HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-1929 --~--J.~7J'" ~,:- .' BE TI, UL ORANGE GROVES PU "TEK ..' . PA D TREETS. ~RONG BANK. " '- I ~ *' ,; L. , . CITY OF OCOEE GOOD OHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES T\VO RAILROADS ~: . IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY. FLORIDA" MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HELD FEBRUARY 18th, 1929. Meeting called to orde.r by J. J. Robertson, Pres. of Counc1hl, with all members answering roll-c,all. Mayor, Cler.k and Marshal pre sent. Winutes read and approved. Committ~e Reports: J. J. Robertson reported that County Man said City of Ocope coul~ get use of Cou~ty Grader at any time atthe price of $12. per day- -;'-including everything. StrE'!et Committee empowered to hire said machine and have roads in corporate limits graded and put in best shape possible with least possible cost, and to present bill for this w?rk promptly. . Marshal reported that a good many had paid occupation licenses,-but some had not, but promised to do so as soon as able. Council left it as it was. Communic~tions: Le~ter from State Bo~rd of Health, saying that water was good now. Also asking that samples be collected carefully and sent in promptly the first week in each month. I Le~ters from the two ministers of the tovm, namely: Rev. J. W. Rogers and Rev. Ames, thanking Council and Mayor for their action in suspend- ing water charges at the two parsonages. Clerk instructed to write Fla. Public Sere Co. as. to complamnts as to meter deposits in Ocoee, and ask for a representative to be present at next regular meeting to discuss this matter--March 4th. I Old bill of J. P. Grafton was referred to Mayor Minor with request that he have some definite report on same at next meeting. ... 'City Hall Rent: This question was brought up by J. M. Argo for discussion and settlement. Council voted to remain in present loca- tion at present remt, namely: $20. pe~ month. Ocoee Realty Co. had offered their real-estate office for ~plO. This agreement to hold good for 1929 only-----rent may be paid in full at any time when funds permit I Bills of F. L. Bartlett and Boyd Wilson for watching several months . ago were taken up for final disposition. Council voted to pay these bills--taking into consideration all the complications connected therewi th---a t a flat rate of ~~2. 50 per day or night, and Clerk Vlas instructed to settle on this basis. The vote stood, as follows: For: Slone and Argo. Against: Fain and Bobo. J. J. Robe'rtson voted For in order to break the tie vote. ~.,. Marshal's Salary: After discussion Council voted to increase Mr. Bracewells Pay to $85. per month, beginning March lst, 1929. Clerk instructed to order Mayors Docket and new Tax Book at a cost. '! d- of about $35. to .;~40. Council voted to colle c t from Chas. Farmer the sum of ~~10. per me ter as a deposit on his water rent for irrigation. Marshal to collect - -- . , " . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... .' ~ this sum at once. It was rigation was done between that tank might always be ( \ . also ordered that Marshal see that no ir~ the hours of 7 P. M. and 4 A. M. in order full during the night. , !I. .~ R. C. Bigelow brought up matter of sanitary inspection by State Board of Health, and prospective warrants an& arrests and fines of citizens of Ocoee for minor offenses, asking that the Mayor and Council go slow in this matter. Also asking tha~ Ccuncil, Mayor and Marshal handle most of this kind of thing themselves, they knowing local conditions better than any outside person. This was sanctioned by Council and Mayor was requested to stear' clear of arrests in this matter just as far as possible. It was agreed that the spirit of the law was what we desired and not so much the letter of the law, which is greatly emphasized by mAny persons in authority. Bank Question: The proposition made by stockholders to City Council, which is on file in minute book, was discussed and approved by vote of Council, with one vote against, namely: C. F. Fain. Mr. Fain felt that the depositors should have some guarantee that they will finally receive the 85% promised on paper. He was not antagonistic to said plan, but thought more of the details ought to be presented before approval was granted. ~ , upon motion, the meeting ad- '. There being no further busines journed at 11:10 ~ , Qj( . \ Attest: .J \ CI~'rk . C;;J,7f~~ President. ~ , '-' ~~~ ~~I ~d /l-da..~ - 1-.t. ~~- a.rf. PLtJ-H'- - ~. ~~,S~~_ ~Jt ~~ ~ ~e<J ~~ i( L( t.( "f t \ Jk.~dA~ - J;ool- II 11 C; " ..r p V . ~JdU.!./ 1,00/ (j.tJJ~ j , t:'-ft - j.g.O 0 v. c~' 0/-0- ifl;c ~71- I.J'o~ ~~