HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #05 Approval to Award Prairie Lake Park Design Contract AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: November 4, 2008 Item # 5 Contact Name: Contact Number: David Wheeler 407-905-3100, ext. 1504 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ;01~ Jill QJI/ _____ I Subject: Award Prairie Lake Park design contract to Bellomo-Herbert & Co., Inc. Background Summary: The City has a continuing contract for park and recreation design services with the firm of Bellomo- Herbert & Co., Inc. Work under this contract is authorized by purchase order following the specification of a scope of work by the City and negotiation of a price proposal. A project budget of $478,411.05 for design and construction includes $278,411.05 in City funds and $200,000 in a State FRDAP matching grant. The proposed design work will develop construction plans and acquire environmental permits to build these improvements, which include restrooms, multi-purpose ballfield, additional parking, boardwalk and fishing pier, landscaping, and various park amenities (e.g., benches and picnic tables). Future work is likely to include creation of a trail system to the west of the formal recreational facilities. Issue: The Engineering Department has proposed that the City Commission approve the price proposal of October 6, 2008 and award the design work to Bellomo-Herbert & Co, Inc. under the terms of the existing continuing contract and the project proposal. Recommendations The Engineering Department recommends that the City Commission approve the proposed project scope of work, allocate $61,556.00 from capital budget funds previously authorized for this project, and authorize the Finance Department to issue the required purchase order. Attachments: Task work order price proposal from Bellomo-Herbert & Co., Inc. Financial Impact: The $61,556.00 funding for the related purchase order will be financed by the existing budget for the park improvement project, leaving $416,855.05 available for construction. (Remaining budget includes all $200,000 of the FRDAP matching grant; the City is responsible for design costs.) 1 _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) Type of Item: (please marl< with an "x'? Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl<'s DeDt Use: _____ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _____ Regular Agenda ~/m N/A N/A N/A 2 . . SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR WORK ORDER #1 HACKNEY PRAIRIE PARK OCOEE, FLORIDA I. PURPOSE This is an attachment to the Continuing Contract for Landscape Architectural Services dated June 17, 2008, between the City of Ocoee (CITY) and the firm of Bellomo-Herbert and Company, Inc. (CONSULTANT) and made a part thereof. The purpose of this Work Order is to specify the required services of the Landscape Architect for Hackney Prairie Park located in Ocoee, Florida. II. GENERAL SCOPE OF THE WORK The general scope of work the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT shall include, but is not necessarily limited to: Conceptual Master Plan of the entire park and Design Development Documents, Construction Documents, Permitting and Bidding for the northern portion of Hackney Prairie Park, not including the wooded area to the west. It is understood that the overall project construction budget is $400,000.00. The fee described herein is based, in part upon this construction budget. The CONSULTANT'S services shall include the following tasks: A. TASK 1 - SURVEY The CONSULTANT shall retain the services of Southeast em Surveying to provide an updated Boundary and Topographic Survey in accordance with Chapter 61G17-6 F.A.C. to include the following: . Establish the locations of all boundary corners and reset any missing corners. . Recover or establish a minimum of two (2) site bench marks. . Review the original topographic coverage, locate any changes and depict on the updated drawing, including locating wetland flags. . Locate those trails just west ofthe parking lot within the park parcel. Deliverables - Project deliverables for this task will include an electronic file of the boundary, topographic and tree survey in AutoCAD along with (2) certified copies of the survey. B. TASK 2 - MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION AND PROGRAMMING: Based on the survey and base information provided above in Task A, the CONSULTANT will evaluate the layout of the concept plan prepared by city staff and previously submitted to the City Council. The CONSULTANT will prepare a new concept plan for the entire park based on a review of the concept plan, CITY codes, setbacks, and other land development regulations, and in response to further programming with the CITY. The CONSULTANT will review and clarify programming with the CITY during one (1) meeting for the specific programming of site elements. PlW:e No. 1 Work Order # 1 - Hacknev Prairie Park October 6 2008 , , The CONSULTANT shall revise the concept plan one (1) time in response to any changes and direction from the City and produce the final site plan in AutoCAD, overlaid onto the digital survey. Deliverables - Project deliverables for this task will include three (3) bond copies of the final concept plan and one digital copy. C. TASK 3 - GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS The CONSULTANT will retain a geotechnical engineering consultant to provide a subsurface soil exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation to include determining if the bearing capacity and other soil characteristics are suitable to construct the proposed building and pavement. The field exploration program will include the following: . Drill one (1) standard penetration test (SPT) boring to a depth of 10ft within the restroom building footprint. . Drill one (1) standard penetration test (SPT) boring to a depth of 15 ft within the retention pond footprint. . Drill one (1) standard penetration