HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1930 .... e e OITY OF OOOEE IN THE IIEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY ~ OCOEE. FLORIDA Yinutes of a regular meeting of the City Counoil held Oot.6th,I930. Ueeting called to oreder by the Pres.at8PM. All members present eoxept liZ.Eokles. Mayor Clerk abd Uarshal present. Motion J?K.Argo seoond R.D.Slone that Mayor swear in Ur.H.B.Flewelling as oounoilman to oomplete Mr.Murrays unexpired term. Bills: ~otion J.U.Argo seoond R.D.Slone pay fottowing, Ford,Sims,ftobberson,Winter Garden Lbr.Co. Communications; Letter of resignation from Mr.Eclkee r~ad. Motion Argo eeoond Slone aooept resignation. Letter from Mr.Robinson read. Motion Argo second Slone instruct Ur.Murray and Ur.Robberson go to Orlando and meet with County Commissioners regarding road. lteports; None. Unfinished business; Motion Argo second Slone adopt ordinance number eight(8). Registaation book revised and attached namee ordered strioken. Motion Argo seoond Sloneinstruot Clerk get oerttfied list of voters .. from Ur.Tuoker. New business; Motion Argo seoond Slone that permisSion be granted Woman's Club to hold Halloween carnival. There being no further businees the Council adjourned at 9.45PU. Immediately reconvened as delinquent tax adjustment board. Motion Argo ...swi seoond Slone have Clerk advise Armour and Co., and J.C.Troeger,50 per cent adjustment Will be mads on taxes prior 0\, , Clerk. Adjourned 10.00PU. fir;- ;? ~~1 President. .. . . . OITY OF OOOEE IN THE IIEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY ~ OCOEE. FLORIDA !he rollowlal name. haTe been o~ered strloken from the reglstrat10n bOok'of the Clty Of Oooee.fl.. B.f.Eeaty.' F.I,.2&nle,,\.' D.!.Ea%tlett. 1.0. Bal1ey, B.I.hl_g. IIr..B.E.hl_g. I.L.G%lffl_. Mr..E.L.Grlffla. I...G1'&T..~ C.V.BoY8y. J..1.Baye.. 1Ir..D.B.Bealey. J. B. Helm... L.J.J.ok.oa, Kr....J.Jac.k.on. J.P.. Jor4.&I1, ~. E...Tolm'OD, . B.E. Xell, , J.J.ElrtlaRd, KrI.J.J.l1rkland, Kr..J..K.J[1nor, J.I.llorgu, I..1.Koore, IIr... ..1.Ko ore. Il.J ._111..p, i.J.KoLeod. . Kr..Tannle KoLeod. p.J.le., IIrs.P.J.!... r.D....by, C.H.Panl.h, \. V.l.beTe., J.V.!ay. E.p.l!eynolda, H.P.l!obb1.., Il.B.Seega%. 1Ir1. !.J .sa.nder... John.a.Shaw. C.M.Sllgh, L.B.Shellhouse, lIre.L.H.Shellhou.., Stall1ey !aylor~ J.B.!.yloJ:, lIra.J.H.!aylor, !alph 'aylor, Mr..Ralph Taylor, P.E.'hrlgg., G..l....hburB, IIr..C..l..a.hbura, J.E.Yblttater, D.S.Wat.on, IIra.D.S....tson, S.Il.Iat.on, John Witty, B.L. Yarborough. It.A.Sia. , Clty Clerk. .. e _ OITY OF OOOEE IN THE IIEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY ~ OCOEE. FLORIDA 1 ,,-- .J... . r I ... 3 . ,p. f 1 '1 I f 4.' ~,.1 n .. ~ , "'i' · t fl'l '.' ,.. I, t I · t t r .r 'J. , n ~. I 6:J ~ .. I"t ,,' -n. ,. ~ ... t . ,,,,,,/ J.t ( j i ' ro' ~ ;-. ... ), :; I " .. 01... f,'~i')' n 11' t;l' 'd\l.t'~ui;1on: ~ "t 1 -'ill" 11'1 'u'llv, 'rf( r' ) ~ d' "\~ '" t h'1 o'.r:\. fJ'" of ... btlr (. "} h" ~o1t V ('rlt'" 01) r t"", ('it .. . ":)(,)'l'l "'1 rl " "l~C I ~ c,o' t to ") tor ,'1'0 ,"'1 ('0 ~l -, . Ti' 'to ~\ 11 ' ,I) f ( l' ~ 0" t 1 . ..,h;.Il_QY~~~-r -_~--___ --- ....i l' -C!i.d:~--I3 . ~ '. E-C-~-.._----- . .. ,