HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-03-1929 , I. . . . CITY OF OCOEE GOO~ OHUROHES HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAKES TWO RAILROADS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVES PURE W ATElR PAVED STR'FlWTS .-STRONG BANK ~ IN TilE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY. FLORIDA.. MHTUTES OF' A REGULAR rvmETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HELD JUNE 3rd, 1929. Meeting called to with the following following absent: rarshal present. order by President of the Council, J. J. Robertson, members present: R. D. Slone and L. C. Bobo. The J. II,". Argo and C. F. Fain. Mayor, Clerk and Ninutes read and approved (exception of one bill due to L. C. Windham ~2.50 which had not been paid, Clerk thinking that it was intended )to be ~~edited on wat~r account. Hoyle Pounds bill for second h8.l1d water pipe was discussed, and it was decided to ask ~:r. Pounds to be present at the next regulB..!' meet.;.. ing, namely: June 17th, at which time this n'stter would be closed up definitely. Also the bill of ~::40. for rnE'dical attention. Varshal reported that water had been cu~ off from Ocoee High School Buildings. J. I;. Grafton bilJ wa s brought up, and Fayor was r'eque sted to look into the matter .and report on same. FIB.. Pub Ser Co. repre sentative had been out to as to seemingly excessive charges for prunping. that he could not get into punip house, nor find time, the matter was left open. confer with Council ~ving to the fact the larshal at that ~,. Mr. Wolking, Atty. was present and suggested Re-Funding Bonds to take care of irrmJediate obligations. After some discussion, Council decided to meet June 4th, 7:30 P. M. for the purpose of going into this matter, and deciding whethe:r:' they would issue any more bonds. Clerk to advise ~r. Wolking of the result of this meeting. nle following bills were read and ordered paid: Fla. Pub Ser Co., St. Lights 4/30 to 5/3lst--29, L. C. Windham, Work on Sts. witp truck, see minutes of previous meeting on this item, R. C. Bigelow, Salary for Way, (Clerk, Tax Collecter, Etc.) W. T. Bracewell, Salary for ~ay (Marshal) 45.92 y(, 2 . 5 0 /. 25.00 ~. 85.00 v: There being no further business, upon motion, the meeting adjourned at IO:30 o'clock. ~~If:!:/:::' ~ Att~et: . y Clerk , V'-- J\'ayor was requested to continue at no cost to the Tovm. the night watchmen by using citizens l ~ ~ .....