test (SPT) boring to a depth of 15 ft on the landward side of the boardwalk/fishing dock. . Drill ten (10) hand auger borings to a depth of6' within the new parking, ball field and sports court areas and on the lake shore for the boardwalk. Should additional borings be required, they will be billed as an additional service. Analysis and Geotechnical Engineering Report The geotechnical engineering consultant will prepare a report of the project, which will respond to the requirements for the various site improvements. The report will be prepared under the direction of a professional geotechnical engineer registered in the State of Florida who specializes in consulting engineering. The report will summarize the filed and laboratory services performed and provide an engineering analysis of the site soil and ground water conditions with special attention to foundation, pavement and stormwater design. The geotechnical report will include the following: . Soil boring logs and classifications. . Existing groundwater levels and estimated seasonal high or perched groundwater levels at the boring locations. . Presence of unsuitable soils requiring special foundations. . Depth to a bearing horizon for timber piles to boardwalk and typical pile capacity. . Foundation design for other structures. . Pavement design parameters. . Stormwater management design parameters (excludes recovery analysis, available on request). Page No.2 Work Order # 1 - Hacknev Prairie Park October 6 2008 Deliverables - Project deliverables for this task will include six (6) copies of the signed and sealed geotechnical report. D. TASK 4 - PRELIMINARY DESIGN (60%) 1. Design Development Drawings The CONSULTANT shall prepare complete Design Development Drawings for the facilities identified including all necessary associated utilities, site work, parking and pedestrian circulation (based on Task 2, above). These items are further described as follows: . Demolition and Grading . Erosion Control Plan . Grading and Drainage Plan . Utility Plan . Site Plan . Restroom Facility: This will be an "off the shelf' pre-engineered building . Parking Lots, Driveways, Multi-use Trail & Pedestrian Circulation: Design the layout for a pedestrian circulation system within internal portions of the site. . Site Amenities: Locations and determination of specific exterior site furnishings including but not limited to benches, bike racks and trash receptacles, picnic pavilions, playground, ballfield backstop. . Boardwalk/Fishing Pier . Landscaping: Preliminary landscape plans for site as required by City of Ocoee review process. All landscaping will be designed utilizing the latest techniques of xeriscape design. . Irrigation: Preliminary irrigation drawings including spray and rotor head locations, sleeving, main line piping and water source. The Design Development drawings shall fix and describe the overall character and extent ofthe project. All of the drawings above shall adhere to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Cost Estimates Based upon the Design Development Documents described above, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an estimate of probable construction costs for all improvements. 3. Meetings Pae:e No.3 Work Order # 1 - Hacknev Prairie Park October 6 2008 The CONSULTANT shall be available to meet with the CITY staff up to two times during the completion of the Design Development Plans. Deliverables - Project deliverables for this task will include six (6) copies of the design development documents. E. TASK 5 - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS (100%) 1. Based upon the approved Preliminary Design Documents, the CONSULTANT shall prepare complete Construction Drawings (100% drawings) and specifications for the work as described in Task 4 (above). The CONSULTANT'S services do not include geotechnical services, or the cost of any permit application fees or jurisdictional inspections. 2. Cost Estimate Based upon the fmal Construction Documents, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an estimate of probable cost for all improvements. The estimate will be itemized by feature to facilitate analysis. 3. Meetings and Presentations The CONSULTANT shall be available to meet with CITY staff up to two times during this phase of the work. Deliverables - Project deliverables for this task will include six (6) copies of the design construction documents. F. TASK 6 - PERMITTING The CONSULTANT shall attempt to procure the necessary permits. While every effort will be made to receive such permits, the CONSULTANT neither warrants nor guarantees that these efforts will be successful. Permits may be required from the following agencies: . City of Ocoee Administrative Review o The CONSULTANT shall file for administrative review in order to obtain a development order for the project. The CONSULTANT shall make up to three series of necessary revisions to the documents to obtain approval from the City of Ocoee. . St. Johns River Water Management District - ERP o Pre-Application Meeting SJRWMD o Prepare ERP o Submit Application package to SJR WMD o Respond to RAI's (Request for Additional Information) . FDEP Water Permit or Determination . FDEP Wastewater Permit or Determination . NPDES (will prepare SWPPP and provide assistance to Contractor in preparing Page No.4 Work Order # 1 - Hacknev Prairie Park October 6 2008 _J this permit application) Deliverables - Project deliverables for this task will include the necessary sets of 24 in. x 36 in. drawings for review by the CITY and other agencies listed above. F. TASK 7 - ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING Preliminary Ecological Assessment/Wetland Delineation/Report 1. Research existing published literature and available documents pertinent to the project area. 2. Review existing databases from the USFWS and the FFWCC for the presence of federal and state listed plant and animal species, including a search of the FFWCC database for the presence of the Southern Bald Eagle on-site or within a one (1) mile radius ofthe project area. 3. Conduct one site assessment to evaluate the presence of threatened and endangered species, critical habitat, natural communities, and the location, landward extent, and quality of potentially jurisdictional wetlands within the project area. 4. Field flag the landward extent of wetlands potentially within the jurisdiction of governmental agencies with statutory permitting authority following the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineations Manual (1987) and the Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology for the State of Florida dated 1 July 1994. 