HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Approval of Award of Blackwood Avenue Reclaimed Water Connector Design Services Contract center of GOOd Lt ~. AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: November 4, 2008 Item # . ~ Contact Name: Contact Number: David Wheeler 407-905-3100, ext. 1504 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ~ Subject: Award of Blackwood Avenue Reclaimed Water Connector design services contract to the firm of CPH Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $34,314.98 through Services Authorization 08-001 of an existing contract for engineering services in the SR 50 corridor. Background Summary: The Blackwood Avenue Reclaimed Water Connector has been a long-planned means of interconnecting the Conserv reclaimed water main on Old Winter Garden Road to the City of Ocoee's reclaimed water system at the southern end of Montgomery Avenue. A future City reclaimed water system extension from Montgomery Avenue to Clarke Road will provide full interconnection of the two reclaimed water systems. Funding for the Blackwood Connector project is included in the list of projects funded by the Utility Bond. CPH Engineering, Inc., was selected through a competitive process in accordance with the Florida Consultants Competitive Negotiating Act to provide engineering services associated with the relocation of City utilities presently within the SR 50 right of way in advance of the widening of that highway. The Blackwood Avenue Reclaimed Water System Connector bisects the SR 50 corridor and extends for two blocks north and south of that highway. Including the design of the reclaimed water system connector in the scope of work for the SR 50 project presents economies of scale and facilitates the coordination of these two projects. Issue: The Engineering Department has proposed changes to the SR 50 utility relocation engineering project and requests that the City Commission approve Services Authorization 08-001 for this project with CPH Engineering, Inc. Recommendations The Engineering Department recommends that the City Commission approve Services Authorization 08- 001 for the additional work related to design of the Blackwood Avenue Reclaimed Water Connector and increase the SR 50 engineering services contract by $34,314.98, with no adjustment to contract time. To fund the change, staff recommends that the City Commission approve the allocation of $34,314.98 in Utility Bond funds, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the services authorization, and direct the Finance Department to make the required changes to the existing purchase order. 1 Attachments: Services Authorization 08-001 between the City of Ocoee and CPH Engineering, Inc. Financial Impact: The funding for this $34,314.98 change order will be financed by the allocation of Utility Bond funds designated for the project. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDf Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ----31 at:!- N/A N/A N/A 2 September 23, 2008 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Attention: Mr. David Wheeler, P.E. RE: Proposal for Blackwood Avenue 16" Reclaimed Water Main Extension CPH Project No. 06002.00 Dear Mr. Wheeler: Attached please find our proposal for the Blackwood Avenue 16" Reclaimed Water Main Extension. CPH proposes to provide professional engineering and construction administration services for the design of approximately 2,000 LF of 16" reclaimed water main along Blackwood Avenue on both sides of the intersection of Blackwood Avenue and State Road 50 (SR 50). It's understood this project will be constructed in conjunction with a City roadway widening project and our design effort will be based on receiving 100% drawings from the roadway design consultants which will be used for our design. The scope of services necessary to complete this work is proposed herein. Under this proposal, CPH will prepare the necessary construction documents and provide the bidding and construction administrative services as described herein. CPH proposes to perform the design, permitting and bidding scope of services outlined in this document for the lump sum amount of $34,314.98 and the construction administration services for the not to exceed amount of $12,109.62 for a combined total amount of $46,424.60 as outlined in the services described below. TASK 1 - Preliminary Engineering The purpose of the preliminary engineering phase is to present project alternatives to the City in a manner that will allow the City to make informed decisions as to how the Project shall proceed. 1. Collect and review available information such as maps, aerials, surveys, easements, ROW records, plans, record drawings, soils investigation reports, privately owned utility system data, zoning classification, building codes and standards that may be pertinent to execution of the Project. Review the requirements of known agencies having jurisdiction over the Project. Collect and review any other information that may have a bearing and impact on the planning, design, approval, permitting, construction or operation of the Project. Review required permit requirements. 2. Evaluate existing conditions along the proposed pipe installation route by site visitation with City staff. Consider current field conditions and the proposed roadway improvements and/or changes that may impact the Project and recommended location of the proposed pipeline. J :\06000.00\Contract\Blackwood\Blackwood.doc 3. Obtain 100% roadway construction plans for the roadway to use as base sheets for the utility work. Convert the roadway base plans from Microstation format to AutoCAD 2004 as applicable. 4. Prepare 30% plans showing the preliminary layout of proposed construction alignment of the 16" reclaimed watermain. Additionally, present any other pertinent information necessary for the City to evaluate the proposed alignment and system alterations. 5. Prepare a preliminary opinion of probable construction costs for the Project based on the 30% drawings. 