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. ~ /l . 1-- ~I {ft. ~ ~..ft"" f11e nOti"" . #. -o-t/ of .., i1lta'1oi1 to ..~k otftM ot- ~/V"V ~ . or 'hft Clty of Ooo..,'1~..eab'8c' tn 'h4 <<111 of 'ho yot"rll <if, 'r..a C1'1 neotloft '0 M bald loy..,atMtr "'h,1930. .,- - t, --:-~ ~ .< t.. ;i:t,: ~ , ' "J.. <. ,-~ - '" ~ ~.?" .,. r '" ~ . . l '.I- ~ ,~ ~~ ----- - -- :'4 i ~ ",':! ~~ E, J<l: .~ '~ I ~1 , J ,.;-:.J (. ,. :f J .~ c;l./~ ~l/ ~~/. ~ ~ 81_84-/ [1- II ~ . v v , -~ .. ,. .' .~. ,'. ;y/' _1'~1It~-< ..,;~. ~ 1" ~~~. . "'!:""'#o.........~ l .";,.\'-,~~_. ~~_ _c.~ ~ _. .. .' .... u.-:.. ~'~II$\- '"-"', ~:...- :#' ~,:-., t, ,}...~ ~ '1" ".11>' ~~ - \ ....~......~ . " ., " I ..... ~ :- i- {f/v1M.-~ hueby file hUce ot ay 1~t..t10D to ~eek ottloe ot- f~"~ of "he 01"1 of 00." ,r1&~ ,.eubj eo" to the .111 ef "he Tot sr. at "he 01 t1 l1eot 10n to be la.lei IOTe.be~ 'th,I930. .' L Slpe'" t,e. ()r~~' ~. (~l~ :y. ... "'-'..,.. ..~~ ~.. F" ~ , ,.- ;- '''','J- it / .; "" ""- .,,' .'~' ,. 'L {~ .:$;.~~; "~-~-. .~~-~~~~~:_~, '~ ~~ ~..f,t. . '""'~':~..{o~'-:. '!': ';}jt .~.:.... ':t"'<~.. ,-,."'~..,~'- , ' . ,,":-"<,~j!"'''''''' . . j.~" '>'~ ~7' ~: ~... ~,,-:--* ~!.: ,- ~'''.. - :..~'it:":f if<.,..~.,.. - ~j(.r', ~~ ~..;.;, ,t- it. ~~', - ~: ,,' :..,.i~ ..~ ~ ,~ ,", (,;~ J - 1- .If tJ .1~"""l"'. ......\1)' tU. UUO. .t ., 1.,..'loa ,. ...t .ttl.. ot-- i?v:-1.A..A.-c.;j"7?~ of 'h. C1', of ooo...rla....bj.o' t. 'he wl11 et th. yene... at tu C1', n.o'l.. 'e lie Ileltl ..Ye.__~ .'b.II30. & ~: '. ..... -, F.;2i. , ~,-- e.: ~. ~, ...r..~: l~'" I..,", ~ ~;..~; . ~.'....,'- ., ~2-<~ "" ~ ~ 11pe4- , , AI, /), ~~. t7 ~ ~ ~ "..->0 r t r . .' 0:. , ~ ~ ~--- ~ .,. .~; , " "'I .'J "!>" ~ ~.> , ~ - ' """.., ,:.,,' '.'r~~ v. _:;~:...~ '":. >- Co ' ~.~',,;...' ..,.... ......iitl. .- ":.' .~...'~ '"-,''' .... -" .<-. ~ ..;--. .. ~. .~.~~.~~~~~*~~?'~~:.>-~- ~-~~~!...~ :... , . . l....;r . ~. r.' . . " ., r' Ii. I, P/": }J~A . 1-- \. ~ ' I'fiO horeby fl1e no~ico of tcy 1ntont1on to .o~ll: o1'fioe 01'- )71~--aV of .the C~,ty cd ')c~(lOttJ'B'J't.,at.\I'\~6ot to ttl(~ w:Dl > ",... ,~ ;~, -+ of th~ voter_ n~ thu C1t, ~)ootlo~ to be h~l~ ~'Jvowbe.t 4tt tl, 1 ~~)Q. ';.J ~ {(~;>- '. _ii:-. .I S1t\llQl.t- ~ .