HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-01-1929 r\ - ~ ~... . ,. . . CITY OF OCOEE .. ... GOOD OHUROHE9 HIGH SOHOOL FINE LAB: ES TWO RAILRO....DS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE GROVlllS PURE WATER ~AVED STREETS ~T'RONG. B~NB: IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA.. MINU'rES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL; HELD JULY 1st" 1929. Called to order by President of the Council, J. J. Robertson, with J. M. Argo and R. D. Slone present. L. C. Bobo and C. F. Fain absent. Mayor, Clerk and Marshal present. Several citizens'also present.. Minutes read and approved. Petition Bank of Ocoee for an extension of 45 days in wh ich to per€ect organization plans, was read and Council authorized Clerk to sign same for City of Ocoee's Acct. Hoyle Pounds was present in re his bill against City for used pipe, but owing to insufficient data Council deferred action on this matter. Mr. Slone suggested that Council take action to immediately relieve the property owners on Lakeshore Drive of one third of the paving assessment, placing this amount back on the tax payers as a whole, which woudd amount to about ~39,000. After discussion for and against, it was voted to proceed with the suits on this road for paving, es- pecially the Helms Property and see if the assessment will stand. J. iv1. Argo moved and. it was carried that the roads in Ocoe6 be mowed ~' with a IDQwing machine, and bill rendered promptly. J. M. Argo moved and it was carried that Council dispense with ser- vices of a Marshal-to take effect July 3rd, on the grounds of economy, and in this connection Council instructed Clerk not to issue pay check to Marshal until t~e records were satisfactory to Council and t!layor. Council voted to hire L. C. Windham to pump water and collect water rent promptly and look after pumping machinery, at the sum of $20. per month. Kr. Windham to be SWOrn in as a Special Officer and to be subject to call in case of disorder. For all arrests where a con- ,,' viction is secured, the City agree s to pay him a fee of $2. / It was voted to have Clerk make up Tax Roll for 1929 on a basis.of 50% of the present valuation. Also to post notices to the tax payers < of Ocoee that on the night of August 1st, 1929, there would be a ,0' -' -... Special Meeting of Council to hear complaints and make adjustment~ as t-o taxe s for said year. . . . "" R. C. Bigelow applied to Council for permission to dismantle and move old building at N. W. Corner of Oakland and Bluford Aves. Council said they had no jurisdiction in the matter, but could see no ob,je'c- ~ion to this work. .; Over. J . -- .~ .' CJ . .. . .. . ~~ . Co~mittee reported that they called on Yr. R. F. Maguire to see what ~ his charges would be to defend the City in Suit of a group of cit- '~ izens to have their farm lands released from Corporate Limits. His figures were ~~500. to ~~1,000. for action in Circuit Court only. Mr. . Ackerman made price of ;i~200. for smr..e service. Same com.mitee, consisting of },~ayor and J. r:. Argo and R. D. Slone instructed to proceed along lines and"with the attorney they ~on~idered best.un~er all conditions. . The following bills were read and ordered paid: ee, e, A.J~dk4C <,v - vr~~-r r;;}L,.~ f!,/v' ri-v ~~/ .---! t:) 0 -.::/ cl-~,(}#-J-,SU';~- ~kt~l/I-~/9.4'rlf) - . ~7,ro~- II II If II -~, ;e/;. '1/ U If J4 .~/ . liS 0 V. . '1~' y/ It 1(. I, 'f -8J.. 1/ ~"? 1;-~:J.7- _Jf.@~~ 1{c. ~ ~~. ~~/ ~~/?~9 ~ 'A' Zv, ~ c>~' J'1--' :b." &f *1 hr,aU,t~~J}/triL1..t,h~~~~~~~~..J;__?1. Iv ,$~.wy(. - /h'rl( 4?1A/ ~ - ~A-:u - ;9.90 V f> ~ /fr,J; ~~f.,tU!'l~1l1fi~rd~ iH'r~/1:?r r;1,gj~ !Iirt~~ - ~.s-.~~v / 'I ~~~:: J-.f!,;v . fi',~~ ~eJg~ / ed Clerk and one member of said Council to take cer- and go ~o see all delinquent tax payers and special paving, and call their attention to the vital impor- up. J..J. Robert son and R. C. Bigelow to go around r. ~~ Counci reque s tain ys each, asse sments, for "ta e of paying o July 2nd. There b.o:;ing 10:40 P. no further 1,/ busine ss, upon motion, the mee,ting adjourned .... Atte st: . ..- . . , ); Sf. ~ JJ '-;--, lJJr: t: r!. tJ~L~r:o~~ . ftHGt!l7h,;4~/fif- ~ ':>1::::~/ ~ f::L:;:/~w I A :? r,;- V !J::!;'l 'lq;j V't/N-U-t .'iLLe ~ # - .cr~ ('!!if):./<J: t2.wA~~ ~/thI:-~ 3,7r t/' w?J.7E. V ~~ 7- z- -~r . · ~,oo;:./ ~~ -. r ~ ..