6. Submit to the City at the 30% design level, seven (7) sets of the preliminary construction plans (3 sets of 11" x 17" plans and 4 sets of 24" x 36" plans; Plan Only, no profile), including a "Design Memorandum" which presents the findings and conclusions that resulted from the Preliminary Engineering effort. CPH will revise and finalize the Memorandum following comments received from the City. TASK 2 - Survey. Geotechnical and Environmentallnvestiaations Based on our understanding, survey and geotechnical information will be provided by the roadway engineering project and therefore no Task 2 items are proposed as a part of the services being provided by CPH. TASK 3 - Preparation of Construction Documents 1. Prepare design documents and submit to the City at the 60% level; seven (7) sets of design drawings (11 "x17"), seven (7) sets of technical specifications, one (1) opinion of probable construction cost estimate. Meet with the City to review and discuss the 60% submittal, prepare a written list of City comments, submit to City for verification and subsequently revise the construction documents per the City. 2. Revise the design documents and submit to the City at the 90% level seven (7) sets of the design documents including the drawings (11"x17"), seven (7) sets of technical specifications and one (1) opinion of probable construction cost estimate. The minimum requirements of a 90% level of completion are defined as the incorporation of all City comments received and verified after the 60% submittal. At the 90% level of completion, the construction drawings and technical specifications shall be at a level of completion that would allow the Project to be bid. Meet with the City to review and discuss the 90% submittal, prepare a written list of City comments, submit to City for verification and subsequently revise the construction documents per the City's comments. 3. Submit to the City, at the 100% level, two (2) sets of construction drawings (11"x17"), two (2) sets of technical specifications, and a opinion of probable construction cost, all signed and sealed. J :\06000.00\Contract\BlackwoodIBlackwood.doc TASK 4 - Permitting 1. Prepare and submit required Project related permit applications and supporting documentation necessary to obtain required permits for construction and operation of the Project from agencies such as the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Department of Transportation. 2. Respond to all requests for additional information from permitting agencies. Pay fee for permits. City will reimburse permit application fees paid by the Engineer. TASK 5 - Public Meetina and Construction Notifications No Task 5 services proposed TASK 6 - Bidding Assistance 1. The ENGINEER shall furnish fifteen (15) sets of 11-inch by 17-inch construction drawings, one (1) electronic and one (1) unbound, single page-sided, set of technical specifications with Index of Specifications Sections and an Index of Construction Drawings, Bid schedule to the CITY for use during the bidding phase of the project. This information shall be provided in the most current version of Adobe AcrobaFM (.pdt) format. 2. The ENGINEER shall attend a pre-bid conference, prepare minutes of the pre-bid conference and submit to the CITY. 3. The ENGINEER shall consider written questions from bidders related to the project and prepare all addenda as required to interpret, clarify or expand the Bidding Documents. The addenda shall be submitted to the CITY in a timely manner that allows reception of the addenda by all bidders no later than a minimum of five (5) days prior to bid opening date. 3. The ENGINEER shall review and evaluate the apparent low bidder's unit prices, prepare a tabulation of bids, review the bidders and verify bidder's experience and references and make recommendations to the CITY regarding the award of the construction contract. TASK 6 - Construction Administration-(Not to Exceed Task) CPH proposes to provide periodic construction observation required for project certification. The anticipated time for construction is 90 calendar days. The following tasks will be accomplished by CPH during the construction phase. 1. Plan, organize and conduct a pre-construction conference; prepare and distribute Conformed Contract Documents (7 sets), take meeting minutes and distribute written minutes to all attendees. J :\06000. OO\Contract\Blackwood\Blackwood.doc 2. Review shop drawings and product submittals for conformance with the Contract Documents. 3. CPH has based this scope on up to five site visits which includes time for witnessing testing as needed for certification. 4. Provide clarification and interpretation of the Contract Documents when requested. 5. Conduct substantial and final completion inspections of Project and prepare appropriate "punch lists". 6. The ENGINEER will assist the City in the review of Contractor provided record drawings/surveys and other as-built data for installed facilities and present any apparent discrepancies between the as-built conditions and the design conditions to the attention of the City. Coordinate with the Contractor regarding provision of the construction record drawings prior to final on-site inspections and punch list preparation. The ENGINEER will prepare a final set of Record Drawings for the City. The Record Drawing Package will include both hard copies of the plans as well as electronic files for the project. Deliverables shall include four 11" x 17" drawings and a compact disk with the project cad files and PDF files of all sheets. 7. Prepare necessary documents and submit the Project certification of completions to the FDEP and FOOT as required. We are providing a detailed cost proposal spreadsheet that outlines the man-hours and sub- consultant costs for the work outlined for this scope of services. CPH Engineers, Inc. appreciates this opportunity to provide our services to the City of Ocoee. If you have any questions, or if you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, CPH ENGINEERS, INC. David E. Mahler, P.E. Sr. Vice President J:\06000.00\Contract\Blackwood\Blackwood .doc c o 'iij c ~ w c .; :& ... cas III 111 8,3: e'C Q. ~ m 'n; 8u o~ 'SiD ~"; o :::I C Ql ~ 'C o o ~ U 111 in III <ll lii l!! ~~ UJ 'E ~ "5 III C o U .0 ::J (f) ~ !i3 ~ ffi .!a 1;) .5 'ijj .g.:2 <( 1- C Ol 'en .<= OJ 0 Cl~ ...: (f) C . .Ql UJ III . OJ~ ~g (f)UJ om OJ C '0"2 C::Ji ~~ '0' ~ ... 1II 0..:::2: c: o :g 'C o III Ql Cl .>e. III ~ .>e. III ~ ~""'N N N ..... N NN~ N ::.e o o C') .c Cl :::I e -s Cl c '1: GI GI C 0, C W ~ I'll C :~ f 0. !l'~ is c: en E ~ ~ i8 l!! Ql C '5':; '~ g ~. ~~ en,~ ' ~ >-' U) c::;>,. u; 0'5 0,:1:: C c._'.;::l U 0 ~.~ !ll.9 0 co' c: :;i:..... Q) '08 .c: :a C tiQl 1II 1II g> ii: ID .0 ~'~ 515. ~ (IF;;;: U''O 'O,CU'iiiC: 'Q'E ti cu :;:;, 1II .!! -5 .~:ro ai,'5 co c:: e.3 "5 9 .~ ~ a.. gl a.! ~ UlCU oE =OJ~- lIIo:;:;~ ~cu ~ .... C:, 1II 1II :::l: .9l,~ -8 ;.5: .s g, >.:; .-. E .5 '1Il-; l!! cu 1t~ - Ql 'tJ~ co..... ~ Cl i lij,lIllllc.. A... ..- E c: ~ e ~ :d 0 .Q 1II 1II 1II _ 't: 1ii o.~ a. c.. 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