-1"'.' '-'.:;.;. F'. ....- ... ..... iL:~ ~... ~, r I ~1ir . ~ ~.. i!fi 'r" ',' -, ...'. ~'" . ~~>s.:~ ~ * I ~d:" .. \.;' -, I , _ .- ;::~~~ .~>~ --"~~?fJ;1~--;-~s~'-~~,;~:/;:,~,-~,~ :.,:;.~"': .;;;. '" ",...~jt ~~:~ . ',':'lI,' ,: ',p , .1 \1 .-.i ~ .~ ,~ ~ .. " ., ..; "~ , ,.i- " ~ ,/~.- .; ~ !ft :. :sl .~ :~ 'ilI.C .. ::."~~~'" ~~f(;/,J':~.;..,.~_' . ~ . - ~ .., ~ ~,~::T'S ----:'1_.A~~T"P . . ;-Of .i. - ., 'i; 1-- 'A Jh tiJvtd/,o t [I ~ - be.-by til. uotlo. lcto'lQ.!l ,. ...11. ottlo. of-- ~~ -n~(...../' .~. Oi;Y :..):., ~': ~f of' c7 ~\ r:. e( of 'he Cl~y of 04...,'1~.."bj.o' ~o 'b. ~111 of 'he Yot~T. .t ,be Cl', Elao'lon ,. b. ~.ld l!o~(Ja:.M!' '\h,19:1O. ~ .';.4, it. " '" ~, (i' f ::'1 81.."'- 1)1-1( Q to 1 ..1 ';2 .i ~.~ 1 '!J ~ " " ~' L<. ~ '~ ~ oJ). ~~ 'f " ~.'"" '. -.,..; '. \; ~ , >-< "" :~ ~. .. < ; , ,/' . .._'~~~. - ~,.~;;'>...:~...,~: ." ~ ~;;-E' .~~~>:}.~~, .;':"':i~'. ".' .". .if.......;, '\ ''''..;...i.:..i.. -A..J,,, ,.c;;~'C-"_ . ..,\. ~ '.. <:~ . .e e OITY OF OOOEE IN THE HEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY .~ I" ~. OCOEE.FLORIDA 7'-:t~.ia,( e~'-r fjL.. cf ~-a;!~ '~ /rcrV j,L.-I/~ J tJ - , . ; r Y}Jtvl~ ~ -;:: a, TFf/~ ~~Lm~~.. -..----.. . ...3.1-:- jp-'t, ~e~I4_I'r.w~PI/~~~~~WL_-..--- - ~Jt- f,1r. tJh 10 ~ ~ ~ll\:\\\.\\.~_..-'- - - -' ~~ .. J.!.j3. U.J:b- ~mt~\.\\\-_._---~-7..- ~~. W~IJ-WL ~~\lfulL_- ..~. "* .. /",-. .- ill ~ .~~ e e OITY OF OOOEE II' IN THE HEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY ~ OCOEE. FLORIDA Minutee of a sp~oial meeting of the Oity Council held Nov.4th,I9~ Meeting oalled to order by the Pres at 7.30 pm. All members present exoept Slone. Meeting oalled for the purpose of oanvaesing vote. Motion Argo seoond Flewelling aocept repo~t of inspectors and olerk and confirm same. Those eleoted were as follows; For Mayor,for unexpired term of one year, E.A.Jlurray, For oounoilmen fro ter~ of two year8, J.J.Robber8on, J.M.Argo. For Counoilmen for unexpired term of one year, R.B.Flewelling, L.O.Windham. l f Original report of inspector. and olerk is next attaohed .., and forms a part of these minutes. There being n~ further business the Counoil adjourned at &pm. f. 't,\ "fr- {? L-~ 0J VreSldent. & . I ~ ' -\. , . I L