5. Coordinate with surveyors and/or engineers to locate the field flags as previously placed. 6. Prepare a brief status memorandum outlining the findings of the on-site field investigation. Included will be a discussion of the existing site conditions, a summary ofthose regulatory agencies with potential jurisdiction over portions of the site, and any opportunities and/or constraints posed by the presence of wetlands, threatened and endangered species, or species of special concern. Also included will be a land use map (FLUCFCS) depicting the approximate land use limits for the project area based on observed conditions. 7. Meetings/coordination with the Client and/or project team (limited to two (2) hours). Permit Coordination 1. Participate in a pre-application conference with the SJRWMD. 2. Prepare an Ecological Assessment Report for inclusion in the Environmental Page No.5 Work Order # 1 - Hacknev Prairie Park October 6 2008 Resource Permit application, which will include the following information pertinent to the project site (with particular attention to the ecological-based items listed in Section E of the SJRWMD Applicant's Handbook): . Existing site conditions (including a FLUCFCS map); . Approximate landward extent of wetlands; . Potential for occurrence of listed plant and animal species, including wetland dependent animal species; . A discussion of avoidance and minimization of wetland impacts associated with the project. 3. Assist the project engineer in the preparation of an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) application for submittal to the SJRWMD. 4. Request and conduct site reviews with the following agencies for verification of the extent of jurisdictional limits: . SJRWMD (non-binding) 5. Coordinate with the SJRWMD regarding wetlands or protected species issues. 6. Prepare a response to one (1) Request for Additional Information (RAI) from the SJRWMD. 7. Coordination/meetings with the project team (limited to four (4) hours). 8. Assist in the review of final permit conditions. G. TASK 8 - BIDDING The CONSULTANT shall prepare the bid package to include the bid form, technical specifications and drawings for use by the County. During the bidding process the CONSUL T ANT shall issue any addenda that may be required, and shall attend the pre- bid conference. City Contracts (Bid Package "Front End" Documents), advertisement for bids and distribution of bid documents shall be the responsibility of the city. III. COMPENSATION Total compensation for all the services necessary to complete the work as described herein shall be a closed end hourly with not-to-exceed guaranteed maximum price broken out as follows, hourly rates listed in 'Exhibit A': Task 1 Task 2 Survey Master Plan Evaluation & Programming $ 1,570.00 $ 5,540.00 Paee No.6 Work Order # 1 - Hacknev Prairie Park October 6 2008 Task 3 Geotechnical Investigations $ 3,427.00 Task 4 Preliminary Design $ 13,463.00 Task 5 Construction Documents $ 19,803.00 Task 6 Permitting . City of Ocoee Administrative Review $ 2,400.00 . SJRWMD $ 1,600.00 . FDEP Water $ 600.00 . PDEP Sewer $ 600.00 . NPDES $ 400.00 Task 7 Environmental Permitting $ 6,781.00 Task 8 Bidding $ 3.872.00 SUBTOTAL $ 60,056.00 Reimbursable Expenses $ 1.500.00 TOTAL $ 61,556.00 IV. SCHEDULES AND TIME CONSTRAINTS Within ten (10) days after receiving the Notice to Proceed, the CONSULTANT shall provide a proposed work schedule. V. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Direct, out-of-pocket expenses such as express mail delivery, postage, printing, plotting, copying and mileage are considered reimbursable costs which are not included in the fees quoted herein. These costs will be billed in addition to the stated fees. Automobile mileage will be billed at the current mileage rate as designated annually by the IRS. The total amount of reimbursable expenses during the course of the completion of Tasks 1 through 8 of the project is estimated and broken out as follows: Mileage Printing/Copying Plotting Express Delivery $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 600.00 $ 300.00 $1,500.00 TOTAL Page No. 7 Work Order #1 - Hacknev Prairie Park October 6 2008 "EXHIBIT A" BELLOMO-HERBERT Principal Landscape Architect Sr. Landscape Architect Landscape Architect Construction Manager Landscape Designer Landscape Technician Administration KLIMA WEEKS CIVIL ENGINEERS Principal Project Manager Senior Designer Designer Technical Secretary Administrative UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Senior Project Engineer Technical Secretary CAD/Drafting Principal Consultant SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING Principal Land Surveyor Senior Technician Draftsperson 2 Man Crew 3 Man Crew LOTSPEICH AND ASSOCIATES. INC. Project Manager Senior Specialist Environmental Specialist Specialist GIS Specialist CADD Technician Contract Support Specialist Secretary/Clerical Pal!e No.8 Work Order # I - Hacknev Prairie Park $175.00 $150.00 $ 95.00 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ 65.00 $ 50.00 $145.00 $120.00 $ 90.00 $ 80.00 $ 65.00 $ 52.00 $ 95.00 $ 45.00 $ 50.00 $150.00 $ 115.00 $ 85.00 $ 75.00 $ 115.00 $ 140.00 $ 126.61 $ 121.93 $ 72.42 $ 59.49 $ 73.88 $ 69.79 $ 70.55 $ 51.21 October 6 2008