HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21-1929 ,.., .' "''' ., . . CITY OF OCOEE f - BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROV'FlS PUNE W ATEH PAVED STREETS STRONG B....NK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUN'I'Y, GOOD OHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES TWO RAILROADS , ...~..-' ~ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, 2lst, 1929. FLORIDA.. HEW .J ANUARY Meeting called to order by President of the Council, J. ,J. Robert- son, with the following answering roll-call: L. C. Bobo and J. 1\\J Argo. Those absent: C. F. Fain and R. D. Slone. The Mayor was absent. Clerk and Marshal present. (R. D. Slone and Mayor Minor came in late---when meeting was almost over) ~inutes read and approved. .:. ttatter of Marshal's salary was carried over unti'l a time when a full .' c'ouncil is in attendance. I V Amendment to Ordinance No.6: Said arnendment was !'ead, discussed, and passed by vote of the Council, and ordered posted. New Business: .r. 'K. Argo brought in an ofi'er from Mr. A. J\~. Clarke of the Ocoee Realty Co., to rent their Real-Estate Office to the City for a City Hall at $10. per month~ After some discussion, it was /voted to carry this matter over until a full' council was present. R. C. Bigelow presented request of J. Waits to be allowed to re-roof the old Bigelow House--Cor. Oakland and Bluford Aves.--with wood ~ shingles, in view of the fact that he had these shingles on hand, - and that a new roof would not be so'dangerous for fire as the old one as it now exists. After some discussion, Council decided to adhere to the Ordinance as it is now dravm. Request was, therefore, refused. f' License for Boarding Houses: On complaint of Proprietor of the ocoee, Inn that others in Ocoee were operating boarding houses without pay- ing a City License, Council instructed Marshal to collect said Li- cense from all persons operating boarding houses. Upon motion, duly passed, Council instructed Narshal to buy neces- sary paint ~gdX~HiNt and proceed to paint the fire hydrants. Also authorized him to purchase a sack of lime for certain work at pumping station. The following bills were !'ead, approved and ordered paid: Jirr Jackson, hauling trash from streets, Fla Pub Ser Co., Office Lights up to Jan. 8th, Fla Pub Ser Co.,Pumping at Ri~NX Watp!, Station to Jan. 8th, I . 00 ~ 1.50~ ~"l 39.00j.lfo.J'o . J Over. ~. ,~ ~ .:::- . ',,""'" ,~ ~~ I , . ..". . .. ... tl No. 2. \ '-, ,~, Mr. C. J. Farmer appeared before Council asking for water from City . Supply for irrigating his far:n. Af.ter discussion, Mr. Farmer was 1 informed that if he would purchase a meter and have same insta1tled properly, the City would furnish water at regulal' rates. Payments to be made on the flrst of each and every month. Nlr. Farmer made a proposition to pa:y ~p5. p.er ,day for the 5iays he used water. This was not enter.tained. Chase & Co. water supply: J. M. Argo and Marshal instructed to pro- ceed to give them good supply of water and least possible cost. C. H. Pounds and A. M. Clarke appeared before Council in re bill for clearing up oak trees after storm-- sa~dbill being due to Mr. Stiles for certain work, and said bill never having been filed with Clerk. Council told these gentlemen to have bill filed in regular form and the Council would consider it. ~l1arshal reported that IvIr. Stiles owed the City water rent, hence no cash would be paid to him, but possibly a credit on his hilJ would be allowed. . ~{/\v Marshal was instructed to look after the ~~~,~ line near Rose Garden Filling Station. Re~is Ditch: This matter was ggain opened up by R. D. Slone. S~ne referred to wax~x Street Con~ittee for ~nother report. There being no further business, upon motion, the meeting ad- ~ journed at 9.50 o'clock. , ,.-hy~ President.