HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #11 Approval to Reimburse Sandstone Builders, Inc. for Construction of Portion of Columbus Street as Road Impact Fee Credit AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: David A. Wheeler, P. E. 407 -905-3100, ext. 1505 Meeting Date: November 4, 2008 Item # U Reviewed By: ~ ~ Department Director: ~ r City Manager: -----= - = _ Subject: Approval to Reimburse Sandstone Builders, Inc. for Construction of a Portion of Columbus Street as Road Impact Fee Credit Background Summary: Sandstone Builders, Inc. purchased the property at the northeast corner of Maguire Road and Columbus Street and constructed a 6,811 square foot commercial office/warehouse facility. During the development review process the applicant was required to construct improvements to Columbus Street from Maguire Road east to the portion constructed under the Fire Station project as part of their project. The portion of Columbus Street included was across the frontage of the Sandstone property and across the drainage right-of-way owned by the City. Approximately three years ago, during one of the meetings to discuss staff review comments on the project, it was offered that the City could pay for the portion of Columbus Street where it crosses the drainage right-of-way. Unfortunately, this concept was never memorialized as a condition of approval or in a developer's agreement and approved at the time the project was approved by the City Commission. The construction of project is complete and the developer has now requested reimbursement for that portion of Columbus Street based upon that prior offer by staff. The concept of the City paying for this portion of the road has been done previously on other projects (Le.: widening of Blackwood avenue north of SR 50 and the turn lane on Maguire Road at SR 50). Typically these improvements are paid for as Road Impact Fee credits not to exceed the amount of the Road Impact fees collected for that project. The City always reserves the right to not pay for the improvements or have the improvements constructed based upon the review of the contractor's bid proposal. The amount of the Road Impact Fees collected for this project was $22,813.67. The developer has submitted an invoice of $22,328.71 for rebuilding the portion of Columbus Street across the right-of-way between his property and the Fire Station. Staff has looked at the invoice and backup documentation provided and believes the representative cost should be $18,460.29. Staff does not agree with the price for "Removal of Existing Road & Returning to Subgrade". This is basically removing the old road and re-establishing the road subgrade elevation; no backup was provided as to the cost breakdown. Had staff been provided the costs prior to construction, staff would have had similar comments on the costs. Although staff differs lower on the cost for the road base, staff differs higher on the paving costs based upon our cost data. Issue: Approval for the City of Ocoee to reimburse Sandstone Builders, Inc. for the construction of the improvements to Columbus Street in the area of the drainage right-of-way between the Sandstone property and the Fire Station as a Road Impact Fee credit. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the reimbursement to Sandstone Builders, Inc. for the improvements to Columbus Street at the drainage right-of-way in the amount of $18,460.29 from the Road Impact Fee Account. Attachments: 1) Invoice from Sandstone Builders, Inc. 2) Staff comparison of costs Financial Impact: The reimbursement can be from the Road Impact Account as a credit. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'7 _ Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _____ Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 ~& N/A N/A N/A 2 Sandstone Builders, Inc. 9117 Brookline Drive Orlando, Florida 32819 CBC-1250028 Invoice Date Invoice # 6/4/2008 2008-026 Bill To City ofOcoee 150 N. Lakeshore Dr. Ocoee. Fl 34761-2258 Attention: David Wheeler Terms Due on receipt Description Amount Road improvement/expansion reimbursement invoice 0.00 1- Removal of existing road and returning it back to the sub-grade 9,280.00 2- Limerock 299sq. yards @ $15.95 4,769.05 3- Maintenance of traffic/specialty 355.86 4- Compaction test 161.92 5- Re-direct piping 809.76 6- Curb setting labor 1.050.00 7 - Cement for curbs 12 yard 1.440.00 8- Asphalt paving @ 1.5" 1.837.67 9- Grass 400.00 10- Surveyor 200.00 Subtotal 20304.26 Contractor fees 2.024.45 Thank you for your business. Please remit to above address. I Balance Due $22328.71 Phone # Fax# 407 -905-7858 407-905-7674 ~ . I i i I ?c lI. en w ::) ..J ~ U. o w .... ::) Q W ~ (.) U) ~ II:: I 'S J ~ ii .. .. OU~ t-&Ua ~~ z ~ ;:) (I) ~....l ~ # i u , ,~"~,~~ o 0 0 0 d d d i i 8 8 8 8 g 8 8 8 8 8 ~ i i gggggggg~ {!. ~ J ~ - ~ j l ~ t- 5 2~J .~ i II. S ~ 000 000 000 9 9 9 9 8 888 8 8 g gggggggg~ 8 , . 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J I r COMPARISON of COSTS for COLUMBUS STREET SANDSTONE OCOEE Removal of Existing Road & Returning Back to the Subgrade $9,280.00 Demolition $2,500.00 Stabilized Subgrade 327.5 SY @ $7.50/sy $2,456.25 2 Limerock 299 SY @ $15.95/sy $4,769.05 Lmerock Base 243SY @ $9.80/SY $2,341.80 3 Maintenance of Traffic/Specialty $355.86 $355.86 4 Compaction Test $161.92 $161.92 5 Re-direct Piping $809.76 $809.76 6 Curb Setting Labor $1,050.00 7 Cement for Curbs 12 yds $1,440.00 Curb 197.5 LF@ $11.90/lf $2,350.25 8 Asphalt Paving @ 1.5 inches $1,837.67 Asphalt Paving 243SY @ $20.00/sy $4,860.00 9 Grass $400.00 $400.00 10 Surveyor $200.00 $200.00 Subtotal $20,304.26 $16,435.84 Contractor Fees $2,024.45 $2,024.45 TOTAL $22,328.71 $18,460.29 An independent take-off of the quantities for the construction of the Columbus Street extension was conducted along with a site visit to verify the final roadway dimensions. The foIIowing is a list of the quantities used in establishing an independent cost estimate of the improvements: Stabilized Sub-base Limerock Base Asphalt pavement Curb (special-miami) 327.5 S.Y. 62.9 C.Y. 22.3 Tons 197.5 L.F. (243 S.Y.) (243 S.Y.) Referenced the FDOT Statewide Average Cost of Construction, Mar 08 - Aug 08 and local contractor pricing on other development projects.