HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-1931 SS ,.- ,- /~' ... 1 I ~ ." . . CITY OF OCOEE IN THE IIEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY ~ OCOEE. FLORIDA Minutes of a speoial meeting of. the City Counoil held Mar. 4,1931. t:;; Meeting oalled to order by the Pres.at 8pm. All members present except Slone and Win~ham.Mayor absent, clerk and marshal present. Meeting called to oonsider bias for construotion of city jail and pump house. Motion Flewelling seoond Argo rejeot Mr.Reltz bid and advertise for further bids. '~City alerk. l ?-t&!t: ~~\. .'- ... r ~ .. -l,. e e CITY OF OCOEE ... IN THE IIEART OF ORANGE OOUNTY ~ OCOEE. FLORIDA llO'J'ICE '1'0 THE PUBLIC. .. The City Oounoil of the Oity ot Oooee,Florida,by virtue of their powere,under the City Charter ot the City of Oooee,Florida,and the Florida Statute.; hereby inYite prop08all,t~r the building ot:- A oombined Clty 3ail and pump houee. Drawings,specltioatloDe and other information may be procured trom the oftioe ot the City Clerk,of the C1t1 of Oooe.,Florida,on and after Uonday,Maroh 9tb,I93I. All bid. on on above buil'ing,mult be 8ubmitted to the otf1oe of the City Clerk,of the City of Oooee~Florlda, on or before Maroh I6th,I93I. The oompetenoy and reeponslbl1ity of bidderl and of propoled 8ub-oontraotora,will be oonoidered in ~king the award. Bidders should oarefully exam1ne the drawings and Ipeo1- fioat10ns,ot laid bullding,and shall inolude in their proposal,s. Gum to oover the C081i ot a.ll items inoluded in the oontraot. The City of Oooee,Floriaa,reaerveo the right to rejeot any and all b1de. The suooessful bidder to give to City Clerk,a oertified oheck amounting to ten per oent(IO%> or the amount of the bid,as an' evidenoe ot good fa1th,and this amount 10 the measure of 11quidated damages,wh1oh the City cf Ocoee, Florida,will sustain by failure of the suooeaaful bidder to oomplete the oontr..ot~tt".p;, II \. 1J-?1'4~ R.A.81ms, C1 ty Clerk. ~