOV~MBER . . 19th, 1928. Called to ord(~r by Pres,ident of the Council, J. J. Robertson, with all members ans'wering roll-call. r'i~ayor absent: Clerk and Marshal present. Atty. GaQ. Westbrook also present. I 1- ~inutes read and approved. ylclPrk instructed to write State Board of Health for explanation of last city water analysus. Same was not understood by Council. Marshal Bracewell reported that he had located all dead-end water lines, and that these lines had bt:'en flushed. Marshal ,also reported that he had remedied the Kurry Septic Tank drain tile:--bY,stoppirig up the end which emptied into open ditch. Council voted to authorize Marshal to repair and put in good order the intake pipe to drainage well. fur. Slone reported that Mr. Brussee had burned the oak log and it was no longer a matter for ~omplaint at the Scott Garage. . ~' ~Bill from Er. Boyd Wilson for nigh~ watchman--two nights--was , "V ;eferred to IVayor Minor for report at next meeting. No record of Yr. Wilson's-service being in the City Files or books. / Bill from Nil". F. L. Bartlett covering service as night marshal . ~~l08. was ordered referred back to l'i!ayor [<{inor with advice that City Council refuses to recognize said bill. Clerk to notify :VI'. Bartlett also. I BJ.1I from J. Tv~. Grafton covering items furnished during the paving ~ period, referred to Mayor'MinoD with requ~st that some disposition be made of this, as Mr. Grafton is refusing to pay his water bills on account of this bill not being paid to him. ' r\":r. Geo. Westbrook, Atty. presented itemized bill covering his, service and expenses in connection with the bond proceedings in reo t'he issuance of $18,000. refunding bonds. Amount :!f.405.79. Coun- cil ordered saIl:e pa.id from Paving Assessme~t Fund. /Clerk instructed to get prices, etc. on Dog Tags for 'City of Ocoee, and report at next meeting. ~",,'~ ~ / l ......= , l- """'""'II! ... ., -. ~ .e'---.... e .' No.2. 1'i~e ssrs. Fe lker and r'!organ appeared before Council with reque st for water from City Tank to irrigate two acres of truck land. After full discussion of this matter, and in view of the fact that these gentlemen can se'cure this service from C. H. Pounds ffom whom they rented the land, Council voted tm not to entep into any agreement for this service, as they deemed it unprofitable unless a meter was put in. This, Messrs.. Felker and Morgan r~fused to do. Clerk asked for information in reo old bills due City of Ocoee by several citizens. Council voted to haye Clerk make these bills out and turn them over to Marshall Bracewell for collection. v10uncil voted to allow 2~b discount on taxe s for the month of November and 1% for the month of December for 1928 taxes. Clerk to post no- tices to this effect. /......~ '.:~I The City Clerk---R. C. Bigelow---addressed the Council in regard to being placed back on a salary of ~1;25. per month, he having served four months free of charge up to Nov. 18th, 1928. Council voted to pay this salary to Clerk beginning Noveniller l8th,1928. ,I ,l C. o. Newton, Work with Marshal, See bill, L. H. Peddy, Work with Marshal, See bill, J. T. Still, Hauling sand and trash from streets, G. A. B r OVIill. , Holding City Election, Nov. 6th, T. J. Minor, l! II II w. P. Carreker, l! l! II D. F. 'vVur st, II II II by vote .\ $405.79/' 1.55 ( , ~~ '..I'. 1 2. 00 ~ 2 . 02 v<' 4 . 72 v: 3.37 v: The following bills were read, approved, and ordered paid of the Council: ~';J Geo. F. Westbrook, Atty. (To be paid from pav Assmt Fund) ~~ J. A. Underwood, Gas and Oil for f;re truck, \\ R. A. Sims, Re-Charging Chemical Tanks on fire truck, 2 . 00 V. 2 .00 i/. ~ 2 .00 v: 2 . 00 v: There being no further business, upon motion, the meeting adjourn- ed at 9:50. v~ Attest: - JJ .11 [) b;A Clerk. ~~ President. .. t-o-