HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-1929 ---~- \" I ' . ~E~~F,. L O:AN:E GR~VES PU W, ElR . PA ED, REETS ST ON BANK . , ...".~ . ' . --....,,'" . . CITY OF OCOEE ... IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA.. GOOD OHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAK ES T'VO RAILROADS MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HELD REBRIDlRXXXXXX MARCH 4th, 1929. Called to order by Pres. of the Council, J. J. Robertson, with all members except C. F. Fain present. Mayor, Clerk and Marshal present. Ninutes read and apnroved. Reports of Committees: J. J. Robertson reported no action in regard to securing grader for roads in Ocoee. Mayor Minor reported no action on the Grafton Bill, which is under consideration, and on which ~r. Grafton is continuing to use water from City without payment.. Marshal reported no collection as yet on the Farmer water bill--said bill being for irrigating purposes on the farm of Mr. Farmer. However, it was reported that same wou~d be paid when Mr. Farmer received his check from Orange County. It was brought out that water consumers in West Ocoee are unable to g~t get .the necessary water when Framer is irrigating his truck farm, and after discussion, it was voted to discontinue this service to Mr. Farmer, and hereafter not to make any more contracts for irrigating purposes on farms. ... Letter from Gov. Carlton asking for additional information as to tax situation in Ocoee----Council requested Clerk to furnish the information desired. Fla. Public Service representatives were present by request, and full explanation of their charges for meters was gone over, and Council felt satisfied that the Company was jl1stified in their position, and voted to leave the matter just as it now is. Dr. O. F. Sims, of Winter Garden, was present complaining about his valuation on real estate in Ocoee, and asking when he might appear for this matter to be considered and adjusted. Waits water connection: Council voted to make this connection, the Marshal doing the Towns part--that is, up to the property line. A. f{l. Clarke was pre sent asking that signs be repainted and placed in better positions, directing persons to Orlando and Winter Garden, etc. 'lhis matter referred to !\\arshal with power to act. Certain stop signs were also discussed and this was included in the above author- ity to Marshal. .' OVer. ~. ...-.--- . . " . , \ \ . , . . ~ No.2. Storl}l Sewer on Bluford Ave: .Clerk instructed to write the J. B. Mc- Crary Eng. Corp. of Atlanta, Ga., stating the conditions, and asking for some immediate action to correct this condition. ?tC' ':1~ ,', l D Q-- -::Ii' \"'.... ".- President. Mr. John I. Witty was present and insisted that all dogs tax has been paid, have collar and. tag attached, so that might see that the law has been complied with. This was favorably and Marshal was insytructed to look after this . The following bills were read, anproved and ordered paid: 'Weeks Hardware Co., supplies--see bill, J. A. Underwood, Hauling ~:2. 75 and Oil ~~l. 00 Fla. Pub Service Co., st. Lights--Jan. 30 to Feb. 28th, C. C. Gower, work on water line, 1/2 day, W. T. Bracewell, Marshal for Feb. 1929, R C Bigelow, Rent for ~b. ~:~20. Salary for Feb. ~~25. ~;~e"i~g ~~o~~ f:/si~Ct~! ~~ti~;'~~ ~~:jtfn~ at 10:30 o'clock. Attest: / Clerk 'l '" .~ on which any citizen passed on matter. 1.45~ 3.75 V / 4~:i~0., 75.00 (/ 45. 00 :; J,;~Q adjourned ~j . '.... ~' .. ;...J