HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-15-1929 --~---- ... Aol-" ... -~- ~. ----'.-. ~ -- ...... --._~ .,\, .~ '-. ' ~ , "\ "" \. I. ' . , GOol') OHURO.ESI HIGH ~~HOO., Jtt." " FINE LAKES ,}."-5' .~, . T'VO RAILROADS . ( / i '~.~~ t - , ., . ., CITY OF OCOEE ~ -;, '"' , BEAUTlFuL ORANGE GROVES PURE vy ATER PAVED STREETS STRONG BANK IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA.. .... - r~, INUTES j. OF A REGULAR MEEr:L1ING OF THJi: CITY COUNCIL, HEW JULY 15th, 1929. .J.. " ~ ~...~ ~".---_...." " Called to order by President of the Council, J. J. Robertson with all members present, except L. C. Bobo and C. F. Fain. 1v1ayor and ~ Clerk present. I\ inute s l'ead and approved. r:r. Bobo on leaving for his Ohio Home announced hi s re signat ion fl'orn the Council, ~nd the vacancy not having been ,filled up to this date, upon motion of R. D. Slone, seconded by J. ~\. Argo and cprried, lor. J. Z. Eckles was 'elected to fiJl the unexpired term of N:r. Bobo, and ~wa2' dl1ly sv.,rorn in by the J'ayor and took his seat in the Council. Clerk requested to write C F Fain and ask him if he is returning to Ccore soon, and if not, if it will meet with his approval to fill his place with sO!:Je other c i tizGn. Letter \"I1'i tten by the Clerk to Fr. Linds(~y in Y'e money due Aug. 1st, v1as read and approved by Council, and ordered mailed. Clerk authorized to send in check for interest--.,"l,620.--provided r:r. Lindsey would . agree not to charge us a bonus on carl'Ying the ~;6, 000. due for bonds -~ Aug. lst, over until we can arrange to pay SffiOO. If he woule not tr- do this ~ree, then report to Council and they will decide what to do under the circunlstance s . I, ayor was instructed to see that r.:arshal gathered up all tools, ,and also inspect fire truck and keep san~ in order. (J. iii. Argo' reported that A. ~<. Clarke of Ocoee Realty Co. (I\larion I ~~rk) offered to let the City have their office for city purposes provided Council \"ould exempt it fror.l City Tax from this time on. It was voted to accept this proposition and committee of J .~,. Argo and J. Z. Eckle s was appointed to car'ry out the details of the trans- ~ ~:tion fora period of one ye ar. This al'rangement to take effec t Aug. ~t, 1929. Voted to have same committee go to see Iv-r. Westbrook and get his wx - I written opinion as to whether the City could collect the two-thirds /.j~ assessed for paving on Lake Shore Drive and Orlando st. ~n view of the fact that the Council had agreed to take a~other office II ~ i.oodllkl ways f~ om the -;;re sen!rr Cl~ r~.' s r~m~he ~ ~~e;: r;; q~e s i~d . - h. ~ouncil to accept his resignation, effective not later than Aug. 1st. ~~ Over. L ~ -- ~j - \ if ." .... .. . . \;.< ... . "" ,~ The followin~ bills were read and or-dAred paid: ..- ~ tf2.~ / 9, /; 0 /' Xe 01: . 1,00 / y11~ ,7r~ .~~~-j()-HJ(~Si;;-, . -ffJJ-.' ~- ~I-r; rP,;p.~ 1U- @tv.(JJ4&-r. ~~ O~~ tr1?0 I; II 1-1. 1.1 - '1:' ;ea-. i II ~@;d?~-~~v ) There be ing no further busin" ss, the meeting adJ ourned at 11 :20 P. In. Clprk. 8rd~ r'ji~. President. ~./ Attest: . ... - ~~ ~ . . ~,,'~ .. - 1.- do aolea11 ..... 'bat J -Ill nppon,'l'Ot.o' aa4 cl.tnd tbe C...tltu'ln n4 OonIllMD' of ,. Unlt.. St... aa4 of tile St.,. 01 n_14a &pD.' all ...1.. 4.-"10 01' torella,_ tha , I .111 beal' ,... tal'b,lOJal" a ad allq1aDoe to ,~. .....&ad 'bat I .. ..'1'1.4 to bo~ office ".1' '... CO..'1'u'lO. : that I .111 te.1'bhllJ pel'ton all 4u'l.. of 'h. otfloe of ".bel' of the el', Coacl1 of ... C1', ot 00.. florlda,oD which I .. about '0 ..t.l', 80 help .. Oed. .... /.;:y ~ ' Oath ta.ten betore m. thl. ------4&, 01 r.;--"- 198/ .. .... -- , JlaJozo. .... "'\. '. , I ~ ~ j 1 I J ~ ..